We originally posted the Tomaszewski Family Tree as a single webpage that grew to contain over 200 printed pages. At that point we decided to restructure the page because it was getting out of hand and taking much too long to download. Part of the results from that effort follow. Should you find errors or omissions, you can still refer to the original webpage.
We have some new information left to enter, so please be patient as we extend this genealogy. Feel free to look thru our work in progress for a tidbit you might need, but be aware
this is not finished. And please forgive if birth sequence numbers are not in order, but we are combining many different researches into a single source. We are trying to make sure
every record is correctly linked and all data is accurate, with any exceptions noted. All dates are Y2K compliant, so this page should not self-destruct in or after the year 2000.
Available References: 8788 through 9999.
Open References: 10000 and up.
Current Full Range from 0000 to 9999, Original (paper) Range from 0001 to 2200, with many gaps; I never did completely figure out my Mom's numbering scheme
(I wish I had found her card file summarizing the file drawer of documentation she donated to some library I am still trying to locate), but it appears to
be based on the book "Genealogy of a branch of the Randall family, 1666 to 1879 by Paul K. Randall, Norwich, N.Y.: Printed at the office of the Chenango Union, 1879.".
My primary goals are to give each unique person their own number (for consistent reference within this documentation of our Family Tree),
to fill any gaps (from my Mother's original sequencing -- long done), and to extend the tree in depth ,breadth, and accuracy, hopefully with links to living relatives,
and to other researcher's connecting lines. My sequence number is a guide to the order that relatives were discovered and documented.
My tree is promiscuous, but I require one public record matching known facts, two private sources matching known facts, or direct contact with a relative who can convince me they have good,
reliable, personally known details, before I will add someone. I take great pleasure in being contacted by unknown relatives who want to fill in some details and add their own personal
details to extend my family tree. I will include living people.
I've got a pretty large research folder. I hope you will contact me with details I am missing that match what I have so I can extend my published tree. If there is a choice, I want to
do free genealogy (and share the results).
Remember to update the Numerical Index and the Roots index for every birth leaving this page, and also the Hit Summary if a mew page is created (make a count file too).
xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ).
xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ).
xxxx_____: Unknown. Born on (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
xxxx_____: Unknown. Born on (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( xxxx ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
Henry Van Aelst. b.15 Mar 1903 in the Netherlands; d. 15 Jul 1973 in Grand Rapids, MI. Married 21 Jan 1928 in Grand Rapids, MI, to Leona May Harvey, b. 21 Aug 1905 in Geneva, Ohio;
d. 20 Jul 1979 in Grand Rapids, MI. (Leona had been previously married to Burt B. Randall and Henry M. Wilson.) Both Henry and Leona are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids, MI.
Louis Francis Van Aelst. Born May 21, 1929 in Grand Rapids, MI. **Henry and Leona Van Aelst were Louis' adopted parents. His biological parents are Claude and Mary (Korver) Harvey;
Claude was Leona's brother. Died May 21, 2011 in Grand Rapids, MI; burial unknown. He married Gladys Lucile McCallum on 29 Aug 1949 in Grand Rapids, MI. Gladys was b. 29 Aug 1928 in
Grand Rapids, MI; d. 6 March 2014; buried on Hart Island, Bronx, New York.
I understand that Rosalee and Luann are daughters of Louis and Gladys. John is a half brother, but I don't know who his mother is.
The other names you've listed, Cynthia, Andrew, Kathleen and David are not VanAelsts. Their mother was Catherine Morris and their father was Earl Hoadley. They are listed in Louis'
obituary, so I can only assume he married Catherine at some point and they were his step children - no documentation yet found to verify. I have found documents showing Catherine
married at least 3 times.
From your site, it looks like you enjoy finding interesting history, so here's something: The Harvey/VanAelst line are direct descendants of one of the pioneer families of Ohio:
George Beckwith and Mehitable Brockway. One of their daughters, Almira Beckwith married John Shaw, a British soldier who defected during the War of 1812; they were the first permanent
settlers of Sheffield, OH. You can Google any of the names and multiple sources of history should pop up.
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Samuel II Jr
Sex: M
Birth: 20 Nov 1660 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Death: 27 Oct 1735 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
_UID: 9D0CD99604CEF44A93EF58D57A5EB7117707
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 06:20:25
HintsAncestry Hints for Samuel II Jr CHESEBROUGH
10 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Samuel I Sr CHESEBROUGH b: 1 Apr 1627 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England
Mother: Abigail INGRAHAM b: 12 Jan 1632/1633 in Barrowby, England
Marriage 1 Marie 'Mary' INGRAHAM b: 26 Jun 1666
Married: 8 Dec 1687 in Swansea, Bristol CO, MA 14 Jul 1695?
Has Children Samuel III Jr CHESEBROUGH b: 16 Sep 1691
Has Children Joseph I Sr CHESEBROUGH b: 12 Apr 1703 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Name: Marie 'Mary' INGRAHAM
Surname: Ingraham
Given Name: Marie 'Mary'
Sex: F
Birth: 26 Jun 1666
Death: 8 Jan 1740/1741
_UID: EFC9B23C8DF5BE4E9FAAE58609C23AA592E9
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 06:20:25
HintsAncestry Hints for Marie 'Mary' INGRAHAM
8 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Samuel II Jr CHESEBROUGH b: 20 Nov 1660 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Married: 8 Dec 1687 in Swansea, Bristol CO, MA 14 Jul 1695?
Has Children Samuel III Jr CHESEBROUGH b: 16 Sep 1691
Has Children Joseph I Sr CHESEBROUGH b: 12 Apr 1703 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Joseph I Sr
Sex: M
Birth: 12 Apr 1703 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Death: 1751 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
_UID: 581B246140C46149A092C02397B0F1140750
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 06:20:25
HintsAncestry Hints for Joseph I Sr CHESEBROUGH
2 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Samuel II Jr CHESEBROUGH b: 20 Nov 1660 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Mother: Marie 'Mary' INGRAHAM b: 26 Jun 1666
Marriage 1 Thankful HINCKLEY Henkel b: 22 Mar 1710/1711 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Married: 1 Jan 1737/1738 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Has Children Samuel I CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 24 Mar 1742/1743 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Name: Samuel I CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Samuel I
Suffix: Chesebro Sr
Sex: M
Birth: 24 Mar 1742/1743 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Death: 9 Sep 1811 in Stonington, New London County, CT
_UID: ADFFF5F4731D2F4EB700B6558C22FEE2F2DB
Birth: 24 Mar 1741/1742 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Death: 9 Sep 1811 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:22
HintsAncestry Hints for Samuel I CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr
7 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Joseph I Sr CHESEBROUGH b: 12 Apr 1703 in Wequetequock, New London Co., CT
Mother: Thankful HINCKLEY Henkel b: 22 Mar 1710/1711 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Marriage 1 Submit PALMER b: 12 Jan 1744/1745 in Wequetequock, New London County, CT
Married: 10 Jan 1765 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Married: 10 Jan 1765 in Stonington, New London Co., CT
Has Children Jesse CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 20 Jun 1765 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has No Children Thankful CHESEBROUGH b: 24 Jul 1766 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Elias CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 15 Apr 1768 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Simeon CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Dec 1771 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Has No Children Reuben CHESEBROUGH b: 30 Apr 1773 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Lois CHESEBROUGH b: 14 Jun 1775 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Has Children Sabra CHESEBROUGH b: 23 Nov 1777 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has No Children Submit CHESEBROUGH b: 10 Jan 1780 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Joseph CHESEBROUGH b: 21 Jan 1782 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has No Children Rhoda CHESEBROUGH b: 27 Oct 1783 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Mercy CHESEBROUGH b: 27 Jul 1786 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Samuel CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 25 Nov 1788 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Name: Jesse CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Jesse
