Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly. Click on any image for a larger picture, and then use your browser Back button to return here.

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite  Formula  Picture Too Ugly
broke camera
Central African Republic acquired January 2000 from Fossils, Inc. none Unidentified crust on some crystal faces  Comments #0403,0404,0405,0406  Hardness  Streak  Specific Gravity  Crystal Form(s)
Petoskey Stone Fossil Prismatophyllum or Hexagonaria, depending on which book or expert you prefer
Lake MI shoreline, south of Traverse City 1970s none Secondary Mineral(s) gift from Mr. Gerald Morris, the Petoskey Stone Man, who was responsible for making the Petoskey Stone the State Stone of Michigan;
Traded to Gary Brown February 2000
Reference #0291 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amethyst Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

this specimen may be included in the group pictures at the beginning and end of this section

Mexico acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0196 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Chalcopyrite   individual specimen picture not yet available

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Iron Bridge Ontario, Canada 1981 unidentified Many unidentified Traded to Gary Brown, February 2000 Reference #0288 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Orpiment Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Nevada acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0197 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Actinolite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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California acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0198 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Rubellite, Lepidolite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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California When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0199 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Chalcopyrite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Mexico acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Possibly heat treated as surface appears to be bornite #0200 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Copper nugget Cu individual specimen picture not yet available

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Michigan acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) acid cleaned, and possibly tumbled #0201 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Chrysocolla Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Arizona acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0202 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Gypsum rose Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Mexico acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0203 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Aragonite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Aragon, Spain acquired 1996 (from Edmund Scientific) Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0204 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity hexagonal prism
Nickelian or Gaspetic (Gaspeitic?) Magnesite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Craig White's Chrysoprase Mines of Australia (probably a trading name for Yerilla Chrysoprase mine at Yerilla in Western Australia), wharehouse in Perth, Western Australia. gift from Ann and Keith Berger (Round Rocks, Etc.) in 1999 Brown siltstone? Brucite Comments #0206 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Chrysoprase Formula Camera Shy Craig White's Chrysoprase Mines of Australia (probably a trading name for Yerilla Chrysoprase mine at Yerilla in Western Australia), wharehouse in Perth, Western Australia. gift from Ann and Keith Berger (Round Rocks, Etc.) in 1999 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0207 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Chrysoprase Formula Camera Shy Craig White's Chrysoprase Mines of Australia (probably a trading name for Yerilla Chrysoprase mine at Yerilla in Western Australia), wharehouse in Perth, Western Australia. gift from Ann and Keith Berger (Round Rocks, Etc.) in 1999 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0208 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Pegmatite Granite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Marshfield, WN 1999 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Kalinda Tomaszewski #0209 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Maidenhair Pumice or Rottenstone Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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I was told this came from Hawaii acquired 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) I consistently get two identifications on this from people. #0210 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Bog Iron (Limonite) Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Cascade Gravel Pit (Cascade and 28th St), Grand Rapids Michigan (location developed and no longer available). 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0211 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Lazurite (Lapis Lazuli) Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Ovalle, Chile acquired 1982 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments #0212 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Mica Schist Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Unknown When Collected Matrix Garnets Comments #0213 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Specular Hematite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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MI late 1950s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This piece is from my original collection and used to be about three times larger. It flakes off in the hand. It also has the brightest sheen of any hemetite I have. It has been dropped several times and the smaller fragments given to pebble pups. #0214 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Oredon Teeth Fossil   individual specimen picture not yet available

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Badlands, South Dakota 1950s     It contains 3 1/2 teeth (plus a tiny fragment of a root from a fourth) in a section of jawbone. The teeth are about the same size as my molars but have a single inside and outside point each. It was #9 in my original collection (I wish I could find the index cards from it) and is one of the few I have left. It was a gift from the Grand Rapids Rock and Mineral Society for being the youngest first time visitor at the club meeting where I received it. #0215        
Quartz SiO2 individual specimen picture not yet available

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Huaron, Peru acquired 1996 (the Nature Emporium, Detroit Area) Sphalerite Pyrite in matrix and on crystals Comments #0216     Specific Gravity Terminated prisims up to 1 inch radiating off the matrix
Malachite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Morenci, AZ probably early 1950s Unidentified black mineral Chrysocolla When my Father, Ray Tomaszewski, died this was found wrapped up with a label in his closet; my Mother assumed it was a gift for me and completed the action at the next Christmas. #0218       Botryoidal crust
Malachite Formula individual specimen picture not yet available

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Morenci, AZ probably early 1950s Unidentified reddish/brown mineral Azurite When my Father, Ray Tomaszewski, died this was found wrapped up with a label in his closet; my Mother assumed it was a gift for me and completed the action at the next Christmas. #0217       Botryoidal crust
Barite Formula Mibladen, Morocco acquired, January 2000 Sphalerite     #0415 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Calcite Formula
probably Joplin, Missouri acquired, January 2000 Galena, Sphalerite Bornite and possibly others Comments #0446 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Galena Formula
probably Joplin, Missouri acquired, January 2000 Dolamite Sphalerite and possibly others Comments #0445 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Wolfenite Formula Toussit, Morocco acquired January 2000 unidentified at least three, one brown, one black, and one white, unidentified Comments #0460 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Copper cobble Formula Probably Keweenaw Peninsula, MI Acquired January 2000 Calcite probably several This thing is almost solid copper from its weight #0419 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)

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