Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection
in Numerical Order
2250 - 2499

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Yes, there are specimens hidden in this list, but you may have to scroll down to find them.
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference # Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Catapleiite [brownish-clear] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada acquired 2006 Analcime Siderite From the collection of the GVSU Geology Club, who reported acquiring it at Tucson in 2006. Label notes Nicole & Normand Paradis (and their phone #) who I assume are the collectors. 2250 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrocolumbite [blackish-brown, striated] Formula /Images/picture.jpg The Ray Mica Mines, Hurricane Mt., Burnsville, Yancy Co., North Carolina Collected 2002, acquired by trade in 2006 Complex or Litha Pegmatite, a Muscovite Pegmatite Muscovite, Manganapatite, Schorl, Quartz From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2251 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrocolumbite [blackish-brown, striated] Formula /Images/picture.jpg The Ray Mica Mines, Hurricane Mt., Burnsville, Yancy Co., North Carolina Collected 2002, acquired by trade in 2006 Complex or Litha Pegmatite, a Muscovite Pegmatite Muscovite, Manganapatite, Schorl, Quartz From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2252 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrocolumbite [blackish-brown, striated] Formula /Images/picture.jpg The Ray Mica Mines, Hurricane Mt., Burnsville, Yancy Co., North Carolina Collected 2002, acquired by trade in 2006 Microcline w/ Amazonite Lepidolite, Muscovite, Elbaite, Schorl, Quartz From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. Label notes mica is acic. and foliated. 2253 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Almandine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Little Pine Garnet Mine, Marshall. Madison Co., North Carolina Collected Dec. 2001, acquired by trade in 2006 Chlorite Schist Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2254 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Actinolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Copper Basin, near Ducktown, Polk Co., Tennessee Collected 2001, acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2255 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rhodizite (K, Cs)Al4Be4(B, Be)sub>12O28 /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Bity (Ibity), Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Ibity area, Vakinankaratra region (Betafo - Antsirabé' region), Antananarivo province, Madagascar gifted 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the Collection of Bob Beauvais. From the collection of Ron Gibbs. 2256 8 Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rhodizite (K, Cs)Al4Be4(B, Be)sub>12O28 /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Bity (Ibity), Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Ibity area, Vakinankaratra region (Betafo - Antsirabé' region), Antananarivo province, Madagascar gifted 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the Collection of Bob Beauvais. From the collection of Ron Gibbs. 2257 8 Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Central Mine, Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan probably collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Chrysocolla From the collection of the IMRMC. 2258 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Central Mine, Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan probably collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Chrysocolla From the collection of the IMRMC. 2259 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Delaware Mine, Delaware, Keweenaw Co., Michigan collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Chrysocolla From the collection of the IMRMC. 2260 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Northwestern Mine (Central Mine), Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan probably collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Calcite, Chrysocolla From the collection of the IMRMC. 2261 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Okenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg gas pockets in pillow basalt from a quarry near Bombay, India acquired 2006 Basalt Quartz From the collection of BJ's (Trout Lake, MI). 2262 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Carnaiba Mine, Pindobassu, Bahai, Brazil acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2263 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Twinned
Actinolite var. Byssolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Virginia acquired 2006 Prehnite Apophylite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2264 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Enstatite var. Victorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peru acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Label notes "var. Pectolite/Larimar". 2265 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hydroxylherderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2006/td> Matrix Quartz From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2266 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serpentine var. Ricolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg River Sandbar (downstream from closed collecting location) near Red Rock, New Mexico collected 1992, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Kevin Ponzio. Ricolite is an unusual/rare variety of Serpentine that contains thin seams of Talc./td> 2267 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Anhydrite var. Angelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peru, South America acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2268 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cornetite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kalukaluku Mine, Katanga, D.R.C., Africa acquired 2006 Matrix Malachite, Chrysdocolla From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2269 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Travertine CaCO3 /Images/picture.jpg Old Blanchard Claim, Bingham, New Mexico collected 1988, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Travertine is a massive form of Calcium Carbonate from deposition by streams or hot springs. 2270 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl var. Morganite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Coronel Murta, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Label notes specimen was etched. 2271 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quartz Hill, Nicolet National Forest, Northern Wisconson collected 2005 Matrix Hematite Comments 2272 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Veszelyite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Black Pine Mine, Flint Creek Valley, Granite County, Montana acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #34205. 2273 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Berthierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maramures, Romania acquired 2006 Chalcopyrite Calcite From the collection of John Betts, #34178. 2274 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2275 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wood Creek, Haywood Co., NC collected 1999, acquired by trade in 2006 Microcline Schorl From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2276 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite var. Chlorophane Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Yancy Co., NC collected 2002, acquired by trade in 2006 Pegmatite Schorl, Muscovite Mica From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2277 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl var. Aquamarine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Yancy Co., NC collected 2003, acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Muscovite Mica From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2278 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl var. Aquamarine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Yancy Co., NC collected 2003, acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2279 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl var. Heliodor Formula /Images/picture.jpg Padre Paraiso, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2280 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite [green] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arassuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2281 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Iridium var. Rutheniridosmine, native Ir,Os,Ru (stable) alloy (Ir,Os,Ru) /Images/picture.jpg Nizhni Tagil, Ural Mountains, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia collected around 1900, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #33570: Description: "About 40 small metallic flakes of silver-white iridium, a very rare mineral, mounted in plastic display for protection. Tested by Excalibur Mineral Co. in 2002. Ex. John A. Rorer, Jr. collection #017; Ex. Prof. G.P.Carlson (Univ. of London, 1952); Ex. E. Noske Collection (Hamburg, 1902). Overall size of mineral specimen : .2-.8 mm. Size of individual crystals : .".