Suffix: Chesebro Sr
Sex: M
Birth: 20 Jun 1765 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Death: 24 Jun 1830 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY in his 66th year of age
_UID: 33CEC54B2D1B35458F9A80AAD920520A7B0D
Birth: 20 Jun 1765 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Death: 24 Jun 1830 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:23
HintsAncestry Hints for Jesse CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Samuel I CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 24 Mar 1742/1743 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Mother: Submit PALMER b: 12 Jan 1744/1745 in Wequetequock, New London County, CT
Marriage 1 Martha Ann PUTNAM b: 23 Mar 1771 in Preston, New London, Connecticut
Married: 26 Dec 1790 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Married: 26 Dec 1790 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Has Children Jesse CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Jr b: 25 Dec 1791 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Gurdon CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 20 May 1793 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Eli CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 4 Apr 1795 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children John Putnam CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 22 Apr 1797 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Has Children Samuel CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 13 Mar 1799 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY
Has Children Reuben CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 6 Nov 1800 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY
Has Children Martha CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 27 Oct 1802 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York
Has No Children Abisha CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 21 Feb 1805 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY
Has Children Submit CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 31 Jul 1807 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York
Has Children Anna CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 8 Jul 1809 in or near, Onondaga County, NY
Has Children Joseph CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 8 Oct 1811 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY
Has Children Elmanson CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 29 May 1813 in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY
Has No Children Mary CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 25 Aug 1815 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York
Name: John Putnam CHESEBROUGH Chesebro
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: John Putnam
Suffix: Chesebro
Sex: M
Birth: 22 Apr 1797 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Death: 13 Oct 1875 in Oswego County, NY
_UID: 136F8C0D59EF404FB8B7F3C56F1911671996
Birth: 22 Apr 1797 in Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:08
Father: Jesse CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 20 Jun 1765 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Mother: Martha Ann PUTNAM b: 23 Mar 1771 in Preston, New London, Connecticut
Marriage 1 Lydia STILES b: 3 Oct 1803 in Onondaga County, NY
Married: 27 Nov 1828 in Oswego County, NY
Has Children Francis M CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 5 Sep 1829 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has Children Cyril Putnam CHESEBROUGH Chesebro Sr b: 3 May 1838 in Oswego County, NY
Name: Francis M CHESEBROUGH Chesebro
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Francis M
Suffix: Chesebro
Sex: M
Birth: 5 Sep 1829 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Death: AFT 1903
_UID: D12E7CA5C6C0E54481421A98E7F3E7CDD243
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:08
Father: John Putnam CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 22 Apr 1797 in Stonington, New London County, CT
Mother: Lydia STILES b: 3 Oct 1803 in Onondaga County, NY
Marriage 1 Betsey C LESLEY b: 9 Mar 1832
Married: 17 Jan 1855 in New York
Has Children Lydia CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 27 Feb 1856 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has Children Mary E CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Oct 1857 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has Children Annie CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 23 May 1860 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children Jessie C CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 1 Mar 1867 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children George CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 30 Jun 1868 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children William Franklin CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Jul 1872 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Name: Betsey C LESLEY
Surname: Lesley
Given Name: Betsey C
Sex: F
Birth: 9 Mar 1832
Death: AFT 1903
_UID: 103771A6ACF8BC48A4F1062C36BA5FAAC692
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:08
HintsAncestry Hints for Betsey C LESLEY
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Francis M CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 5 Sep 1829 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Married: 17 Jan 1855 in New York
Has Children Lydia CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 27 Feb 1856 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has Children Mary E CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Oct 1857 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has Children Annie CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 23 May 1860 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children Jessie C CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 1 Mar 1867 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children George CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 30 Jun 1868 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Has No Children William Franklin CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Jul 1872 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Name: Theodore DIX
Surname: Dix
Given Name: Theodore
Sex: M
Birth: BET 1840 AND 1853 in Grant Station, Newaygo County, MI
Death: AFT 1903
_UID: B7D18C03D539464CB59CF5F748AB1BDDDF06
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:09
Marriage 1 Mary E CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 7 Oct 1857 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Married: 16 Sep 1877 in Newaygo County, MI
Has No Children Pearl DIX b: 23 Mar 1880
Name: Mary E CHESEBROUGH Chesebro
Surname: Chesebrough
Given Name: Mary E
Suffix: Chesebro
Sex: F
Birth: 7 Oct 1857 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Death: 22 Jun 1880
_UID: CF4E978AC0C2094295DF27A916A8D2F1D0A5
Change Date: 20 May 2005 at 05:52:08
Father: Francis M CHESEBROUGH Chesebro b: 5 Sep 1829 in Volney, Oswego County, NY
Mother: Betsey C LESLEY b: 9 Mar 1832
Marriage 1 Theodore DIX b: BET 1840 AND 1853 in Grant Station, Newaygo County, MI
Married: 16 Sep 1877 in Newaygo County, MI
Has No Children Pearl DIX b: 23 Mar 1880
Full Name Theodore Dix
Age 28
Birth Year 1852
Birth Place New York, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Census County Newaygo
State Michigan
Race White
Ethnicity American
Father's Birth Place New York, United States
Head Name Theodore Dix
Mother's Birth Place New York, United States
Residence Brooks, Newaygo, Michigan
Spouse Birth Place New York, United States
Spouse Name Mary Dix
Census Year 1880
Census Country Us
Relation to Head Self
Census Locality Brooks
Family Number 0
Occupation Farmer
State Michigan
Town Brooks
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
Mary Dix 22 1858 Wife
Full Name Theodore P Dix
Age 47
Birth Year 1853
Birth Date Sep 1853
Birth Place New York
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Census County Newaygo
State Michigan
Race White
Ethnicity American
Father's Birth Place New York
Head Name Theodore P Dix
Mother's Birth Place New York
Relationship Code Self
Relation to Head Head
Residence Newaygo Village (Part), Newaygo, Michigan
Spouse Birth Place Ohio
Spouse Name Lucinda Dix
Census Year 1900
Census Country Us
Batch Locality Michigan, United States
Enumeration District 0095
Est. Marriage Year 1876
Event Date 1900
Race White
Relation to Head Self
Years Married 24
Incorporation Newaygo Village (Part)
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
Lucinda Dix 50 1850 Wife
Tombstone for John R (1896-1986) and Helen L Lamb (1900-1988) at http://www.usgwarchives.net/mi/kent/photos/tombstones/rockford/lamb80993gph.jpg
Name: Lucy Ann WHITE
Surname: White
Given Name: Lucy Ann
Sex: F
Birth: 13 Apr 1829 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Death: ABT Feb 1923 in Rockford, Kent, MI
