We originally posted the Tomaszewski Family Tree as a single webpage that grew to contain over 200 printed pages. At that point we decided to restructure the page because it was getting out of hand and taking much too long to download. Part of the results from that effort follow. Should you find errors or omissions, you can still refer to the original webpage.
6432_____: Thomas Browne, Sr.. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Joan Unknown ( 6433 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6432: Thomas Browne, Sr.. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Joan Unknown ( 6433 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6306: Thomas Browne, Jr.. Born 1553 (issue of unknown ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married Joan Gabb ( 6307 ) on Dec 16, 1559 in Painswick, Gloucester, England. Died Dec 1590 at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England.
6451_____: Margaret Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married John Browne ( 6443 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6146: Peter Browne, Sr.. Born 1590 or 1596 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Emigrated on the "Mayflower" in 1620.
Married Martha Unknown ( 6299 ) in 1626.
Married Mary Unknown ( 6147 ) after 1631. Died Oct 10, 1633.
_____6146: Peter Browne, Sr.. Born 1590 or 1596 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Emigrated on the "Mayflower" in 1620.
Married Martha Unknown ( 6299 ) in 1626.
Married Mary Unknown ( 6147 ) after 1631. Died Oct 10, 1633.
_____5903: Peter Browne, Jr.. Born 1632 (issue of 6147 ) in Plymouth, MA. Married Mary Gillett ( 5904 ) on Jul 15, 1658 in Windsor, CT. Died Mar 9, 1691 or 1692 in Windsor, CT.
_____1314: John Browne. Born Jan 8, 1668 at Windsor, CT (issue of 5904 ). Married Elizabeth Loomis ( 1312 ). Died Feb 4, 1728 at Windsor, CT.
_____0043: James Brown. Born Jun 17, 1696 at Stonington, CT (issue of 2358 ). Married Elizabeth Randall ( 0007 ) May 15, 1715 at Stonington, CT. Died, Feb 20, 1750 at Stonington, CT.
0059_____: John Brown. Born Dec 1701 at Stonington, CT Married Abigail Randall ( 0012 ) Dec 1729 at Stonington, CT. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____0059: John Brown. Born Dec 1701 at Stonington, CT (issue of Unknown ). Married Abigail Randall ( 0012 ) Dec 1929 at Stonington, CT. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0123_____: Lucy Brown. Born Oct 2, 1730, at Stonington, CT (issue of Unknown ). Married John Randall, IV ( 0104 ) May 6, 1750 at Stonington, CT. Died Oct 23, 1765 at Stonington, CT.
2357_____: Eleazer Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of Unknown ). Married Ann Pendleton ( 2358 ).
_____2357: Eleazer Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of Unknown ). Married Ann Pendleton ( 2358 ).
_____1319: John Brown, Jr.. Born Mar 11, 1699 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ). Married Mary Eggleston ( 1326 ) on Mar 14, 1725 at Windsor, CT. Died Sep 3, 1790 at Bloomfield, CT. John appears to have changed his name from Browne to Brown at the time he married.
_____1328: Capt. John Brown, III. Born Nov 4, 1728 (issue of 1326 ). Married Hannah Owen ( 1336 ) on Mar 2, 1758 in Simsbury, CT. Died Sep 3, 1776 in New York of dysentery.
_____1344: Owen Brown. Born Feb 16, 1771 at Simsbury, CT (issue of 1336 ). First married Ruth Mills ( 5442 ) on Feb 11, 1793 at Simsbury, CT. Second married Sally Root ( 5443 ) after 1800. Died May 8, 1856 at Hudson, OH. Owen is the father of John Brown ( unknown ) of Harper's Ferry fame, who lies molding in the grave.
_____5446: John Brown. Born May 9, 1800 (issue of 5442 ). Married Dianthe Lusk ( 5451 ) in 1820.
Married Mary Ann Day ( 5452 ) on Jun 14, 1833. Died Dec 2, 1859 and lies molding in the grave.