The analysis by Excalibur reports Ir 42.73% by Wt for Ir, 41.53 Os, and 15.74% Ru. Rorer's analysis was labeled Specimen IMK#1 - Silvery flakes and reported back a (Ir,Os,Rh) phase now considered as Ruthenosmiridium. A handwritten comment corrects the Rh to Ru (it was correct in the analysis details), and replaces Ruthenosmiridium with Iridium.
Handwritten label on the analysis identifies specimen "Iridium 17". The personal notes go on to add "Dana:, Iridium, Ir, specimen, when collected in 1900+-, was labeled by Foote 'Iridosmine (var. Siserskite -- flat siz sided scales)', however, var. Nevyanskite is corect since more than 40% iridium is present (42.73% for Iridium, 41.53 Osmium).
Now after qualatative chemistry tests it appears that Ruthenosmiridium is the correct identification of this specimen. However, the IMA now considers this to be Iridium since Ir is doominant in this specimen."
Under the technical analysis there is a handwritten comment "Rutheniridosmine: 'Ir' is the dominant element. Ir,Os,Ru (hexagonal) [42.73% in this vs 41.53% Os], Dana".
Some of the small flakes have fallen off the top and are around the upper edge of the case. One os these flakes is a perfect hexagon on five of the six faces (and almost perfect on the last face).
2282 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Azurite pseudomorph after Malachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Allouez Mine, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan probably collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the IMRMC. 2283 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Malachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Allouez Mine, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan probably collected 1997, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the IMRMC. 2284 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Blue Celestite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Amhurstberg Quarry, Ontario, Canada acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the IMRMC. 2285 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ruby Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ketito, Tanmzania acquired 2006. Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Label notes 2006 (when it was acquired at Tucson). 2286 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ametrine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2287 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite var. Chlorophane Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Yancy Co., NC collected 2006, acquired 2006 Pegmatite Schorl, Muscovite Mica, Spessartine From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2288 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite var. Chlorophane Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Yancy Co., NC collected 2006, acquired 2006 Pegmatite Schorl, Muscovite Mica, Spessartine From the collection of Edward J. Wagner. 2289 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hardystonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Trotter Mine, Franklin, New Jersey acquired 2006 Franklinite Willemite, Clinohedrite From the collection of John Betts, #33828. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr., #228. From the collection of Geologist Al Carlson. This is a Type Locality specimen for Hardystonite, Clinohedrite, and Franklinite. Hardystonite fluoresces violet blue, Clinohedrite orange, and Willemite green. 2290 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Coloradoite HgTe /Images/picture.jpg Uchaly Mine, Chelybinsk Oblast, Russia acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #33649. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr., #052. From the collection of a dealer at the 1948 LA Mineral Show. From the collection of Prof. Ino Alex Rorer at the University of London; his label incorrectly lists it as Coloradolite, and notes the mine is south of Yekaterinburg. The mineral is toxic so care should be taken when handling. 2291 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cacoxenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Undermine Eleonore, Dunnsberg, Geissen, Hessen, Germany acquired 2006 Limonite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #33805. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr., #205. From the collection of Dr. A. A. Pegau, Virginia State Geologist, as a gift in 1948. Label notes "When collected this area was Hessen-Nassau, a former province of Prussia in Western Germany. This area is now Hessen, a State. 2292 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pargasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Laacher See Area, Eifel District, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #33848. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr., #248. Dr. Rorer purchased the specimen while in Verdun, France; his label incorrectly identifies it as Parasite (a var. of Boracite), but has the correct Dana reference for Pargasite. 2293 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Todorokite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey acquired 2006 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #33732. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr., #133. From the collection of Geologist A. L. Carlson, #317. 2294 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrosilite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Yates Mine, Otter Lake, Quebec, Canada acquired 2006 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #33033. 2295 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cobaltite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tunaberg, Sodermanland, Sweden acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #34319. From the collection of John A. Rorer, Jr.. 2296 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper peeudomorph after firebrick Formula /Images/picture.jpg copper smelter, Keweenaw Peninsula, MI acquired 2006 Copper Quartz The firebricks lining copper smelting furnaces would deteriorate and be replaced by copper, forcing their replacement. 2297 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Elbaite var. Achroite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Himalaya Mine, California When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2298 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Celestite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lafarge Quarry, Dundas, Ontario, Canada acquired 2006 Calcite Fluorite IMRMC Swapfest item (and I wish I could remember the name of the collector). 