_UID: D7828847FF9859428FFAA17F18D2D141FFA9
Change Date: 2 Aug 2008 at 22:48:42
Father: Bryant WHITE b: 24 Aug 1791 in Oxford, Worcester, MA
Mother: Rachel BATES b: 11 Jun 1796 in Woodstock, Windham, CT
Marriage 1 Robert DOCKERAY b: 4 Aug 1829 in Kendall, Westmorelandshire, England
Married: 29 Dec 1853 in Albion, Orleans, NY
Has No Children Robert Harlow DOCKERAY b: 8 Nov 1854 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Has No Children Alice Elizabeth DOCKERAY b: 26 Oct 1856 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Has No Children Willis A DOCKERAY b: 24 Mar 1859 in Albion, Orleans, NY
Has No Children George Albert DOCKERAY b: 9 Mar 1862 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Has No Children Ella Eolia DOCKERAY b: 10 Aug 1865 in Cannon Twp, Kent, MI
Name: Bryant WHITE
Surname: White
Given Name: Bryant
Sex: M
Birth: 24 Aug 1791 in Oxford, Worcester, MA
Death: 29 May 1865 in Albion, Orleans, NY
Burial: Mt Albion Cemetery, Albion, Orleans, NY
_UID: 236950317810A84FBAFB6D87D492783649E5
Change Date: 3 Aug 2008 at 00:58:44
HintsAncestry Hints for Bryant WHITE
3 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Rachel BATES b: 11 Jun 1796 in Woodstock, Windham, CT
Married: 10 Mar 1816 in Herkimer Co, NY
Has Children Albert WHITE b: 20 Sep 1818 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Has Children Lucy Ann WHITE b: 13 Apr 1829 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Name: Rachel BATES
Surname: Bates
Given Name: Rachel
Sex: F
Birth: 11 Jun 1796 in Woodstock, Windham, CT
Death: 24 Oct 1859 in Albion, Orleans, NY
_UID: FAA97CFBCD50E944BABD9D4008A57426FF9E
Change Date: 3 Aug 2008 at 01:00:38
Marriage 1 Bryant WHITE b: 24 Aug 1791 in Oxford, Worcester, MA
Married: 10 Mar 1816 in Herkimer Co, NY
Has Children Albert WHITE b: 20 Sep 1818 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Has Children Lucy Ann WHITE b: 13 Apr 1829 in Barre, Orleans, NY
Name: Adaline Sophia CHILDS
Surname: Childs
Given Name: Adaline Sophia
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1845 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
_UID: 07A972C7DF37F94F93FED408542ED5E8F316
Change Date: 18 Dec 2010 at 22:52:40
HintsAncestry Hints for Adaline Sophia CHILDS
10 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Henry Baxter CHILDS b: 22 Dec 1814 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
Mother: Emeline A HAWKS b: 17 Apr 1817 in MA
Marriage 1 Edward W PAINE b: 23 Oct 1839 in South Hadley, Hampshire, MA
Married: 24 Jul 1866 in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI 1
Has No Children Edith C PAINE b: ABT 1877 in Pana, Christian, IL
Title: Marriage Records - Dibean Michigan Marriage Records
Author: Jack & Marianne Dibean
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Name: Henry Baxter CHILDS
Surname: Childs
Given Name: Henry Baxter
Sex: M
Birth: 22 Dec 1814 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
Death: 17 Jan 1900 in Rockford, Kent, MI 1 of old age and bronchitis
Burial: 19 Jan 1900
_UID: A878F3B3DC210F48A3A74663358EA859D125
BIOGRAPHY: Childs, Henry B., Shebourne, Mass., Dec. 22, 1814, to Michigan Dec. 2, 1846
BIOGRAPHY: HENRY BAXTER CHILDS, now living in retirement, is one of the pioneers of Kent coun ty, Mich., and has been largely instrumental in developing its resources. He was born in Fran klin, Mass., December 22, 1814, a son of Asa Childs, whose maternal ancestors were natives o f Wales. Asa Childs was reared to agriculture, was in fair worldly circumstances, and reare d a famnily of three sons and two daughters, of whom H. B. Childs is the only survivor. The e ducation of H. B. Childs was limited, and he began his business life as a wagonmaker, at whic h trade he had served an apprenticeship, which he finished at the early age of fifteen, fro m which time on, until he reached his majority, he worked as a journeyman, and then became pr oprietor of the same shops at Charlemont.
BIOGRAPHY: September 4, 1839, Mr. Childs was united in marriage with Miss Emeline Hawks, als o a native of Franklin, Mass., and this union resulted in the birth of four children, three o f whom are still living, viz: Adeline S., wife of Edward W. Paine, a successful fruit growe r of Algoma township, Kent county, Mich.; Horace H., a manufacturer in Plainfield township, i s mentioned in full on another page; and William H., a miller, of Kansas City, Mo.
BIOGRAPHY: In 1845, Mr. Childs came from Massachusetts to Grand Rapids, Mich., having previou sly purchased 491 acres of wild land near the city. In payment for I60 acres of this land h e made 127 one-horse wagons, and, in fact, in the same manner had paid for all the land ere h e came to the county. There were no railroads in the county at that time, Grand Rapids wa s a mere village, and Indians still roamed the adjacent forests. Agricultural implements wer e then of a make that we would now stigmatize as primitive, farm machinery was unknown, and o xen were used, both in the field and on the road, instead of horses. To the energy and enterp rise of such men as Mr. Childs does the county of Kent owe her redemption, although there wa s a period when his energies were sadly missed for awhile and his enterprises nearly lost t o the neighborhood.
BIOGRAPHY: After having done much toward clearing away the forest, and placing the land unde r cultivation, Mr. Childs decided to leave the state. Consequently, in I856, he went to Chris tian county, Ill., where he passed nine years of his useful life. However, his attachment fo r Kent county, Mich., was never weakened, and in 1865 he sold off his Illinois estate of 50 0 acres and returned to Grand Rapids. Here he purchased city property and made his plans fo r erecting a paper-mill in Plainfield township. He therefore purchased a saw-mill on Rouge ri ver, in Plainfield, in February, I866, together with ninety-two acres, and to this he added u ntil he had about 200 acres in all. He completed the mill in 1867, the machinery for which wa s made in Beloit, Wis., and this was the first mill, up to that time, in which straw-board wa s manufactured west of Rochester. N. Y. In 1868 this valuable plant was destroyed by fire. I t did not, like the fabulous phoenix, live five or six hundred years, and yet, like that sam e fabulous bird, it sprang from its own ashes renewed and sound in all its parts and standin g on its own solid foundation within twenty-four months. Mr. Childs was not the man to be dau nted by a "little thing like that," but kept energetically at work in managing the mill unti l about I885, when he retired-a wealthy man, although really a poor boy when he began the bat tle of life.
BIOGRAPHY: Mr. Childs was a friend of good schools and good roads-a part, indeed, of the plat form of the political party to which he first belonged ? the whig; later he became.a republic an. In religion he is a Congregationalist, and has expended a great deal of money in aiding t o propagate the faith and in the erection of churches. in different parts of the country. H e and Mrs.. Childs now live with their daughter, Mrs. Paine, who sees to it that their comfor t shall in no way be neglected. Like a tired warrior, who gazes in triumph over the field h e has conquered but still rejoices that peace has returned and that his labors have aided t o bring this return, Mr. Childs rests in the complacent contemplation of the field he has con quered by less warlike means and replaced idleness with prosperity.
BIOGRAPHY: Mrs, Childs represents one of the sturdy old New England families, going back to t he Puritan days. Her father, Horace Hawks Childs, was for seventy years deacon of the Congreg ationalist church at Charlemont. He owned 500 acres on the. line of the Fitchburg R. R., an d but a few miles east of the farm is Hoosac tunnel. He reared twelve children, gave them col lege trainings, and one of the sons is still on the old homestead.
From: The City of Grand Rapids and Kent County, Mich.: up to date, containing biographical s ketches of prominent and representative citizens., Publication Info: [Logansport, Ind.] : A . W. Bowen, 1900, pp603-5
Childs, Henry B. & Emeline (w), Grand Rapids Twp., Grantor. Henry L. Hammond, Grand Rapids, G rantee. Convey land on Sec. 33, 40 acres, Grand Rapids Twp.
7 Sept., 1852. Liber R Pg. 419
BIOGRAPHY: Childs, Henry B. & Emeline A. (w), Grand Rapids, Grantor. Owen R. L. Crozier & Mar ia P.A. (w), Grantee. Convey land on Sec. 32, 20 acres, Grand Rapids Twp.
11 Apr., 1854. Liber V Pg. 253
BIOGRAPHY: Ch\ilds, Henry B. & Emeline A. (w), Grand Rapids, Grantor. Messena M. Jourdan, sam e place, Grantee. Convey land on Sec. 32, 40 acres, Grand Rapids Twp.
27 Sept., 1854. Liber W Pg. 284
BIOGRAPHY: Childs, Henry B. & Emeline A. (w), Grand Rapids, Grantor. Henry L. Hammond, same p lace, Grantee. Convey land on Sec. 33, 40 acres, Grand Rapids Twp.
4 Oct., 1853. Liber V Pg. 239
DEATH: Childs, Henry B., book 1900-1909, # 1974
Henry B. Childs, well known as a citizen of Kent County for over 70 years, died January 17, 1 900, at his home in Rockford. Deceased was the promoter of the Childs paper mill in Rockfor d and had large farm interests in that part of the county. Of late years he lived in Grand Ra pids.