_____5446: John Brown. Born May 9, 1800 (issue of 5442 ). Married Dianthe Lusk ( 5451 ) in 1820.
Married Mary Ann Day ( 5452 ) on Jun 14, 1833. Died Dec 2, 1859 and lies molding in the grave.
2986_____: Harry Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Irene Patterson ( 2987 ).
6980_____: Joseph Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Milcah Ludden ( 6971 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6980: Joseph Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Milcah Ludden ( 6971 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____2986: Harry Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Irene Patterson ( 2987 ).
_____2981: Clayton (Bill) Brown. Probably born Jun 9, 1913 (issue of 2987 ). Married Phyllis Fenner ( 2982 ). Died Aug 11, 1987.
_____2944: Richard Alwyn Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Sally Rose Mosier ( 2941 ) on Jul 19, 1968 at St. Francis Xavier Church, Grand Rapids, MI. Died Nov 8, 2000 at Lake County, IN.
_____2951: Scott Alywn Brown. Born Sep 2, 1971 at Grand Rapids, MI (issue of 2941 ). Married Janice Unknown ( 2953 ) on Aug 20, 2000 at Crown Point, IN.
Please Note: Throughout this genealogy a left handed prefix (1234_____) is a birth; a right handed prefix (_____1234) is a reference from a later relationship event (typically marriage). All references are bolded, and equal numbered left and right handed references (or just plain references - 1234 ) are always the same person. Use your browser's Find button to follow a lineage using the reference numbers (or follow the links on some individuals for pictures, or lines). Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to other family tree branches.
_____6433: Joan Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Thomas Browne, Sr. ( 6432 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6306_____: Thomas Browne, Jr.. Born 1553 (issue of 6433 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married Joan Gabb ( 6307 ) on Dec 16, 1559 in Painswick, Gloucester, England. Died Dec 1590 at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England.
6434_____: John Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6435_____: Abraham Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6436_____: Ambrose Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6437_____: Edward Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6438_____: Richard Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6439_____: Lydia Ann Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6433 ). Married Unknown Hodges ( 6440 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6307: Joan Gabb. Born 1552 (issue of unknown ) in Painswick, Gloucestershire, England. Married Thomas Browne ( 6306 ) on Dec 16, 1559 in Painswick, Gloucester, England. Died 1592 at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England.
6441_____: Ambrose Browne. Born about 1572 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6442_____: Thomas Browne. Born 1573 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Died May 5, 1616.
6443_____: John Browne. Born 1574 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married Margaret Brown ( unknown ). Died May 5, 1616..
6444_____: Richard Browne. Born 1576 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married Ann Bowen ( unknown ).
Married Edith Unknown ( unknown ). Married Elizabeth Marsh ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6445_____: Thomas Browne. Born about 1557 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6446_____: Ambrose Browne. Born Jan 10, 1580 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6447_____: Ambrose Browne. Born about 1583 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6448_____: Sarah Browne. Born 1584 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6449_____: Edward Browne. Born Sep 9, 1586 (issue of 6307 ) at Inkburrow Parish, Worcestershire, England. Married Jane Leids ( unknown ). Died after 1610.
6450_____: Sarah Browne. Born about 1587 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6146_____: Peter Browne, Sr.. Born 1590 or 1596 (issue of 6307 ) at Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England. Emigrated on the "Mayflower" in 1620.
Married Martha Unknown ( 6299 ) in 1626.
Married Mary Unknown ( 6147 ) after 1631. Died Oct 10, 1633.
Peter Browne was the 33rd signer of the Mayflower Compact.
_____6299: Martha Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Unknown Ford ( 6525 ). Emigrated in the "Fortune" in 1621. Widowed.
Married Peter Browne, Sr. ( 6146 ) in 1626. Died between 1627 and 1631.
6300_____: Mary Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6299 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6301_____: Pricilla Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6299 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6302_____: Edward Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6299 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
6303_____: Rebecca Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6299 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
Peter Browne was the 33rd signer of the Mayflower Compact.