2299 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kimberlite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gates-Adah Mine, Middle Run, north of Gates, Fayette County, Pennsylvania acquired 2005 Matrix Pyrope, other Secondary Minerals not identified From the collection of John Betts, #30411. From the collection of Jay Lininger (1939-2004), auction lot 34, item no. 02300; collected by Joe Dague. Mixture of many minerals known as kimberlite - the host Rock that diamonds are found in. One pyrope garnet is clearly visible. Typical minerals included are forsterite, pyrope, diopside, and phlogopite mica. 2300 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Celestite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lafarge Quarry, Dundas, Ontario, Canada acquired 2006 Calcite Fluorite IMRMC Swapfest item (and I wish I could remember the name of the collector). 2301 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stromatolites Fossil, Banded Iron Deposits, var. Tiger Iron Formula /Images/picture.jpg possibly Hough Lake, Port Handford, Western Australia acquired 2006 Jaspelite (banded hematite and jasper) Golden Tiger Eye IMRMC auction item from Club Swapfest Auction. Proterozoic. Outstanding specimen with 'folded' bands. 2302 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quartz Hill, Nicolet National Forest, Northern Wisconson collected 2005 Matrix Hematite, Muscovite Comments 2303 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ironwood fossil Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alabama acquired 2006 Sandstone Geothite From the collection Jeanette Wimpee. Label notes "wood displaced by iron embedded in sandstone". 2304 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Burra Isle, Shetland Isles, Scotland, UK acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2305 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Norwick Bog, Shetland Isles, Scotland, UK acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2306 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Forla, Shetland Isles, Scotland, UK acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2307 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Swinna Ness, Shetland Isles, Scotland, UK acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2308 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg South Shore, Long Island, New York acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. From a heavy mineral lense of sand created by wave action. 2309 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Amelia Court House, James River, Virginia acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. The 'sand' sample is really used plastic sand blasting pellets. I did some research on sandblasting with plastic pellets and discovered Plastic Media Blasting (PMB) that is used for paint stripping at lower pressure (40 psi) on everything from kitchen cabinets to airplanes. The process often produces hazardous waste, and self contained breathing protection is needed to avoid problems from the dust. Pellets are generally reused several times before going to the recycler; the pellets start out with sharp edges, and some have abrasive coatings. 2310 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand grains with mineral inclusions Formula /Images/picture.jpg Location Unknown acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2311 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Redayre, Shetland Isles, Scotland, UK acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of James Groves. 2312 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clearwater Beach, FL acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Alan Silverstein. 2313 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Great Sand Dunes National Monument, CO acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Alan Silverstein. 2314 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Glen Canyon, UT acquired by trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Alan Silverstein. 2315 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Orient Beach at Club Orient, St. Martins, French West Indies Collected July 2003, acquired in trade 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Mike Colella. 2316 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rehobeth Beach, Delaware Collected June 2002, acquired in trade 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Mike Colella. 2317 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Crushed Sandstone Formula /Images/picture.jpg U.S. Silica Mine, Berkley Springs, West Virginia Collected June 2006, acquired in trade 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Mike Colella. 2318 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dolphin Quest Hotel, Moorea Island, French Polynesia Collected August 2004, acquired in trade 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Mike Colella. 2319 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kolmanskoppe, a ghost diamond town, 10 km East of Luderitz, Namabia trade in 2006 Matrix diamond possible From the collection of Horst Windisch, #5. 2320 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Xonotlite Ca4Si6O17(OH)2 /Images/picture.jpg Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa acquired 2006 Inesite possible Tobermorite From the collection of Rob Lavinsky, #D06-81. Rob described it as a "Miniature, 3.5 x 2.7 x 2.6 cm. Beautiful 1 cm clusters of acicular Xonotlite, on a great perch of contrasting ruddy brown Inesite! It COULD be Tobermorite, which would be much more valuable, I am sure. But, I have not had it analyzed so am erring with caution here.". 2321 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Andradite var. Melanite garnet CaFeTi(SiO4)3 /Images/picture.jpg Magana, near Sandare, Cercle du Nioro, Kayes Region, Mali acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush, #86-106. 2322 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Antigorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ropes Gold Mine, Marqwuette Co., Michigan acquired 2006 Dolomite Talc, Chalcopyrite, Magnetite, possible Chromite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2323 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Antigorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ropes Gold Mine, Marqwuette Co., Michigan acquired 2006 Dolomite Talc, Chalcopyrite, Magnetite, possible Chromite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2324 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Antigorite var. Picrolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ropes Gold Mine, Marqwuette Co., Michigan acquired 2006 Dolomite Talc, Chalcopyrite, Magnetite, possible Chromite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2325 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnesioferrite [black-grey] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Campania, Italy acquired 2006 Chondrodite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #32878. This is a Type Locality specimen for Magnesioferrite. 