BIRTH: Or Shelbourne, MA.
2 3 4
Change Date: 18 Dec 2010 at 22:08:19
HintsAncestry Hints for Henry Baxter CHILDS
6 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Emeline A HAWKS b: 17 Apr 1817 in MA
Married: 4 Sep 1839 in MA
Has No Children William Henry CHILDS b: ABT 1842 in MA
Has Children Adaline Sophia CHILDS b: ABT 1845 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
Has No Children Clarissa B CHILDS b: ABT 1846 in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI
Has Children Horace Hawks CHILDS b: 1 Apr 1852 in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI
Title: Death Records - Kent Co, MI
Text: Childs, Baxter H., bk 6, pg 247, 1902-1906
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Title: U S Federal Census 1850
Page: Michigan, Kent, Grand Rapids, p 294B
Note: Visit 576, family 576
3 August 1850
Text: H B Childs, 34, m, farmer, $3500, MA
E A, 32, f, MA, can't write
W H, 8, m, MA
A S, 5, f, MA
C B, 4, f, MI
Hanah Eskes, 13, f, Holld
Joseph Fairfield, 25, m, b smith, Canada
Elizabeth Fairfield, 23, f, Canada
Date: 24 May 2009
Title: U S Federal Census 1860
Page: Illinois, Christian, PO Owanica, p 751
Note: Visit 700, family 625
22 JUne 1860
Text: Henry B Childs, 45, m, farmer, $16000, $4000, MA
Emaline A, 42, f, domestic, MA
William H, 18, m, domestic, MA, school
Adaline S, 15, f, domestic, MA, school
Clarissa B, 13, f, domestic, MI, school
Horace H, 9, m, domestic, MI, school
Uncle John, 50, m domestic, MI
William J Jackson, 22, m, domestic, NY
Leonard Durning, 21, m, domestic, MA
eorge Stephenson, 20, m, domestic, MI
Mary Robertson, 20, f, domestic, TN
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Title: U S Federal Census 1870
Page: Michigan, Kent, Plainfield, PO Austerlitz, p 20
Note: Visit 166, family 170
23 June 1870
Text: Childs, Henry, 55, m, w, paper manufacturer, MA, voter
Emaline, 53, f, w, keeping house, MA
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Name: Emeline A HAWKS
Surname: Hawks
Given Name: Emeline A
Sex: F
Birth: 17 Apr 1817 in MA
Death: 8 Nov 1907 in Algoma, Kent, MI 1 of old age
Burial: 9 Nov 1907
_UID: DCCFB813AA5B7F4181EDE6FC1970CF1F024C
DEATH: Childs, Emaline A., book 1900-1909, # 3486
Saw death cert.
Change Date: 18 Dec 2010 at 20:38:21
HintsAncestry Hints for Emeline A HAWKS
4 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Henry Baxter CHILDS b: 22 Dec 1814 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
Married: 4 Sep 1839 in MA
Has No Children William Henry CHILDS b: ABT 1842 in MA
Has Children Adaline Sophia CHILDS b: ABT 1845 in Franklin, Norfolk, MA
Has No Children Clarissa B CHILDS b: ABT 1846 in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI
Has Children Horace Hawks CHILDS b: 1 Apr 1852 in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI
Title: Death Records - Kent Co, MI
Text: Childs, Emmeline A., bk 7, pg 97, 1906-1910
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Sex: M
Birth: 1847 in Canada
Note: Occupation: Merchant
HintsAncestry Hints for Neal MCMILLAN
3 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Mother: Jeanette MCNAUGHTON
Marriage 1 Myrtle M. HYDE b: 1864 in Armada, Macomb Co., MI
Married: 30 DEC 1897 in Rockford, Kent Co., MI USA
Name: Jeanette MCNAUGHTON
Sex: F
Marriage 1 A. MCMILLAN
Has No Children Neal MCMILLAN b: 1847 in Canada
Sex: M
Marriage 1 Jeanette MCNAUGHTON
Has No Children Neal MCMILLAN b: 1847 in Canada
Name: Myrtle M. HYDE
Sex: F
Birth: 1864 in Armada, Macomb Co., MI
Note: Occupation: Teacher
HintsAncestry Hints for Myrtle M. HYDE
4 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Alvin C. HYDE b: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Mother: Cynthia WETHERRELL b: ABT 1842 in Canada
Marriage 1 Neal MCMILLAN b: 1847 in Canada
Married: 30 DEC 1897 in Rockford, Kent Co., MI USA
Name: Cynthia WETHERRELL
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1842 in Canada
Marriage 1 Alvin C. HYDE b: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Married: 11 OCT 1859 in Macomb Co., MI
Has No Children Myrtle M. HYDE b: 1864 in Armada, Macomb Co., MI
Name: Alvin C. HYDE
Sex: M
Birth: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Death: SEP 1908 in Rockford, Kent Co., MI
HintsAncestry Hints for Alvin C. HYDE
7 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Charles HYDE b: 12 MAR 1786 in VT
Mother: Mary Polly INGALLS b: 25 JAN 1798 in Danville, VT
Marriage 1 Cynthia WETHERRELL b: ABT 1842 in Canada
Married: 11 OCT 1859 in Macomb Co., MI
Has No Children Myrtle M. HYDE b: 1864 in Armada, Macomb Co., MI
Name: Mary Polly INGALLS
Sex: F
Birth: 25 JAN 1798 in Danville, VT
Death: 15 JUL 1869 in Armada, Macomb Co., MI
Father: Samuel Worthen INGALLS
Mother: Margaret DELANO
Marriage 1 Charles HYDE b: 12 MAR 1786 in VT
Married: ABT 1816
Has Children Oscar F. HYDE b: 18 AUG 1817 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has Children Mary A. HYDE b: ABT 1818 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has Children Charles Goodell HYDE b: 3 APR 1821 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY USA
Has Children William H. HYDE b: 4 MAY 1823 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has Children Norton B. HYDE b: 1827 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has Children Samantha Jane HYDE b: JUL 1829 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has No Children Maria HYDE b: 1832 in NY
Has Children Allen G. HYDE b: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY USA
Has Children Alvin C. HYDE b: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY
Has No Children Harriet A. HYDE b: 1836 in NY
Name: Samuel Worthen INGALLS
Sex: M
HintsAncestry Hints for Samuel Worthen INGALLS
4 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 Margaret DELANO
Has Children Mary Polly INGALLS b: 25 JAN 1798 in Danville, VT
Has Children Lansford Whiting INGALLS
Name: Margaret DELANO
Sex: F
Marriage 1 Samuel Worthen INGALLS
Has Children Mary Polly INGALLS b: 25 JAN 1798 in Danville, VT
Has Children Lansford Whiting INGALLS
Name: Millicent Marie BARRE
Sex: F 1
Birth: 1894 in Willington, Town Co., Ohio, USA
HintsAncestry Hints for Millicent Marie BARRE
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Ernest C. BARRE
Mother: Cora May HEALEY
Marriage 1 George William PRANGLEY b: 19 SEP 1891 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Married: 12 JUL 1921 in Lambton Co., Ontario, CANADA
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: Ernest C. BARRE
Sex: M 1
Marriage 1 Cora May HEALEY
Has No Children Millicent Marie BARRE b: 1894 in Willington, Town Co., Ohio, USA
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: Cora May HEALEY
Sex: F 1
Marriage 1 Ernest C. BARRE
Has No Children Millicent Marie BARRE b: 1894 in Willington, Town Co., Ohio, USA
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: George William PRANGLEY 1
Sex: M 2
Birth: 19 SEP 1891 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
George enlisted for service with the Canadian Expeditionary Forcs overseas on Dec 11, 1915, in Stratford, Ontario
HintsAncestry Hints for George William PRANGLEY
5 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: James Wesley PRANGLEY b: 28 NOV 1858 in London, London Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Mother: Martha Jane JOHNSTON b: 23 JAN 1869 in Nova Scotia, CANADA
Marriage 1 Millicent Marie BARRE b: 1894 in Willington, Town Co., Ohio, USA
Married: 12 JUL 1921 in Lambton Co., Ontario, CANADA
Type: Census
Title: 1901 Census
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: Martha Jane JOHNSTON
Sex: F 1
Birth: 23 JAN 1869 in Nova Scotia, CANADA
Death: 1953
to Ontario 1870
HintsAncestry Hints for Martha Jane JOHNSTON
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Marriage 1 James Wesley PRANGLEY b: 28 NOV 1858 in London, London Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Married: 10 JAN 1888 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Stllborn Daughter PRANGLEY b: 13 SEP 1888 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Clifford Johnson PRANGLEY b: 30 AUG 1889 in Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children George William PRANGLEY b: 19 SEP 1891 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Letta A. PRANGLEY b: 26 DEC 1892 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Lizzie O. PRANGLEY b: 3 APR 1895 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has Children Wesley Stewart PRANGLEY b: 16 APR 1900 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Edward Rex PRANGLEY b: AUG 1902
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: James Wesley PRANGLEY 1
Sex: M 2