_____6147: Mary Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Peter Browne, Sr. ( 6146 ) after 1631. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5903_____: Peter Browne, Jr.. Born 1632 (issue of 6147 ) in Plymouth, MA. Married Mary Gillett ( 5904 ) on Jul 15, 1658 in Windsor, CT. Died Mar 9, 1691 or 1692 in Windsor, CT.
6304_____: Rebecca Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6147 ). Married William Snow ( 6305 ) in 1654 in Plymouth, MA. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5908_____: Isabel Browne. Born 1634 (issue of 4147 ) in Plymouth, MA. Married Anthony Hoskins ( 5907 ) on Jul 16, 1656 in Windsor, CT. Died Oct 2, 1698 in Windsor, CT.
_____5904: Mary Gillett. Born about 1635 (issue of 6149 ) in Dorchester, MA. Married Peter Browne, Jr. ( 5903 ) on Jul 15, 1658 in Windsor, CT. Died Aug 27, 1719 in Hartford, CT.
1314_____: John Browne. Born Jan 8, 1668 at Windsor, CT (issue of 5904 ). Married Elizabeth Loomis ( 1312 ). Died Feb 4, 1728 at Windsor, CT.
_____1312: Elizabeth Loomis. Born May 9, 1671 at Hartford, CT (issue of 1290 ). Married John Browne ( 1314 ). Died Dec 11, 1723 at Windsor, CT.
1315_____: Elizabeth Browne. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 1312 ).
1316_____: Mary Browne. Born Sep 11, 1694 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1317_____: Ann Browne. Born Sep 1, 1696 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ). Died before 1702.
1318_____: Hannah Browne. Born Aug 24, 1697 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1319_____: John Browne. Born Mar 11, 1699 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ). Married Mary Eggleston ( 1326 ) on Mar 14, 1725 at Windsor, CT. Died Sep 3, 1790 at Bloomfield, CT. John appears to have changed his name from Browne to Brown at the time he married.
1320_____: Ann Browne. Born Aug 13, 1702 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1321_____: Sarah Browne. Born Jan 22, 1704 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1322_____: Isaac Browne. Born Mar 17, 1706 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1323_____: Daniel Browne. Born Jan 29, 1708 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1324_____: Margaret Browne. Born Mar 8, 1711 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
1325_____: Esther Browne. Born Mar 17, 1712 at Windsor, CT (issue of 1312 ).
_____0007: Elizabeth Randall. Born Jul 4, 1696, Stonington, CT (issue of 2202 ). Baptized Sep 5, 1697. Married James Brown ( 0043 ) May 15, 1715 at Stonington, CT. Died, Aug 25, 1786 at Stonington, CT.
0044_____: James Brown, Jr.. Born Jun 29, 1719, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0045_____: daughter, Unknown Brown. Born Oct 22, 1720, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0046_____: Thankful Brown. Born Oct 22, 1720, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0047_____: Simeon Brown. Born Jan 31, 1723, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Died Nov 24, 1815 at Stonington, CT.
0048_____: Ann Brown. Born Mar 23, 1728, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0049_____: Zebulon Brown. Born Nov 20, 1730, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Died Jul 14, 1814 at Stonington, CT.
0050_____: Elizabeth Brown. Born Jul 31, 1733, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0051_____: Abigail Brown. Born Apr 23, 1737, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
0052_____: Joshua Brown. Born Apr 8, 1740, Stonington, CT (issue of 0043 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____0012: Abigail Randall. Born Dec 4, 1705 at Stonington, CT (issue of 2202 ). Baptized Jul 17, 1706. Married John Brown ( 0059 ) at Stonington, CT in Dec 1729. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____2358: Ann Pendleton. Born Nov 12, 1667 (issue of 2361 ) at Portsmouth, NH. Married Eleazer Brown ( 2357 ).
0043_____: James Brown. Born Jun 17, 1696 at Stonington, CT (issue of 2358 ). Married Elizabeth Randall ( 0007 ) May 15, 1715 at Stonington, CT. Died, Feb 20, 1750 at Stonington, CT.