2326 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Braunite [brownish black] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ilmenau, Thuringia, Germany collected 1890s, acquired 2006 Hausmannite White secondary mineral unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #34772. From the collection of John A. Manley, #275; label notes "100". The specimen had a paper label, but all that remains is the start showing the number '1'; the specimen has a painted on '1496'. This is a Type Locality specimen for Braunite. 2327 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pumpellyite-(Mg) var. Chlorastrolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Isle Royal, Keweenaw County, Lake Superior, Michigan collected 1890s, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is an old bottle filled with pea sized chunks of Chlorastrolite. From the collection of John Betts, #34995. From the collection of John A. Manley, #802. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2328 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fibroferrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tierra Amarilla, Copiapo, Chile collected 1890s, acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a beautiful old bottle filled with pea to sand sized chunks of Fibroferrite. From the collection of John Betts, #35001. From the collection of John A. Manley, #1064. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2329 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rosenbuschite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Aro Islands, Langesundfjord, Norway collected 1890s, acquired 2006 Feldspar Biotite From the collection of John Betts, #35016. From the collection of John A. Manley, #561. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2330 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl12 /Images/picture.jpg Cetine di Colomiano Mine, Rosia, Siena, Toscana, Italy Collected 7/05, acquired 2006 Stibnite Secondary Mineral(s) possible Type Locality specimen collected by Dr. Alessandro Genazzani. 2331 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl12 /Images/picture.jpg Cetine di Colomiano Mine, Rosia, Siena, Toscana, Italy Collected 7/05, acquired 2006 Stibnite Secondary Mineral(s) possible Type Locality specimen collected by Dr. Alessandro Genazzani. 2332 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl12 /Images/picture.jpg Cetine di Colomiano Mine, Rosia, Siena, Toscana, Italy Collected 7/05, acquired 2006 Stibnite Secondary Mineral(s) possible Type Locality specimen collected by Dr. Alessandro Genazzani. 2333 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl12 /Images/picture.jpg Cetine di Colomiano Mine, Rosia, Siena, Toscana, Italy Collected 7/05, acquired 2006 Stibnite Secondary Mineral(s) possible Type Locality specimen collected by Dr. Alessandro Genazzani. 2334 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl12 /Images/picture.jpg Cetine di Colomiano Mine, Rosia, Siena, Toscana, Italy Collected 7/05, acquired 2006 Stibnite Secondary Mineral(s) possible Type Locality specimen collected by Dr. Alessandro Genazzani. 2335 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Creedite Formula 2336a , 2336b Durango, Mexico acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified (possible fluorite). IMRMC auction item. Probably Navidad Mine. 2336 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Roseclaire, IL acquired 2006 Limestone Crude Oil IMRMC auction item. 2337 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Danburite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alto Chapere, Bolivia, South America acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC auction item donated by KQ's Minerals. 2338 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aurichalcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC auction item. 2339 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Blue Tiger Eye Formula /Images/picture.jpg Australia acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC auction item. 2340 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Madoc, Ontario, Canada acquired 2006 Marble posible arsenopyrite IMRMC auction item. 2341 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lake Superior Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Keweenaw area, MI acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC Raffle prize. 2342 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2343 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2344 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2345 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2346 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2347 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var Utah Ice Formula /Images/picture.jpg Selenite Mine II, about 1 mine North of Glass Mtn., Utah acquired 2006 Gypsum Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lewis Mitcham, who owns the mine. Selenite from this area was used as window glass by the pioneers in their log cabins. 2348 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg The highest sand dune in the world, Sossuswlei, Namibia When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Horst Windisch, #54. 2349 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Fish Creek, Cocolalla, Idaho trade in 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Lisa Shock. 2350 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sand Formula /Images/picture.jpg Agate Beach, Luderitz, Namabia trade in 2006 Matrix diamond possible From the collection of Horst Windisch, #24. 2351 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC Silent Auction item. From the collection of Keith Hayes. This is one of the wire masses from the lot of micro specimens. 2352 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serpierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Nantycagl Mine, Ceredigion, Wales acquired 2007 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #W015; the specimen consisted of two pieces - see #2354 for the other one. 2353 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serpierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Nantycagl Mine, Ceredigion, Wales acquired 2007 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #W015; the specimen consisted of two pieces - see #2353 for the other one. 2354 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcostibite CuSbS2 /Images/picture.jpg Andrasy III Mine, Rudnasbaya, Hungary acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #111735. 