Birth: 28 NOV 1858 in London, London Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Death: 1940
Burial: Strathroy Municipal Cmtry., Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Occupation: Hotel Keeper
HintsAncestry Hints for James Wesley PRANGLEY
3 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: George PRANGLEY b: 14 MAR 1830 in Corsley, Wiltshire, ENGLAND
Mother: Catherine JONES b: 22 FEB 1834 in Ontario, CANADA
Marriage 1 Martha Jane JOHNSTON b: 23 JAN 1869 in Nova Scotia, CANADA
Married: 10 JAN 1888 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Stllborn Daughter PRANGLEY b: 13 SEP 1888 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Clifford Johnson PRANGLEY b: 30 AUG 1889 in Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children George William PRANGLEY b: 19 SEP 1891 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Letta A. PRANGLEY b: 26 DEC 1892 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Lizzie O. PRANGLEY b: 3 APR 1895 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has Children Wesley Stewart PRANGLEY b: 16 APR 1900 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Edward Rex PRANGLEY b: AUG 1902
Type: Census
Title: 1881 census
Place: Canada
Text: ROSEMAN, Lynn; Winnipeg, MB neitalyn@mymts.net
Name: George PRANGLEY
Sex: M
Birth: 14 MAR 1830 in Corsley, Wiltshire, ENGLAND
Death: 18 MAR 1890 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Burial: Strathroy Municipal Cmtry., Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Owned hotel in Strathroy, ON
Census Place: Strathroy, Middlesex East, Ontario, Canada
Source: FHL Film 1375905 NAC C-13269 Dist 168 SubDist F Div 2 Page 20 Family 103
Sex Marr Age Origin Birthplace
George PRANGLEY M M 52 English England Occ: Hotel Keeper Religion: Church of England
Cathrine PRANGLEY F M 48 English O Religion: E. Methodist
Elisabeth PRANGLEY F W 69 English Religion: E. Methodist
Enan... PRANGLEY M 24 English O Occ: Clerk Religion: E. Methodist
James W. PRANGLEY M 22 English O Occ: Taylor Religion: E. Methodist
Hiram PRANGLEY M 20 English O Occ: Stone Cutter Religion: E. Methodist
George H. PRANGLEY M 10 English O Religion: E. Methodist
M. C. WELLS M 28 American USA Occ: Barr Tender Religion: E. Methodist
HintsAncestry Hints for George PRANGLEY
6 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Esau PRANGLEY b: 25 DEC 1792 in Leigh's Green, Corsley, Wiltshire, ENGLAND
Mother: Elizabeth "Betsy" DENMEAD b: 1791 in Corsley, Wiltshire, ENGLAND
Marriage 1 Elizabeth
Married: 14 NOV 1853
Has No Children Elizabeth PRANGLEY b: 22 OCT 1854 in Ontario, CANADA
Marriage 2 Catherine JONES b: 22 FEB 1834 in Ontario, CANADA
Married: 1855
Has Children Emanuel PRANGLEY b: 12 APR 1857 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has Children James Wesley PRANGLEY b: 28 NOV 1858 in London, London Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Hiram PRANGLEY b: 1860 in Ontario, CANADA
Has Children George H. PRANGLEY b: 1 DEC 1871 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Name: Catherine JONES
Sex: F
Birth: 22 FEB 1834 in Ontario, CANADA
Death: 31 JAN 1901 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Burial: Strathroy Municipal Cmtry., Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
HintsAncestry Hints for Catherine JONES
1 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: James JONES b: 1809
Mother: Elizabeth CUTLER b: 1812
Marriage 1 George PRANGLEY b: 14 MAR 1830 in Corsley, Wiltshire, ENGLAND
Married: 1855
Has Children Emanuel PRANGLEY b: 12 APR 1857 in Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has Children James Wesley PRANGLEY b: 28 NOV 1858 in London, London Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Has No Children Hiram PRANGLEY b: 1860 in Ontario, CANADA
Has Children George H. PRANGLEY b: 1 DEC 1871 in Strathroy, Adelaide Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario, CANADA
Kent County Marriages
First Spouse
First Name
Second Spouse
First Name
Book Number
Page Number
Marion Forrest
Female - 1905
Name Marion Forrest
Gender Female
Died 1905 [1]
Marion, of Pembersville, Wood Co., Ohio. [1]
Person ID I125493 Schirado
Last Modified 31 January 2013
Family/Spouse Norman Brewster, b. 23 October 1820, Huntington, Chittenden Co, VT Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 7 December 1908 (Age 88 years)
Family ID F82745 Family Group Sheet
[S65] Emma C. B. Jones, (1908).
Thomas I Forrest (1929 - 2009) was born on November 16, 1929. He was born into the Forrest family.
He died on October 7, 2009 at 79 years old.
Thomas I Forrest's last known residence is at Rockford, Kent County, Michigan.
Full Name Thomas P Forrest
Age 66
Birth Year 1864
Birth Place Michigan
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Census Year 1930
Census Country Us
Event County Kent
Event Date 1930
Event Place Rockford, Kent, Michigan
Event Township Rockford
Language English
Father's Birthplace Scotland
Mother's Birthplace Scotland
Race White
Household Role Head
Relationship Code Self
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
Minnie E Forrest 56 1874 Wife
Full Name Thomas P Forrest
Age 6
Birth Year abt 1864
Birth Place Michigan
Gender Male
State Michigan
Residence Michigan, United States
Census Year 1870
Census Country Us
Batch Locality Michigan, United States
Event Date 1870
Race White
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
David Forrest 48 1822
Jessie Forrest 42 1828
James E Forrest 22 1848
George W Forrest 18 1852
David Forrest 12 1858
Willie Forrest 10 1860
Robert Forrest 8 1862
Name: Thomas P. FORREST
Sex: M
Birth: 21 FEB 1864 in Solon Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Burial: 1951 Rockford Cemetery, Kent Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1930 Working in Tannery, Rockford, Kent Co. Michigan
Death: 19 APR 1951 in Rockford, Kent Co Michigan
Occupation: 1910 Farming in Solon Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1920 Farming in Plainfield Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
HintsAncestry Hints for Thomas P. FORREST
5 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: David FORREST b: ABT 1822 in Scotland
Mother: Janet "Jessie" WILSON b: 02 APR 1825 in Scotland
Marriage 1 Minnie Ethel MOE b: 09 JUL 1873 in Rockford, Kent Co Michigan
Married: 1898 in Kent Co., Michigan
Note: Kent Co. Michigan Marriage Index Book 12, Page 112, (1896-1900)
Has Children Helen L. FORREST b: 1900 in Solon Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Has No Children Ralph S. FORREST b: 02 MAR 1899 in Solon Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Has No Children Robert Neil FORREST b: 1904 in Solon Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Social Security Death
Full Name Jennie Hyde
Birth Date 2 Sep 1896
Death Date Mar 1973
Address Mi 48203 Highland Park
Full Name Neal Mc Millan
Age 33
Birth Year 1847
Birth Place Canada
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Census County Kent
State Michigan
Race White
Ethnicity American
Father's Birth Place Scotland
Head Name Neal Mc Millan
Mother's Birth Place Scotland
Residence Rockford, Kent, Michigan
Spouse Birth Place Michigan, United States
Spouse Name Jennie Mc Millan
Census Year 1880
Census Country Us
Relation to Head Self
Census City Rockford
Census Locality Rockford
Family Number 0
Occupation Druggist
State Michigan
Town Village Of Rockford
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
Jennie Mc Millan 21 1859 Wife
Tomnbstone for Neal (1845-1920) at http://www.usgwarchives.net/mi/kent/photos/tombstones/rockford/mcmillan49917gph.jpg
A meeting was held in the Congregational church Feb. 25, 1877, and the people were addressed by Alfred Hellish, of Grand Rapids. Many signed the temperance pledge, and speeches were made by
several of the citizens; and it was agreed to meet March 2, to organize a temperance society. They met and organized by electing G. T. Saunders, President; Neal McMillan, 1st Vice-President;
Frank Stone, 2d Vice-President; D. L. Reynolds, Corresponding Secretary; C. N. Hyde, Financial Secretary, and Sanford Rykert, Treasurer. They adjourned to meet March in first session. They
met then and named the society the "Rockford Reform Club." All persons who signed the constitution and by-laws became members by paying a fee of 10 cents into the treasury. They fitted up
the Centennial building on Courtland street, at a cost of 83,000, and all was burned in 1878. They met immediately and circulated a subscription paper, and in a few days were enabled to go
on and erect a hall of their own, which they did. It is 30x60 feet and two-stories high. The present officers are: Frank Preacott, President; Geo. T. Saunders, 1st Vice-President; Thos.
