Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club
of Wyoming, Michigan

The Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club of Wyoming, Michigan, is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan (see ByLaws). Its objective is to develop and encourage interest in, and to further the study of, minerals, gems, fossils, rocks, the lapidary arts, and earth science. We are affiliated with the Midwest and American Federations.


The 3rd Tuesday of each month (Sep-May) at 7:30 PM EST at Wesley Park United Methodist Church (Fellowship Hall in Basement), 1150 32nd St. SW (SE corner with Michael), Wyoming, MI.

The 3rd Tuesday of each month (Jun-Aug) at 6:30 PM EST at Pinery Park for a Potluck; bring a dish to pass, and your own drinks and table service. Pinery Park is north off 28th St on Dehoop, meeting is behind north parking lot on west side of street.


The Board meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month (Aug-Apr) at 7:30 PM EST (with possible holiday changes).


Family -- $15; Single -- $10; Junior -- $5

Visitors are welcome at all meetings

Annual Silent Auction

Our October meeting is always our club's silent auction. This meeting usually starts 1/2 hour early. The public is welcome to come and bid for specimens. If you want to auction items you need to bring them to this meeting with a filled out Bid Slip

More Information

Contact Don Van Dyke at or Newsletter Editor Brenda Van Dyke at

Visit our Member's Web Pages

Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 09:06:54 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 14:06:54 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 655. This page was first published on 21 Jan 2003 and was last updated on Thursday, 22-Nov-2007 21:06:54 EST.