Tomaszewski Family's Links of Interest

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In no particular order

Probably the best general science magazine available: Scientific American

A truely great, commercial free, independent, public radio station - and on the Web too: WYCE-FM

At the tone the time will be: Accurate Time or Close, but a lot more fun, Time

Everything you ever wanted to know about time: Horology

You've got to try this one and see if you can figure it out: Web Magic

Great Lawer Jokes, and probably the best self-help Legal site on the WWW: Nolo

A collection of links about Foster Care in case you would like to find out more:
National Foster Parents Association
Parenting Special Needs Children - References at
Support Groups for Parents - References at

Our First Choice for a search engine: Alta Vista

Our Second Choice for a search engine: Dogpile

A great search engine from down under: AAA Matilda United States

The first search engine to confirm they would visit our site: whatUseek

Then all the search engines moved back one place when Google appeared.

A daily fix of science: Earth and Sky
and our small contribution to science (check the listener comments): Parasitic Bugs

What does your phone number spell: Call me at...

Science for Fun: The Ig Nobel Awards, but every award makes you THINK.

Do you have a question about: Copyrights

Do you need to translate some text or a web page?:

An interesting collection of places to visit: Web Machines and cameras

Reference Sources for Children's Librarians: Check it out

What kind of computer would you like your Macintosh to be today? Emulators

Someone had too much time on their hands...but its fun to: Hampster Dance or visit the Japan Hampster's Friends Association

A useful way to look something up: Info Please

Dynamic Web Pages: Matt's Perl CGI Scripts

Round-About Facts: Pi

Find the details about a word:
World Wide Words

A message from Fr. Charles Antekeier who retired from our Parish, St. Francis Xavier Church, which is now a Shrine.

A great, safe, family oriented, ISP: AFO

Some URLs are too long to send in an email because they wrap, so you need to: make a shorter link

If you need some PUNishment: Pun American Newsletter (Jest For Fun)

The world's smallest web server (in order found):

A great demonstration of imbedded processor technology from Pharlap
Another demonstration from Stanford running Linux

Sometimes you need to use: Power Tools

Is the story in your forwarded Email really true? Urban Legends
And find out if that virus threat in your email is real: Virus hoaxes
Debunking frauds: James Randi
Another great place to check for truth (or a good laugh): Junk Science
Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims Of the Paranormal: CSICOP
The Skeptics' Society has a newsletter: Skeptic
These folks handle hoaxes as a sideline: Virus Busters
They have some good references to hoaxes that are not security related too: The Security Hoax FAQ
A great resource with a currently circulating page of urban legends: The San Francisco Urban Legend Society
Their name says it all:
Some suggestions on how to stop SPAMM (and even more resources): Junk Email

A very useful reference site: RC Net - A Catholic Network

Michigan Technological University: MTU

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Stargazing

Make your own telescope: Glass Pushers

Exotic Plant and Garden Seed Catalog: Grow something unusual

Great cleaning products and more: Business opportunity

Source code examples for more computer languages than you knew existed: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Get a screen saver to help with a distributed computing project: SETI Search

Great source for home science, science fairs, and some real research projects: The Society of Amateur Scientists

An organized sampling of our World: The Degree Confluence Project -- but take time go go beyond the pictures as this is a great source of information about our World.

The World FactBook: with an incredable depth of details about our World

A guide to pronouncing new scientific terms: Speak To Me

Andy and Norma, and now Kalinda, attend(ed) the oldest co-educational private high school in the United States: Catholic Central High School

You need to know something about optics to make a telescope: optics URLs

A great source for Macintosh shareware and commercial applications: The Mac Orchard - Email Applications

Good advice for setting up a Macintosh server: Small Server Project for Macintosh
And even more advice: Macintosh and Webstar Stuff

A good place to get support for Macintosh software problems: Apple - MacOS Discussion Forum

What's the latest software upgrade you need to get? Version Tracker

News for Nerds: SlashDot

A daily comic strip for Geeks: User Friendly with some great links.

If you want to win a million dollars: Solve one of these Math problems

Are you lost?: AltaVista Maps

Take a trip:

Or find driving instructions: MapQuest

Do you like to play games?:

Find your roots:
US GenWeb Project
Bureau of Land Management
Christine's Genealogy Website
The Intl. Assoc. of Jewish Genealogical Societies
Karen's Genealogy Center
The UK & Ireland Genealogical Information Service
A Surname Homepages Listing Service
And Don't Miss Family Search

Everything you ever wanted to know about lasers, including how to make your own: Sam's Laser FAQ

Take a trip on Web66: Macintosh Internet Server Cookbook
The project ended in 2003, but it produced some great results and documentation. If you use the Way Back Machine at to search for you can still see these pages. And if you don't know about the Internet Archive, bookmark the page when you visit.

But if you would rather see the sights by car, check out: Roadside America

We have converted several of these scripts to run on MacPerl: Matt's Script Archive

Explore the universe, from large to small : Powers of Ten, and find out more about units of measure

An interesting source for script knowledge, and the first we found: Selena Sol: Digital Souls

Another source for script knowledge: Perl reference materials

More info on running your own Macintosh server: Webstar and HTML Development References

And even more: ARC Internet Apple Software Index

If you want to cross the line, or protect yourself: Snap!:Computing & Internet:Internet:Net Culture:Hacking & Cracking

Another server source: How To Set Up A Mac Web Server

Can you screw in a light bulb?: AAA Joke Server - Random Light Bulb Joke

More light bulb jokes: Yorksite's Light Bulb Joke Compendium

Find a baby name: Almost 1/2 million names

DSL is Great!: Keep up on what's happening with DSL

Review the specifications for Email: Email protocol RFCs

Our local weather: Intellicast - Grand Rapids Radar Image

We think our house is more than a century old: and we've found out some of its history

Interesting tips for Webmasters: The WebSite Journal

A good online service from Australia: Matilda

And some great FTP software: Anarchie

Another search engine that confirmed finding us:

A useful, but experimental, search engine: Library of Congress

The Computer Museum: Older computers

A collection of links to help make your web pages better:
Rob Schluter's HTML Tag List
HTML Tricks
HTML Help by The Web Design Group
Internet Resources from Link Exchange
A Full Service Website
One Stop Shop for Servicing Your Web Site
Web Page Validation Service
HTML, CGI and more for the Webmaster
Free Web Art
Guide to Image Composition
The best colors to use and a color chart
Color Tutorial
Netscape Color Tables

Linux Resources (Everyone)
Linux World (Advanced)

If you are into the web and like Dilbert as an Engineer, you'll love what happens at an ISP called Columbia: The Daily Static and good links at

The Grand Rapids Lip Dub: See Grand Rapids at its best

The American Radio Relay League: Ham Radio

A great collection of books you can download: Project Gutengerg

A wonderful resource of lost knowledge: can be found in the archives

Natural Family Planning: The Couple to Couple League

If you have an aquarium you should check out these sites:
Fish Link Central
Fishkeeping ListServers
North American Native Fishes Association
American Cichlid Association
International Fancy Guppy Association
American Killfish Association
American Livebearers Association

If you need to find a classic reference book try: Out of Print Books or Independent Bookstores

HTML Tutorials:

Return to The Tomaszewski Family Public Home Page or check out our collection of links for rockhounds.

Construction Zone

You need a hard hat or a thick skull to go beyond here because nothing's working yet.

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