Hogan, 2d Vice-President; Neal McMillan, 3d Vice-President; A. B. Gates, Corresponding Secretary; C. G. Hyde, Financial Secretary; F. C. Stone, Treasurer; H. Warner, Steward; A. C. Hyde,
Marshal; Henry Warner, Sergeant-at-Arms.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Rockford.‰ÛÓ Jan. 12, 1875, a meeting was held at Mrs. O. L. Prescott's, to take into consideration the organization of a society. Temporary organization
was effected and a committee appointed to draft constitution and by-laws, which were adopted at the next meeting, Jan. 11, 1875, and the following officers elected: Mrs. Preacott, President;
Mrs. Eld. Powell, 1st Vice-President; Mrs, Rev. E. Hayes, 2d Vice-President; Mrs. Rice, Secretary; Mrs. Miller, Treasurer. They have held public mass meetings, and worked in various ways to
banish intemperance from Rockford and vicinity, and have done great good. The present officers are: Mrs. C. G. Hyde,. President; Mrs. Dr. Waugh, Vice-President; Mrs. L. E. Crocket, Secretary;
Mrs. O. Sanders, Treasurer.
Full Name Myrtle McMillan
Age 43
Birth Year abt 1867
Birth Place Michigan
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Census County Kent
State Michigan
Race White
Ethnicity American
Father's Birth Place New York
Head Name Cynthia A Hyde
Mother's Birth Place Canada English
Relationship Code Dau
Relation to Head Daughter
Residence Algoma, Kent, Michigan
Census Year 1910
Census Country Us
Mother's Name Cynthia A Hyde
Batch Locality Michigan, United States
Race White
Relation to Head Daughter
Census Township Algoma
Head Name Title Head
Mother Name Title Head
Household Members
Name Age Birth Yr Role
Cynthia A Hyde 66 1844 Self
HYDE, Myrtle M 1866 Armada Twp. Macomb Co. Michigan 1955 Rockford, Kent Co Michigan
Search for this name at Ancestry.com Pedigree Has Notes Has no children Father: Alvin C. HYDE Mother: Cynthia A. Spouse: Neal MCMILLAN
Name: Alvin C. HYDE
Sex: M
Birth: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Ontrario Co. New york
Burial: 1908 Rockford Cemetery, Kent Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1860 Farm labor living in Armada Twp. Macomb Co. Michigan
Death: 1908 in Rockford, Kent Co Michigan
Occupation: 1870 Farming in Armada Twp. Macomb Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1880 Laborer living in Rockford, Kent Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1900 Retired living in Algoma Twp. Kent co. Michigan
Alvin C Hyde
Relative's Name: Cynthia Hyde,Relationship to veteran: Widow,Home in 1890 (Township, County, State): Algoma, Kent, Michigan. Year enlisted: 1864
Year discharged: 1865,Rank: Private
HintsAncestry Hints for Alvin C. HYDE
7 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Charles HYDE b: 12 MAR 1786 in Vermont
Mother: Mary Polly INGALLS b: 25 JAN 1796 in Danville, Vermont
Marriage 1 Cynthia A. b: MAR 1842 in Canada
Married: 1859 in Macomb Co. Michigan
Has No Children Myrtle M HYDE b: 1866 in Armada Twp. Macomb Co. Michigan
Name: Cynthia A.
Sex: F
Birth: MAR 1842 in Canada
Burial: 1931 Rockford Cemetery, Kent Co. Michigan
Occupation: 1910 Dress maker living in Algoma Twp. Kent Co. Michigan
Death: 1931 in Rockford, Kent Co Michigan
Birth: 1842 in Canada
Note: 1930 Rockford, Kent Co. Michigan Cynthia & Daughter Myrtle living in same household, both widowed.
Marriage 1 Alvin C. HYDE b: 22 MAR 1833 in Lima, Ontrario Co. New york
Married: 1859 in Macomb Co. Michigan
Has No Children Myrtle M HYDE b: 1866 in Armada Twp. Macomb Co. Michigan
xxxx_____: unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
xxxx_____: unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
Please Note: Throughout this genealogy a left handed prefix (1234_____) is a birth; a right handed prefix (_____1234) is a reference from a later relationship event (typically marriage). All references are bolded, and equal numbered left and right handed references (or just plain references - 1234 ) are always the same person. Use your browser's Find button to follow a lineage using the reference numbers (or follow the links on some individuals for pictures, or lines). Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to other family tree branches.
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xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
xxxx_____: Unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ).
xxxx_____: Unknown. Born on (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
Tool Crib
Parts and pieces being assembled into finished entries. These are likely incomplete, and may contain incorrect or incomplete links.
xxxx_____: unknown. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of unknown ). Married unknown ( unknown ). Assumed deceased, date and place unknown.
2778_____: David Allen John Bowers. Born Nov. 11, 1986 (issue of unknown ) in Oakland, CA.
2408_____: Priscilla Alden. Date and place of birth unknown (issue of Unknown ). Married Samuel Chesebrough ( 2392 ) on Jan 4, 1699. Assumed deceased, date and place unknown. Believed to be the granddaughter of John Alden ( Unknown 0273 ), from the Mayflower.
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Should you discover we share a common ancestor, or if you can fill in some of our missing details, we would really appreciate receiving E-mail from you with the details, and if possible a URL where your researches are posted. This will allow us to add an appropriate link to join our family trees, making the work more interesting and useful to ourselves and to others. We will also be pleased to link to personal web pages or email addresses of anyone listed. Just let us know.
Several mathematical theorem indicate that each person on earth could demonstrate a direct link to any other randomly chosen person on earth using six to eight links, using a friend of a friend of a friend . . . type of connection. This suggests that four to nine more generations of genealogy are needed to make a similar connection between any two randomly choosen people on earth as relatives (I actually think the range must be one higher, but can't prove it yet).
Current date and time is Monday, 03-Mar-2025 23:02:48 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 04:02:48 GMT. You are viewing this page from: and are visitor number 11278. This page was first published on 20 October 1998 and was last updated on Monday, 16-Dec-2024 09:23:02 EST.
How are things in Michigan? All is well up in Alberta.
Below is a sort-of-bare-boned version of my lineage. Also included is a recently discovered second cousin
(2X removed) who is still living. Dr. Ada is the same age as my mother, but two generations before me. We
have conversed via snail mail.