2355 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Balydonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sigenlas Mine, Ceredigion, Wales acquired 2007 Quartz Mimetite, Chalcopyrite From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #W028. 2356 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gearksutite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grand Reef Mine, Graham Co., Arizona acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #111920. 2357 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aikinite PbCuBiS3 /Images/picture.jpg Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England acquired 2007 Quartz Chalcopyrite From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #111955. 2358 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Roselite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Aghbar Drift, Bou Azzer, Morocco acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #2136. Specimen was labeled "4". 2359 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kutnohorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Levane, Val D'Arno, Tuscany, Italy acquired 2006 Matrix Aragonite From the collection of John Betts, #35933. 2360 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Yoderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mautia Hill, Kongwa, Tanzania acquired 2007 kyanite schist Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36119. The specimen is numbered 2984 with a small label. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2361 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pargasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pargas Valley, Finland acquired 2007 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36127. The specimen is numbered 1979 with a small label. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2362 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sperrylite PtAs2 /Images/picture.jpg Vermillion Mine, Denison Township, Sudbury District (Sudbury Complex; Sudbury nickel irruptive), Ontario, Canada acquired 2006 Matrix Chalcopyrite From the collection of John Betts, #33978. From the collection of Bill Plavac, #75. This is a type locality specimen. 2363 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Garnet Formula /Images/2364a.jpg , /Images/2364b.jpg , /Images/2364c.jpg , /Images/2364d.jpg Locality lost acquired 2006 Pyrolusite Quartz IMRMC Auction item; unidentified 2.5x2.5x2.5cm specimen w/o label was a great find. 2364 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Forsterite var. Peridot Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sidamo Province, Ethiopia acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #35875. 2365 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gaudefroyite Formula /Images/picture.jpg N'Chwaning Mine, Kuruman District, North Cape Province, South Africa. acquired 2006 Matrix Barite From the collection of John Betts, #35878. From the collection of A. Stevenson. 2366 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Creedite Formula 2367a , 2367b Durango, Mexico acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified (possible fluorite). IMRMC auction item. Probably Navidad Mine. 2367 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Uricite [grayish] C5H4N4O3 /Images/picture.jpg Dingo Donga Cave, Western Australia, Australia acquired 2007 white phosphate matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36082. This is a Type Locality specimen. Uricite is considered to be a natural organic mineral; the name reflects its chemical identity, uric acid. 2368 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kingite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clinton Phosphate Mine, near Robertstown, South Australia, Australia acquired 2007 gossan matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36023. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2369 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Senegalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kouroudiako Fe deposit, Faleme River, Senegal acquired 2007 Matrix Turquoise From the collection of John Betts, #36022. This is a Type Locality specimen for Senegalite. 2370 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vanthoffite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wilhelmshall Mine, Stassfurt, Sachsen (Saxony), Germany acquired 2007 Matrix Blodite From the collection of John Betts, #36015. This is a Type Locality specimen for Vanthoffite. Original label includes 'Gift of T.P.'. 2371 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Inyoite [clear] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mount Blanco Mine, Mt. Blanxo Deposit, Furnace Creek, Death Valley, Inyo County, California Collected before 7/20/79, acquired 2007 Matrix Meyerhofferite [white] From the collection of John Betts, #36010. This is a Type Locality specimen for both minerals. Original label includes 'E 7/20/79'. 2372 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fedorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tur'yii Peninsula, Kola, Russia acquired 2007 Matrix possibly sandstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #35991. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2373 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gilalite [bright green] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Christmas Mine, Christmas, Gila County, Arizona acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #35986. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2374 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Jacobsite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jacobsberg Mine, Nordmark, Varmland, Sweden acquired 2007 Magnesioferrite [black] Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #35980. This is a Type Locality specimen for Jacobsite. 2375 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Plumboferrite [black, submetallic] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jacobsberg Mine, Nordmark, Varmland, Sweden acquired 2007 Magnesioferrite [black] unidentified white mineral From the collection of John Betts, #35971. This is a Type Locality specimen for Plumboferrite. 2376 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tiptopite [colorless, acicular] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Top Top Pegmatite, Custer, Custer District, Custer County, South Dakota acquired 2007 Montgomeryite [orange] Fransoletite [colorless, platy/bladed] From the collection of John Betts, #35968. This is a Type Locality specimen for Tiptopite and Fransoletite. 