We originally posted the Tomaszewski Family Tree as a single webpage that grew to contain over 200 printed pages. At that point we decided to restructure the page because it was getting out of hand and taking much too long to download. Part of the results from that effort follow. Should you find errors or omissions, you can still refer to the original webpage.
Please Note: Throughout this genealogy a left handed prefix (1234_____) is a birth; a right handed prefix (_____1234) is a reference from a later relationship event (typically marriage). All references are bolded, and equal numbered left and right handed references (or just plain references - 1234 ) are always the same person. Use your browser's Find button to follow a lineage using the reference numbers (or follow the links on some individuals for pictures, or lines). Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to other family tree branches.
_____7648: Andre Kubiak. Born 1848 (issue of unknown ). Married Konstancja (Constance) Gozdziewicz ( 7649 ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
His son was Stanislaw (Stanley) Rembowski ( 7626 ). Andreas arrived on the ship Belgravia from Hamburg on Jan 31, 1904 and claimed Polish citizenship.
_____7626: Stanislaw (Stanley) Rembowski. Born Mar 30, 1886 (issue of 7649 ) at Wagrowiec, Posen, Poland.
Married Helen Luzny ( 7586 ) on Jun 2, 1913 in St. Hedwig's at South Bend, IN. Died Feb 14, 1958 at Chicago, IL.
_____7586: Helen Luzny. Born Nov 26, 1885 or 1886 (issue of 7584 ) at South Bend, IN.
Married Stanislaw (Stanley) Rembowski ( 7626 ) on Jun 2, 1913 in St. Hedwig's at South Bend, IN. Died May 18, 1949 at Chicago, IL.
7635_____: Helen Cornelia Rembowski. Born Apr 12, 1914 (issue of 7586 ) at 2715 Haddon Ave, Chicago, IL. Married Unknown LaCasse ( 7650 ). Died in 1972.
7636_____: Cornelia Maria Rembowski. Born Sep 24, 1915 (issue of 7586 ) at 2715 Haddon Ave, Chicago, IL. Married unknown ( unknown ). Died in 2011.
7637_____: Jeanette Louise Rembowski. Born Mar 14, 1917 (issue of 7586 ) at 2715 Haddon Ave, Chicago, IL.
Married Unknown Du Melle ( 7651 ). Married Unknown Schatzeder ( 7652 ). Died in 1993.
7638_____: Frank Stanley Rembowski, Jr.. Born Apr 15, 1919 (issue of 7586 ) at Chicago, IL. Married Laverne Alma Clara Arlt ( 7668 ). Died on Oct 8, 1984 at South Bend, IN.
7639_____: Leo F or George Rembowski. Born Apr 4, 1921 (issue of 7586 ) at 3907 Grand Ave, Chicago, IL.
Married Arlene Unknown ( 7667 ) on Jun 1, 1946. Died on Aug 19, 2015 in Cook Co, IL.
Leo and his wife traveled all around the world. When they were home they enjoyed golfing together. He was an avid hunter, fisherman and ham radio operator. He was also a proud WWII veteran in the 1053rd as an engineer PC+RGP. Leo felt most comfortable working on the family farms alongside his brother.
Should you discover we share a common ancestor, or if you can fill in some of our missing details, we would really appreciate receiving E-mail from you with the details, and if possible a URL where your researches are posted. This will allow us to add an appropriate link to join our family trees, making the work more interesting and useful to ourselves and to others. We will also be pleased to link to personal web pages or email addresses of anyone listed. Just let us know.
Several mathematical theorem indicate that each person on earth could demonstrate a direct link to any other randomly chosen person on earth using six to eight links, using a friend of a friend of a friend . . . type of connection. This suggests that four to nine more generations of genealogy are needed to make a similar connection between any two randomly choosen people on earth as relatives (I actually think the range must be one higher, but can't prove it yet).
Current date and time is Monday, 03-Mar-2025 23:34:38 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 04:34:38 GMT. You are viewing this page from: and are visitor number 2846. This page was first published on 20 October 1998 and was last updated on Thursday, 26-Jul-2018 22:46:21 EDT.