Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club
of Wyoming, Michigan

 The Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan. Its objective is to develop and encourage interest in, and to further the study of minerals, gems, fossils, rocks, the lapidary arts, and earth science. The club will provide, specimens and speakers to those interested.






Section 1. Any person of good character who is interested in the objectives of this Club is eligible for membership , and may become a regular member on payment of the dues as determined in the bylaws.


Section 2. Any person of acknowledged standing as a mineralogist, geologist, craftsman or collector who has rendered outstanding service to the Club may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the regular members present at a scheduled meeting.


Section 3. A Life Member is a member who through his service and commitment to the Club has been selected by the membership to be a Life Member. A Life Member has all the privileges and responsibilities of membership with the exception of paying dues.


An Inactive Life Member is a Life Member who due to age, infirmity, or relocation is unable to participate in Club activities yet wishes to continue to be part of the club


Section 4. Any person between 10 and 17 years of age inclusive may become a junior member, provided an adult member sponsors them.


Section 5. A parent, or other adult selected by the parent must accompany all minors on any field trip.


Section 6. No member or officer shall receive compensation for his or her services.







Section 1. The annual meeting shall be held the third Tuesday of November, or as determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 2. The regular meetings of this Club shall be held the third Tuesday of each month, September through May.


Section 3. Field Trips shall be scheduled at such times and places as the Club members may determine.


Section 4. Special meetings may be called during the summer, or at other times at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Section 5. Written or oral notice of regular meetings shall be given to the members a reasonable time in advance . All members shall be notified by mail or E-mail sent at least 10 days prior to the date of a special meeting stating the purpose, date and time of the meeting.


Section 6. The board meetings of this club shall normally be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, August through April.






Section 1. The Board shall set dues as it deems necessary. The dues structure shall be printed in the club bulletin as part of the club information page.                                                                                     


Section 2. All membership dues are payable by the third Tuesday of September. Members who have not paid their dues by the third Tuesday in December shall be dropped from the membership roll. They may be reinstated upon receipt of the dues.


Section 3. Any new member joining at the annual show, or anytime later in the year, shall pay one half of the yearly dues.


Section 4. The Club's fiscal year is January 1 to December 31.







Section 1. The Board shall be comprised of the following officers elected by the regular members of the Club present at the Annual meeting: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fieldtrip Chairperson, Librarian, and two Board members. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall comprise the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have exclusive voting rights on corporate matters. Corporate matters are defined as having the nature of or acting by means of a corporation.


 The President may appoint to the Board, with the Board's approval, persons serving in the following capacities; Liaison Officer, Bulletin Editor, Sunshine, Historian, Kitchen/ Hostess (Courtesy), Membership, Monthly Meeting Publicity, Show Committee

Chairperson, Show Dealer Chairperson, and Show Publicity Chairperson. The immediate past president shall also be a Board member. These Board members along with the elected Board members shall have voting rights on all Club matters brought before the Board. The Show Committee Chairperson shall have the right to vote on corporate matters that relate to the annual show. Formal meetings of these Board members shall be called Board meetings.


A simple majority of the Board members present at a Board meeting, meeting the requirement of Article IV, section 1 shall decide any issue before the Board with the exception of financial matters where a two-thirds majority of those present shall be required.


Section 2. Officers shall be elected by the regular members present at the Annual Meeting for a one-year term. The nominees for President must have served at least one term on the Board.


Section 3. Club members may, at any meeting called for that purpose, remove any officer from office by a two- thirds majority of the members present.


Section 4. Any vacancy occurring among the officers shall be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment made by the Executive Committee.


Section 5. The President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club. He/she shall be subject to the direction of, and under the supervision of the members. He/she shall have general charge of the business affairs and property of the Club and the control over its officers, agents and employees. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the membership at which he/she is present. He/she shall perform such other duties and may exercise such other powers as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by these bylaws. He/she shall also be an ex officio member of all standing committees, and at the expiration of his/her term of office shall serve on the Board as Immediate Past-President until replaced by his/her successor.    


Section 6. The Vice President. At the request of the President, or in the event of his/her absence or disability, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions placed upon the President. He/she shall also serve as program chairperson.


Section 7. The Secretary. The Secretary shall: (A) record all the proceedings of the Club in The Minutes Book, to be kept for that purpose, and (B) have charge and possession of such book in which the minutes are recorded. The Book shall be kept in order and available to the Club officers and members. (C) He/she shall see that all books, reports, statements, certificates, other documents and records as required by law or the Bylaws are kept or filed. (D) He/she shall carry on Club correspondence. (E ) He/she shall be in charge of the safe deposit box, or assign it to another member upon the approval of the Executive Committee.      


Section 8. The Treasurer. The treasurer shall: (A) have supervision over the funds, securities, receipts and disbursements of the Club and collect all dues; (B) cause all moneys and other valuable effects of the Club to be deposited in its name in such depository as shall be selected by the officers, or pursuant to authority conferred by the officers, as shall be convenient to the Treasurer; (C) cause the funds of the Club to be disbursed by check or draft upon the authorized depositories of the Club when such have been duly authorized by the Board members; (D) take and preserve proper vouchers for all the money disbursed; (E) keep correct books of account of all business and transactions; (F) render to the President or officers, whenever requested, an account of the financial condition of the Club and his/her transactions as Treasurer, and prepare a financial statement to be presented at the Board meeting, and for publication to the membership.       


Section 9. Field Trip Chairperson. The Field Trip Chairperson shall arrange and conduct all field trips, serve as safety chairperson, report to all members safety suggestions from the Midwest Federation as well as from other sources, and perform other duties as the Board may request.