2377 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goedkenite [yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Palermo Mine, North Groton, Grafton County, New Hampshire Collected June 1974, acquired 2007 Palermoite [colorless] Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by JAF. From the collection of John Betts, #35942. This is a Type Locality specimen for both minerals. 2378 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mordenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rat's Nest Claim, Custer Co., Idaho mined 2006, acquired 2007 Matrix Heulandite Mined by John Cornish. My friend Roger King was kind enough to ferry the package I had prearranged back from Tucson since the specimens are too fragile to ship (per John). 2379 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mordenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rat's Nest Claim, Custer Co., Idaho mined 2006, acquired 2007 Matrix Heulandite Mined by John Cornish. My friend Roger King was kind enough to ferry the package I had prearranged back from Tucson since the specimens are too fragile to ship (per John). 2380 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mordenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rat's Nest Claim, Custer Co., Idaho mined 2006, acquired 2007 Matrix Heulandite Mined by John Cornish. My friend Roger King was kind enough to ferry the package I had prearranged back from Tucson since the specimens are too fragile to ship (per John). 2381 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC Silent Auction item. From the collection of Keith Hayes. This is one of the wire masses from the lot of micro specimens. 2382 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany acquired 2006 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC Silent Auction item. From the collection of Keith Hayes. This is one of the wire masses from the lot of micro specimens. 2383 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cacoxenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Three Oaks Gap workings (Arena 1 prospect), Three Oaks Gap - Shady, Polk Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Beraunite Goethite From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems. 2384 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aegirine var. Acmite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kimzey Pit, Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems. From the collection of AGS-York. 2385 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beraunite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Polk Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems 2386 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Okenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg India acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems 2387 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Olivine var. Peridot Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kulbourne Hole, Dona Ana Co., NM Received as gift 2007 peridotite rock (spinel peridotite) Spinel, Orthopyroxene (hypersthene), Clinopyroxine (chromian diopside) Collected by Pete Modreski. Label notes "a nodule (xenolith) erupted in basalt from a 'maar' crater (fragment of the Earth's upper mantle)". 2388 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Coloradoite HgTe /Images/picture.jpg Bessie G Mine, La Plata Co., Colorado, USA acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collecton of Matt Kings (Wild About Rocks), #112090. The mineral is toxic so care should be taken when handling. 2389 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Juanitaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gold Hill Mine, Deep Creek Mts., Tooele Co., Utah, USA acquired 2007 Matrix Tennantite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Calcite From the collecton of Matt Kings (Wild About Rocks), #112078. From the collection of Rigelsford Geological, #313/RG760. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2390 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vesignieite BaCu3++(VO4)2(OH)2 /Images/picture.jpg Newcliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton, Leicestershire, England, UK acquired 2007 Matrix Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Calcite From the collecton of Matt Kings (Wild About Rocks), #111987. From the collection of Andyitec Minerals. 2391 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Peridot Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mogok, Myanmar acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. Peridot is either a variety of Fosterite, or a variety of Olivine; the latter appears appropriate to this specimen. 2392 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ammonoosuc Lake, Bath, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 2393 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite [pink] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Furka, Uri Canton, Switzerland acquired 2007 Clear Fluorite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 2394 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite [pink] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Furka, Uri Canton, Switzerland acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 2395 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Silver Point Mine, Brown Mountain, Ouray Co., Colorado acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 2396 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Khademite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Saghand, Iran acquired 2007 Copiapite [yellow] Butlerite [orange] From the collection of John Betts, #36029. This is a Type Locality specimen for Khademite. 2397 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Nosean Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mendig, Laacher See, Eifel District, Germany acquired 2007 white matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36117. This is a Type Locality specimen. The paper micromount box suggests it predates WWII. From the collection of A. Stevenson. 2398 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ashburtonite [blue] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Claim 84, Anticline Deposit Prospect, Ashburton Downs, Western Australia, Australia acquired 2007 brownish matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #36104. From the collection of Excalibur Minerals. This single crystal micro is a Type Locality specimen. The Excalibur label has a handwritten date of 7/29/95. 