4937_____: Edmund Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2358 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
4938_____: Caleb Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2358 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
4939_____: Joseph Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2358 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____1326: Mary Eggleston. Born May 13, 1702 in CT (issue of 5596 ). Married John Browne ( 1319 ). Died Aug 25, 1789 at Canton, CT. Mary was the daughter of Thomas Eggleston ( unknown ) and Grace Hoskins ( unknown ).
1327_____: Mary Brown. Born Aug 30, 1727 (issue of 1326 ).
1328_____: Capt. John Brown, III. Born Nov 4, 1728 (issue of 1326 ). Married Hannah Owen ( 1336 ) on Mar 2, 1758 in Simsbury, CT. Died Sep 3, 1776 in New York of dysentery.
1329_____: Margery Brown. Born Jun 3, 1731 (issue of 1326 ).
1330_____: Esther Brown. Born Sep 5, 1733 (issue of 1326 ).
1331_____: Ezra Brown. Born Jul 25, 1735 (issue of 1326 ).
1332_____: Hannah Brown. Born Jul 1, 1737 (issue of 1326 ). Died Aug 11, 1737.
1333_____: Azubah Brown. Born Mar 20, 1740 (issue of 1326 ).
1334_____: Hannah Brown. Born Aug 17, 1743 (issue of 1326 ).
1335_____: Sarah Brown. Born Mar 28, 1746 (issue of 1326 ). Died while young.
_____1336: Hannah Owen. Born Jul 17, 1740 at Hartford, CT (issue of 5422 ). Married Capt. John Brown Brown, III ( 1328 ) on Mar 2, 1758 in Simsbury, CT. Died May 18, 1831 at Simsbury, CT. Hannah was the daughter of Elijah Owen ( unknown ) and Hannah Higley ( unknown ).
1337_____: Hannah Brown. Born 1758 (issue of 1336 ). Married Unknown Humphrey ( 5423 ).
1338_____: Azubah Brown. Born 1760 (issue of 1336 ).
1339_____: Esther Brown. Born 1762 (issue of 1336 ).
1340_____: Margery Brown. Born 1764 (issue of 1336 ).
1341_____: Lucinda Brown. Born 1765 (issue of 1336 ).
1342_____: John Brown. Born 1767 (issue of 1336 ).
1343_____: Frederick Brown. Born 1769 (issue of 1336 ).
1344_____: Owen Brown. Born Feb 16, 1771 at Simsbury, CT (issue of 1336 ). First married Ruth Mills ( 5442 ) on Feb 11, 1793 at Simsbury, CT. Second married Sally Root ( 5443 ) after 1800. Died May 8, 1856 at Hudson, OH. Owen is the father of John Brown ( unknown ) of Harper's Ferry fame, who lies molding in the grave.
1345_____: Thede Brown. Born 1773 (issue of 1336 ).
1346_____: Roxy R. Brown. Born 1775 (issue of 1336 ).
1347_____: Ariel Brown. Born 1776 (issue of 1336 ).
1348_____: Mary Polly Brown. Possibly born 1783, but more likely to have been 1777, at Simsbury, CT (issue of 1336 ). Married Rev. Dr. John Edgar Powers ( 1349 ) in 1805. Died Feb 23, 1853 at Richmond, Kalamazoo Co., MI. Published accounts of Mary Polly indicate she is a descendant of William the Conqueror ( unknown ).
Mary's brother, Owen Brown (1344), is the father of John Brown (unknown) of the Harper's Ferry fame 'who lies molding in the grave'.
_____5442: Ruth Mills. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5445 ). Married Owen Brown ( 1344 ) on Feb 11, 1793 at Simsbury, CT. Died 1808.
5449_____: Anna Ruth Brown. Born 1798 (issue of 5442 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5446_____: John Brown. Born May 9, 1800 (issue of 5442 ). Married Dianthe Lusk ( 5451 ) in 1820.
Married Mary Ann Day ( 5452 ) on Jun 14, 1833. Died Dec 2, 1859 and lies molding in the grave.