Anyway, it all starts with James and Maria Wightmore (just names, but they lived in Manchester,
Lancashire, England). They had six (6) children; Samuel (1837 - ?), Martha (1839 - ?), John (1841 - ?), Ann
(1843 - ?), Daniel (1845 - ?), and Elizabeth (1848 - ?).
Samuel (1837 - ?) married Sarah Ann Griffiths Dec. 14, 1863. They had three children; Maria (1867 - ?),
Albert E. (1875 - ?), and Samuel (1879 - ?). This is as far as I have gotten on their line. There may be more
in a while... who knows? (They may also have spelled their name "Whitemore". It was recorded this way
most of the censuses that I have heard about.)
John (1841 - ?), my great-great-grandfather, married Mary Wite (1840 - ? ) in Manchester, England on July
31, 1861. John died when his son "was just a child" (1868-1873?). They had one son, James Alfred
Wightmore (1865 - Mar. 01, 1929), who appears in your tree as #2516
Daniel (1845 - ?), Dr. Ada's grandfather, married Louisa W. Pimlott (1847 - ? ) date unknown (Manchester,
England is assumed). They had five (5) sons; Francis K. (1868 - ?), Harry K. (1870 - ?), Clarence R. (1873 -
?), Ernest W. (1877 - ?), and Daniel E (1880 - ?).
Ernest W. was married (I assume) and had a daughter, Ada (1923 - ), ( who is now Dr. Ada Wightmore) my
second cousin, twice removed. I believe there are further descendants from Dr. Ada's uncles but this has
not yet been ascertained.
I know of no children or marriages for Martha, Ann, or Elizabeth.
With regard to Andrew Williamson, we have not yet determined exactly where our ancestry coincides, but
we are certainly within one generation (i.e. James is either an undiscovered son of Thomas Whitmore, or
he is a nephew of Thomas). He will eventually turn out to be a fourth or fifth cousin once removed, I believe.
I have also talked (via snail mail) to Eric Wightmore, an elderly beekeeper in Devon, England, who is (I
believe) the great-great-grandson of Thomas Whitmore. Depending on who my 4Xgreat-grandfather is, we
are either third or forth cousins twice removed. However, until my 4Xgf is determined, we know nothing for
All in all, this has been a very exhilarating experience. Thank you for turning me on to the thrills of
PSÊ I found the birth record for John Randall ____0000 c/w Elizabeth MORTON as being his wife.Ê This was on the IGI.
Sex: M
Spouse: Elizabeth MORTON
Marriage: Abt. 1665
Below please find a more complete and better-laid-out recapitulation of what I discovered last night on the IGI re: John
Randall who starts your family tree by passing away in Rhode Island about 1685.Ê This goes back to his birth in 1629 in
Bath, Somerset, England to hisÊfather Mathew (1600), grandfather Mathew (1571), and great-grandfather John (just the
name) c/w all the wives maiden names (except the first John).Ê We're talking mid-16th century!!!Ê Have fun w/ this...Ê All the
John RANDALL Compact Disc #11 Pin #301711 (AFN: 4KQL-K0)
Sex: M
Birth: 28 May 1629 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: abt 1685 Place: Westerly, Washington, RI
Spouse: Elizabeth MORTON Disc #11 Pin #301712
Marriage: abt 1665 Place: Newport, Newport, RI
Father: Mathew RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302625 (Unknown 0274 )
Mother: Ellizabeth MOORFORD Disc #11 Pin #302870
Elizabeth MORTON Compact Disc #11 Pin #301712 (AFN: 4KQL-L5)
Sex: F
Birth: 10 Sep 1631 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: 1685 Place: Westerly, Washington, RI
Spouse: John RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #301711
Marriage: abt 1665 Place: Newport, Newport, RI
Mathew RANDALL Compact Disc #11 Pin #302625 (Unknown 0274 )
Sex: M
Birth: 3 Jul 1600 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: 23 Feb 1640 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Father: Mathew RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302871 (Unknown 0275 )
Mother: Agnes CULLEN Disc #11 Pin #302872 (Unknown 0276 )
Spouse: Ellizabeth MOORFORD Disc #11 Pin #302870 (Unknown 0277 )
Marriage: 13 Aug 1635 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Ellizabeth MOORFORD Compact Disc #11 Pin #302870 (Unknown 0277 )
Sex: F
Birth: 8 Jul 1592 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Spouse: Mathew RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302625
Marriage: 13 Aug 1635 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Mathew RANDALL Compact Disc #11 Pin #302871 (Unknown 0275 )
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1571 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: 19 Feb 1627 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Spouse: Agnes CULLEN Disc #11 Pin #302872 (Unknown 0276 )
Marriage: 16 Apr 1596 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Father: John RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302873 (Unknown 0278 )
Agnes CULLEN Compact Disc #11 Pin #302872 (Unknown 0276 )
Sex: F
Birth: 1 Jan 1570 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: 19 Feb 1628 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Spouse: Mathew RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302871
Marriage: 16 Apr 1596 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Father: William CULLEN Disc #11 Pin #302874 (Unknown 0279 )
Mother: Jane MILLARD Disc #11 Pin #302875 (Unknown 0280 )
William CULLEN Compact Disc #11 Pin #302874
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1546 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Spouse: Jane MILLARD Disc #11 Pin #302875
Marriage: 22 Oct 1569 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Jane MILLARD Compact Disc #11 Pin #302875
Sex: F
Birth: abt 1550 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Death: Jan 1593 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
Spouse: William CULLEN Disc #11 Pin #302874
Marriage: 22 Oct 1569 Place: Bath, Somerset, England
John RANDALL Disc #11 Pin #302873 (Unknown 0278 )
This little tidbit showed up tonight when I was showing my mother how the internet and the IGI work.Ê It should go
underneath the name of John (father of Mathew, born 1571).
Born: Abt. 1545 ÊÊÊ Place: Bath, Somersetshire, England
Married: 30 Apr 1570 ÊÊÊ Place: Bath Somerset(shire?), England (This is assumed, place does not show in the records)
And I think this is just about as far as we are going to get with the Randall lineage.ÊÊ
I was re-reading the intro to your Family Tree, and it shows "Widow Elizabeth Randall and her sons, Stephen and John,
were at Watertown, MA, in 1653."ÊJohn's father Mathew died in 1640 when John was only 10 or 11 yrs. old, soÊthis may be
the family.ÊÊWould John still be with hisÊmother at the age of 23-4?Ê I guess that isÊthe question.Ê I have not been able to
find Stephen anywhere, however, so this may not be the correct family after all.
Good wishes, happy times...
ÊHi Kreigh,
How goes?Ê Was looking through the Unknown list last night, and found that you didn't have the name of my grandmothers's
second husband #2295.Ê His name was Percy Joseph Ruffett, and they were married Sept. 22, 1979.ÊHe died before
Nanna.Ê My mother probably has more details if you want them
Also, my brother Alan #1914 was marriedÊtoÊJennifer Breedeson on May 17, 1986, and they have one daughter, Kate, born
Hi Kreigh,
How are things in Michigan?Ê Alberta is starting to cool off; winter will be here b4 you know it....
