Current date and time is Thursday, 30-Jan-2025 21:23:39 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Friday, 31-Jan-2025 02:23:39 GMT. You are viewing this page from: and are visitor number 7917. This page was first published on 23 July 2000 and was last updated on Friday, 02-Sep-2022 16:53:39 EDT by Kreigh Tomaszewski.
And if you've experienced God at work in your life through our situation, would you please take a moment to let us know how? That would be a great encouragement to us and to many others. Thanks again!
Andy Tomaszewski and his dad Kreigh , our neighbors, helped design this
web site.
You can visit their family's web page,The
Tomaszewski Family Public Home Page, or Return
to RJ's Home Page.