5450_____: Salmon Brown. Born 1802 (issue of 5442 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5447_____: Oliver Owen Brown. Born 1804 (issue of 5442 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5448_____: Frederick Brown. Born 1806 (issue of 5442 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____5451: Dianthe Lusk. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married John Brown ( 5446 ) in 1820. Died in the summer of 1832, shortly after the death of a newborn son.
5453_____: John Brown, Jr.. Born about 1821 (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5454_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5455_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5456_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5457_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5458_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5451 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5459_____: Unknown Brown. Born in the summer of 1832 (issue of 5451 ). Died in the summer of 1832.
_____5452: Mary Ann Day. Born Apr 15, 1817 (issue of unknown ). Married John Brown ( 5446 ) on Jun 14, 1833. Died May 1, 1884.
5460_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5461_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5462_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5463_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5464_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5465_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5466_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5467_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5468_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5469_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5470_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5471_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
5472_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 5452 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____6971: Milcah Ludden. Born on Apr 17, 1765 (issue of 6903 ) in Braintree, MA. Married Joseph Brown ( 6980 ).
Married Daniel Gates ( 7008 ) on Jul 9, 1794 in Worthington, MA. Died Jan 25, 1846.
7010_____: Joseph Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
7011_____: Esther Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
7012_____: Forest Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
7013_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
7014_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
7015_____: Unknown Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 6971 ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
_____2987: Irene Patterson. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married Harry Brown ( 2986 ).
2981_____: Clayton (Bill) Brown. Probably born Jun 9, 1913 (issue of 2987 ). Married Phyllis Fenner ( 2982 ). Died Aug 11, 1987.
_____2982: Phyllis Fenner. Born Sep 22, 1921 at Millbank, SD (issue of 2991 ). Married Clayton (Bill) Brown ( 2981 ). Died Sep 9, 1989 at Grand Rapids, MI.
2983_____: Dennis Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2982 ). Died in March 1985.
2984_____: Dale Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2982 ).
2985_____: Sharon P. Brown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of 2982 ). Died three days after birth.
2944_____: Richard Alwyn Brown. Born Feb 5, 1946 (issue of 2982 ). Married Sally Rose Mosier ( 2941 ) on Jul 19, 1968 at St. Francis Xavier Church, Grand Rapids, MI. Died Nov 8, 2000 at Lake County, IN.
_____2941: Sally Rose Mosier. Born Aug 30, 1948 at Grand Rapids. MI (issue of 2924 ). Married Richard Alwyn Brown ( 2944 ) on Jul 19, 1968 at St. Francis Xavier Church, Grand Rapids, MI.
2950_____: Shannon Lynn Brown. Born Mar 27, 1969 at Grand Rapids, MI (issue of 2941 ). First married Unknown Unknown ( 2960 ); divorced. Second married Richard Niles ( 2952 ) on Aug 1, 1998 at Cross of Christ Lutheran (ELCA) Church in Crown Point, IN.
2951_____: Scott Alywn Brown. Born Sep 2, 1971 at Grand Rapids, MI (issue of 2941 ). Married Janice Kay Slemp ( 2953 ) on Aug 20, 2000 at Crown Point, IN.
_____2953: Janice Kay Slemp. Born Jun 21, 1968 (issue of unknown ). First married Unknown Unknown ( 2961 ). Second married Scott Alywn Brown ( 2951 ) on Aug 20, 2000 at Crown Point, IN.
Should you discover we share a common ancestor, or if you can fill in some of our missing details, we would really appreciate receiving E-mail from you with the details, and if possible a URL where your researches are posted. This will allow us to add an appropriate link to join our family trees, making the work more interesting and useful to ourselves and to others. We will also be pleased to link to personal web pages or email addresses of anyone listed. Just let us know.
Several mathematical theorem indicate that each person on earth could demonstrate a direct link to any other randomly chosen person on earth using six to eight links, using a friend of a friend of a friend . . . type of connection. This suggests that four to nine more generations of genealogy are needed to make a similar connection between any two randomly choosen people on earth as relatives (I actually think the range must be one higher, but can't prove it yet).
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