Section 10. The Historian. The Historian shall record an official history of the activities of the Club in a book kept for that purpose (special occasions, speakers, field trips, pictures, fines levied against or for the Club, etc. shall be included in this history)


Section 11. The Liaison Officer. The Liaison Officer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The Liaison Officer shall; (A) maintain a permanent mailing address for the Club; (B) receive all communications from the Midwest and American Federations of Mineral Societies and their member societies; (C) forward such

communications to the proper officer or individual.


Section 12. The Bulletin Editor. The President with the approval of the Board shall appoint the Bulletin Editor. The Editor shall see that the Club bulletin is edited, printed and distributed to the members prior to the regular meetings.


Section 13. The Librarian. The Librarian shall have custody of such books magazines and videos as the Club may own, and record their circulation among Club members.


Section 14. Board members shall serve in various capacities as determined by the Board, which shall be responsible for conducting the business of the Club, with the best interest of the Club and the will of its members in mind.






Section 1. Nominating Committee. Duties are outlined in Article VI, Section 5 (A).


Section 2. Persons accepting nomination to an office shall not be allowed to withdraw their names from the ballot on the night of the election, or for one week prior to the election, nor shall they give any indication at the election of their reluctance to serve.


Section 3. Nominations may be made from the floor providing the nominee gives consent.


Section 4. A simple majority of those present shall constitute an election.






Section 1. The President shall appoint standing committees as soon as possible after taking office.


Section 2. Standing committees and their duties:

(A)  Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the officers of the Club. The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to prepare a budget for the Club's regular and special activities, and to devise and carry out plans for raising money to finance special activities authorized by the Club.


(B)  Membership Committee. The duties of the Membership Chairperson will be to promote and sustain membership in the Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club. The Chairperson shall be a member of the Board. The Chairperson shall maintain, with the help of the Club Treasurer, a copy of the Treasurer's official roster of all Club members, their addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, their hobby interests and other necessary directory information, which the Editor shall use to prepare the Club Directory. The Chairperson is to act as the Indian Mounds Good

                         Will Ambassador and maintain contact with club members who cannot  

                         attend meetings on a regular basis. The Chairperson shall remind the

                         members through articles in the Arrowhead News that they are to pay their

                       dues before the December 31 deadline, and tactfully contact the delinquent

                         members to ask them if they wish to be included in the Directory and  

                         maintain their membership.


(C)  Publicity Committee. The duty of the Publicity Committee shall be to

      distribute the Club's news regularly to the appropriate newspapers, radio

      and television stations, and periodicals.


(D)  Auditing Committee. The duties of the Auditing Committee shall be to

      make an annual audit of all accounts in the hands of the Treasurer and

      submit a report at the annual meeting before the official change of officers.


(E)   Hostess (Courtesy) Committee. The Hostess shall greet the visitors, supply them with a nametag , have them write their name and address in the registration book, and introduce them to the Club. The Hostess shall have the Club members sign the registration book beside a number which will be used to distribute door prizes.


(F)   Show Committee. This Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Dealer

      Chairperson, Publicity Chairperson, Display Chairperson, Demonstration

      Chairperson, General Sales Chairperson, Club Sales (donated items)

      Chairperson, and Mineral Kit Chairperson. The committee will report to

      the Club and its officers on a regular basis.


(G)  Kitchen Committee. The Chairperson is responsible for purchasing paper

      and food supplies needed to serve refreshments at the regular meetings.

      He/she shall maintain a calendar listing volunteers to bring the

      refreshments, and will assist in serving  them.


(H)  Sunshine Committee. The Chairperson is responsible for sending greeting

cards to shut-in/sick members. He/she is authorized to send/bring flowers or a fruit basket to hospitalized members. Sympathy cards and/or flowers may be sent when a member passes away, or when requested, a donation to a charity may be made.                                           


Section 5. Special committees


(A)  Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed at least four weeks in advance of the annual meeting and shall inform the candidates of Article V, Section 2. Its duties shall be to select the names of the candidates ascertained to be available for each of the elective offices and to inform the candidates of their responsibilities.


(B)  Special Activities Committee. The duties of this committee shall be: to make arrangements for special activities such as exhibits or other club activities of a public nature.


(C)  Other standing or special committees may be appointed at the discretion of the President.






Section 1. Execution of Instruments generally: All documents, instruments and writings of any nature shall be signed, executed, verified, acknowledged and delivered by such officer or such agent of the Club in such manner as the officers from time to time may determine.


Section 2. Checks, drafts, etc. All notes, drafts, acceptances, checks, endorsements and

all evidence of indebtedness of the Club whatsoever, shall be signed by such  officer or officers or such agent or agents of the Club on and in such manner as the officers from time to time determine. Endorsement for deposit to the credit of the Club in any of its duly authorized depositories shall be made in such manner as the officers from time to time may determine.


Section 3. Upon dissolution of the Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club all assets shall be distributed to an organization that qualifies within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.






Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Club

by a two-thirds majority vote of regular members present, and after the preliminary steps outlined in Section 2 of this article have been taken.


Section 2. No amendment shall be acted upon unless the proposed amendment has been read at a previous meeting and copies have been sent to all members at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be acted upon.






Simplified parliamentary procedure based on Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, © 1979 League of Women Voters of the U.S., shall be the prevailing authority for all questions of procedure at any meeting.






The Club emblem is basically a circle within a circle. In the outer circle the Club's name, Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club, is printed in black letters on a white background. The inner circle shows the upper and lower peninsulas with a blue lake and a mountain background, with a rock hammer suspended over all. Both peninsulas are in the pattern of a Petoskey Stone.




Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 12:10:17 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 17:10:17 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 668. This page was first published on 30 Dec 2003 and was last updated on Tuesday, 30-Dec-2003 23:33:08 EST.