Tomaszewski Intranet/Server Configuration

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We wired the house, and have a LAN tap in every room (or cable pulled to behind the wall, ready to install) on both floors and the basement. Talk about fun, with 500 ft of continuous run wire (six twisted pair and a coax). We then set up a private (unregistered) domain, also known as an Intranet, with full mail service for each family member, all thru one standard ISP account (with the prior approval of their Resource Management Group).

We have a Vicom Internet Gateway concentrating our activity into one user stream, and providing a DHCP Server for Ethernet connected machines, Apple Localtalk with encapsulated TCP/IP, which is how most of our machines currently talk to the Vicom Gateway, all with dial-up access on demand to our ISP, as well as being the internal Router (details below) and firewall for our Intranet. One or more HTTP Servers, the primary one being a Webstar server, exist behind the Vicom Gateway. The Vicom can also support Token Ring and Wintel machines, dial-in access, and WAN bridges, but we don't have those last two features implemented yet.

Behind the Vicom Gateway we have a DNS server (Apple MacDNS) establishing a private (unregistered) domain, "". The HTTP server, and the Email Server are defined in the DNS. The Email Server combines mail from multiple outside accounts and defines "" for clients to pick up their mail. Outbound mail normally goes thru our web site server, but clients can configure to use the internal server.

Client machine TCP/IP settings point at the internal DNS, which has our ISP's DNS defined as a host to lookup names it can't resolve, and then caches them for faster response (reducing our usage of the ISP, which they like). Client machine TCP/IP settings also point to the Vicom Gateway for Routing (and IP Server, if not manually configured because of being a server). We use the free Eudora Internet Mail Server.

The Mailtron Gateway connects to our ISP and picks up mail using our single account. Mailtron has been told it is picking up mail for domain "". Since this domain is not registered or known to the Internet, no mail can be expected from it. Name mappings for each registered user on the internal mail server have been set up so that the Gateway will recognize our individual names and forward/translate/deliver it to our internal accounts using a 'contains' rule. It helps in stopping SPAMM too.

Intranet DNS services are provided by Apple's MacDNS, Mail Server by Eudora, and Mailtron Gateway from Studiotron, are all combined with the server at running on a Quadra (with a Daystar PPC 601 Upgrade) running MacOS 8.1.

Internet Gateway (Router, Firewall, Remote Access, DHCP Server) by Vicom running on a G3 (running MacOS 8.1) supporting:
* TCP/IP Router for LocalTalk at
* TCP/IP Router for Ethernet with DHCP Server at
* Dial-in Secured PPP and Apple Remote Services waiting for serial board.
* TCP/IP Router for TokenRing connected to a 10-T/10-2 hub.

Details of the Vicom Gateway Configuration

More details of how it works

How to set up a Client workstation. We recommend Netscape 4.6 because it allows multiple people to share a machine, and they each get their own profile with unique mail and browser setups.

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