2399 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anage, Bahia, Brasil acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a gemmy single 3 x 6 x 55 mm crystal that runs from green to blue across the long axis. The tip is broken, but the base is terminated. From the collection of Jim Below (Blue Chip Minerals). 2400 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Malachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kolwezi, Zaire acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Below (Blue Chip Minerals). 2401 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rhodochrosite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hotazel, South Africa Collected 1970, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2402 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amblygonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Fiddlers Ridge Rock Shop. The specimen was unlabled, but Kathy Fecho was able to ID it. 2403 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Oligoclase Feldspar var. Sunstone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Oregon acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Fiddlers Ridge Rock Shop. 2404 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite var. Rose Muscovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg New Mexico acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Fiddlers Ridge Rock Shop. 2405 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vanadinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Fiddlers Ridge Rock Shop. 2406 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Malachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Fiddlers Ridge Rock Shop. 2407 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mo-Ti Pit (Mo-Ti Corporation Prospect {The Pyrite Pit}), Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas Collected 1971, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Miners' Camping & Rock Shop. 2408 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chlorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mena, Arkansas acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Miners' Camping & Rock Shop. 2409 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Carbonatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kimzey Pit (Kimzey Calcite Quarry), Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Miners' Camping & Rock Shop. From the collection of AGS-York. 2410 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brookite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Miners' Camping & Rock Shop. From the collection of McGregor-Watkins. 2411 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite var. Lodestone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Miners' Camping & Rock Shop. From the collection of AGS-York. 2412 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vesuvianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems. From the collection of AGS-York. 2413 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tektite var. Bediasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bedias, Texas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems. 2414 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chlorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Montgomery Co., Arkansas acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Coleman's Rocks-R-Gems. There is a minor phantom along a back face. 2415 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Epistilbite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Puu o Ehu Quarry, Kailua, Oahu Island, Hawaii When Collected Basalt Chabazite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #526M; December 1990 exchange with Lundgrens. 2416 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chambersite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Venice Salt Dome, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #404M; March 1990 gift from Allen Mitchell. 2417 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Orthorhombic; three are sharp tetrahedrons and the other two show cubic modifications.
Boulangerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Herja, Romania acquired 2007 Calcite ball Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of IMRMC. From the collection of Keith Hayes. 2418 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scheelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg China acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of IMRMC. From the collection of Keith Hayes. 2419 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the GVSU Geology Club. Nice pyramid termination. 2420 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2007 Elbaite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the GVSU Geology Club. Nice flat termination. 2421 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fresnoite [yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Juanilla Mine, Clear Creek, New Idria District, San Benito Co., California acquired 2007 Limestone Analcime [white, clear] From the collection of IMRMC. From the collection of Keith Hayes. From the collection of Trinity Mineral Company. 2422 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Plancheite [blue] var. Katangaite (" Kataganite" per label) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mexico acquired 2007 Matrix Silver From the collection of Wright's Rock Shop. 2423 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Adamite var. Cuproadamite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mapimi, Mexico acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wright's Rock Shop. 2424 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
gemmy Chrysocolla var. "Chrsycocla Stalactites" Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona acquired 2007 gemmy Malachite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wright's Rock Shop. The mineral putty holding this specimen was so old it was brittle; the specimen had to be remounted as it fell off on the drive home. 2425 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz var. Quartz Druze (after lace agate) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Potosi, MO Collected early 1990s, acquired 2007 Matrix Citrine/td> From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. The surface druze appears to be Citrine. 2426 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity mamillary