Found a lot of new stuff in coordination w/ Andrew Williamson, and we finally found out how we connect (6th cousins, once
removed - I am one generation further down the line).Ê The great - great grandfather listed below, John, married Mary Wite
(White) in 1861 (I have the ORIGINAL marriage cert.) and had J. Alfred Wightmore in 1865.Ê He appears in your tree as
5 x GREAT GRANDFATHER and brother
(with 6 x great - grandfathers name)
Samuel WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 10 Aug 1756 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMORE Mother:
Thomas WHITMORE Sex: MÊ (This is Andrew'sÊ4 x Great - grandfather)
Event(s): Christening: 10 Feb 1760 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMORE Mother:
Samuel WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 27 Aug 1786 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Samuel WHITMORE Mother:
Richard KILVERT Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Catherine RUSCOE 10 Nov 1798 Over By Middlewich, Cheshire, England
Richard KILVERT Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 20 Nov 1804 Saint Chad, Over, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Richard KILVERT Mother: Catherine
Sarah KILVERT Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 12 Apr 1807 Saint Chad, Over, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Richard KILVERT Mother: Catherine
Maria KILVERT Sex: F (3 x great - grandmother)
Event(s): Christening: 22 Jun 1810 Saint Chad, Over, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Richard KILVERT Mother: Catharine
Nicholas KILVERT Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 5 Jul 1812 Saint Chad, Over, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Richd KILVERT Mother: Catherine
3 x GREAT GRANDFATHER and siblings
Samuel WHITEMORE Sex: M (4 x Great -grandfather)
Marriage(s): Spouse: Mary CORK 13 Nov 1810 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Charles WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 13 Oct 1811 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Samuel WHITMORE Mother: Mary
James WHITMORE Sex: M (3 x great - grandfather)
Event(s): Christening: 11 Oct 1812 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Samuel WHITMORE Mother: Mary
Event(s): Christening: 26 Jan 1815 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Samuel WHITMORE Mother: Mary
Samuel WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 26 Feb 1837 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WHITMORE Mother: Mary
Event(s): Christening: 7 Apr 1839 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WIGHTMORE Mother: Maria
John WHITEMORE Sex: M (Great - great - grandfather)
Event(s): Christening: 30 May 1841 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WHITEMORE Mother: Maria
Event(s): Christening: 28 May 1843 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WIGHTMORE Mother: Maria
Event(s): Christening: 25 May 1845 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WIGHTMORE Mother: Maria
Elizabeth WIGHTMORE Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 30 Jan 1848 Saint Phillips, Salford, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: James WIGHTMORE Mother: Maria
Parents and Maternal grandparents
Mary WHITE Sex: F (Great - great - grandmother)
Event(s):Christening: 23 Feb 1840 Gravel Lane Wesleyan Methodist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Job WHITE Mother: Ann
Job WHITE Sex: M (Maternal 3 x great - grandfather)
Marriage(s): Spouse: Ann ATHERTON 9 Jan 1839 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Ann ATHERTON Sex: F (Maternal 3 x great - grandfather)
Event(s): Christening: 6 Aug 1820 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Richard ATHERTON Mother: Margaret
Richard ATHERTON Sex: M (Maternal 4 x great - grandfather)
Event(s): Birth: Abt. 1794 Of, Wigan, Lancashire, England
Marriage(s): Spouse: Margaret BATES 27 Mar 1820 Wigan, Lancashire, England
Margaret BATES Sex: F (Maternal 4 x great - grandmother)
Event(s): Birth: Abt. 1798 Of, Wigan, Lancashire, England
Marriage(s): Spouse: Richard ATHERTON
Andrew connects with my 6 x great - grandfather and his 5 x great - grandfather being the same person i.e. Thomas
Whitmore from sometime around 1730 in Wybunbury, Cheshire, England.
4 x GREAT - GRAND FATHER and brother
(with 5 x great-grandfathers name)
Samuel WHITMORE Sex: MÊ (My 5 x great - grandfather)
Event(s): Christening: 10 Aug 1756 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMORE Mother:
Thomas WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 10 Feb 1760 Wybunbury, Cheshire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMORE Mother:
3 x GREAT - GRAND FATHER and siblings
Thomas WHITMORE Sex: M
Marriage(s): Spouse: Mary FOLEY 20 Jan 1780 Stockton By Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England
Elizh. WHITMOOR Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 21 May 1786 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMOOR Mother: Mary
Thomas WHITMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 22 Jun 1788 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WHITMORE Mother: Mary
Elizabeth WHITMOOR Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 20 Mar 1791 Saint Thomas Ardwick, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WHITMOOR Mother: Mary
Catherine WHITMORE Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 12 Oct 1794 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thomas WHITMORE Mother: Mary
Event(s): Christening: 1 Dec 1811 Gravel Lane Wesleyan Methodist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WIGHTMORE Mother: Martha
Event(s): Christening: 6 Jan 1813 Great Bridgwater Street Wesleyan, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WIGHTMORE Mother: Martha
Event(s): Christening: 13 Apr 1821 Gravel Lane Wesleyan Methodist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WIGHTMARE Mother: Martha
Richard WIGHTMORE Sex: M
Event(s): Christening: 8 Jun 1823 Gravel Lane Wesleyan Methodist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Thos. WIGHTMORE Mother: Martha
GREAT - GRAND MOTHER and sisters
Mary Jane WIGHTMORE Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 23 Jul 1843 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Richard WIGHTMORE Mother: Jane
Event(s): Christening: 22 Jun 1845 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Richard WIGHTMORE Mother: Jane
Elizabeth Ann WIGHTMORE Sex: F
Event(s): Christening: 2 Jul 1854 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Parents: Father: Richard WIGHTMORE Mother: Jane
Elizabeth Ann WIGHTMORE is Andrew's great - grandmother.Ê When he fills me in with the missing data between himself
and his great - grandmother, I will pass it along soonest
Best wishes,Ê
I have traced my family back to Simon
Randall (born 1574 ) in Lincolnshire, England. He was the father of William
Randall, who came over on the "Expectacon" , around 1630, as you mention. Simon Randall, born in 1574 in Grantham,
England per Brian Randall of Rhode Island.
Hi Kreigh,
This is what I put together re: English Randalls before emigration. These
are all listed together in a pedigree file w/ the IGI (except for the
Stephen; I found him one day...). I think that in the opening of your
original family tree page, you had Widow Elizabeth and her sons John and
Stephen somewhere in the New England Colonies in 1653. I believe that this
is the line that starts your tree. (At least, that's my story, and I'm gonna
stick with it) 8-)) I followed your format, but used the 9000's until I
got to 0000____: John...
9000____: John Randall Born about 1545 Bath, Somerset, England. Married 30
Apr, 1570
____9001: Mathew Randall Born about 1571 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 19
Feb 1627 Bath, Somerset, England
9100____: William Cullen Born about 1546 Bath, Somerset, England Married
Jane Millard 22 Oct 1569
9101____: Jane Millard Born about 1550 Bath, Somerset, England. Married
William Cullen 22 Oct 1569
____9102: Agnes Cullen Born 1 Jan 1570 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 19
Feb 1628 Bath, Somerset, England
9001____: Mathew Randall Born about 1571 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 19
Feb 1627 Bath, Somerset, England. Married Agnes Cullen 16 Apr 1596 Bath,
Somerset, England
9102____: Agnes Cullen Born 1 Jan 1570 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 19
Feb 1628 Bath, Somerset, England Married Mathew Randall 16 Apr 1596 Bath,
Somerset, England
____9002: Mathew Randall Born 3 Jul 1600 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 23
Feb 1640 Bath, Somerset, England
9002____: Mathew Randall Born 3 Jul 1600 Bath, Somerset, England. Died 23
Feb 1640 Bath, Somerset, England. Married Ellizabeth Moorford 13 Apr 1635
Bath, Somerset, England
9110____: Ellizabeth Moorford Born 8 Jul 1592 Bath, Somerset, England.
Married Mathew Randall 13 Aug 1635 Bath, Somerset, England. Died New
England Colonies.
____0000: John Randall Born 28 May 1629 Bath, Somerset, England. Christened
11 Nov 1629 Bath Abbey, Bath, Somerset, England. Died about 1685 Westerly,
Washington, RI
____9003: Stephen Randall born about 1632 England
_____0000: John Randall Born 28 May 1629 Bath, Somerset, England. Christened
11 Nov 1629 Bath Abbey, Bath, Somerset, England. Married Elizabeth Morton
(0001) about 1665, Newport, Newport, RI. Died at Westerly, Rhode Island
around 1684-5.
_____0001: Elizabeth Morton Born 10 Sep 1631 Bath, Somerset, England.
Married John Randall (0000) about 1665, Newport, Newport, RI. Died at
Westerly, Rhode Island around 1684-5.
And this is where yours carries on...
Best Wishes