"MoqWI" Marbles Formula /Images/picture.jpg Juneau Co., WI Collected 2000, acquired 2007 Sandstone Hematite, Goethite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Label notes it was collected under a storm downed tree. 2427 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agate var. Carnelian Formula /Images/picture.jpg Montana Collected 1970s, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 2428 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vanadinate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mbladen, Morocco acquired 2007 Sandstone Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of the GVSU Geology Club. 2429 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chlorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Capalehia, Brasil acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Below (Blue Chip Minerals), #MWWW. 2430 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Epidote Formula /Images/picture.jpg Djouga, Kayes Region, Mali acquired 2007 Prehnite Secondary Mineral on base unidentified From the collection of Jim Below (Blue Chip Minerals), #JWWW. 2431 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Arthurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Copper Stope, Majuba Hill Mine (Mylar Mine), Antelope District, Pershing Co., Nevada acquired 2007 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Ed Clopton, #157M. From the collection of the Mineralogical Research Company (Min. Res. Co. per label) in May 1989. 2432 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stolzite Pb(WO4) /Images/picture.jpg Broken Hill Proprietary Mine (Proprietary Mine; BHP Mine), Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales, Australia acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #565M. From the collection of H. Allen Mitchell (ESCONI) in June 1994. 2433 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stolzite Pb(WO4) /Images/picture.jpg Broken Hill Proprietary Mine (Proprietary Mine; BHP Mine), Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales, Australia acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #566M. From the collection of H. Allen Mitchell (ESCONI) in June 1994. 2434 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcosiderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wheal Phoenix (Phoenix United Mine), Linkinhorne, Caradon & Phoenix Area (South-Eastern Bodmin Moor), Liskeard District, Cornwall, England, UK acquired 2007 Goethite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #067M. From the collection of Simkev Micromounts in Nov 1986. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2435 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tinsleyite {dark red} Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota Collected Aug 1987, acquired 2007 Triphylite Leucophosphite From the personal collection of Ed Clopton, #205M. This specimen was featured in Min. Rec. (v17, i4, p248). 2436 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Saléeite {yellow} Mg(UO2)2(PO4)2.10H2O /Images/picture.jpg Cunha Baixa Mine, Cunha Baixa, Mangualde, Viseu District, Portugal acquired 2007 limonitic decomposed granite Secondary Mineral(s) possible From the collection of Ed Clopton, #366M. From the collection of H. Allen Mitchell (ESCONI) in April 1989. 2437 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Clinoclase Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany acquired 2007 Fluorite, Barite Malachite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #292M. From the collection of Simkev Micromounts in Dec 1987. 2438 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Elyite {purple} Formula /Images/picture.jpg Silberhutte Mine, Altenau, Clausthan-Zellerfeld, Harz Mts., Lower Saxony, Germany acquired 2007 Matrix Serpierite {light blue} From the collection of Ed Clopton, #645M. From the collection of Karl Kotal. Label notes location as Silberhutte Mine, Lautenthal, Niedersachsen, Germany. 2439 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rockbridgeite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota acquired 2007 Ludlamite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #052M. From the collection of Ken Allgier in May 1983. 2440 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rockbridgeite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota acquired 2007 Ludlamite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #503M. 2441 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Monazite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kaiserer Quarry, Huttwinkl valley, Rauris valley, Hohe Tauern Mts., Salzburg, Austria acquired 2007 Feldspar Mica From the collection of Ed Clopton, #225M. From the collection of Don Damrow in Aug 1987. From the collection of Al Folter. 2442 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kapellasite [blue] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sounion Mine No. 19 ("Chloridstollen"), Sounion Mines, Sounion Area, Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District, Attiki (Attica, Attika) Prefecture, Greece acqwuired 2007 Matrix unidentified Herbertsmithite [green], other Secondary Minerals not identified From the collection of John Betts, #37891. This is a type locality specimen for Kapellasite. 2443 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sinkankasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Barker-Ferguson Mine, Keystone, Keystone District, Pennington Co., South Dakota acquired 2007 Matrix unidentified/td> Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #37890. This is a type locality specimen. This mineral was named after John Sinkankas. I had the rare pleasure of discussing Rockhounding with John for a half hour when he called me in 2001, after email exchanges over a specimen of his I had recently added to my collection. 2444 4 white 2.27 Triclinic - Pinacoidal
Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Crater of Diamonds State Park, Murfreesburo, Arkansas Collected April 2007 Volcanic Tuff Biotite Mica, Obsidian Comments 2445 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Minium Pb3O4 /Images/picture.jpg Kintore Open Cut, South Mi, Broken Hill, NSW Australia acquired 2007 Matrix Galena From the collection of Ed Clopton, #522M; label notes 'J. Ulinski 7/93'. 2446 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scorodite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wheal Garland, St. Day, Cornwall, United Kingdom acquired 2007 Matrix Olivenite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #549M; label notes 'Purch. Simluv.'. 2447 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cumengite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Azelia Mine, Santa Rosalia (El Boleo), Boleo Dostrict, Mun. de Mulege, Baha California Sur, Mexico collected 1993, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton. From the collection of David Shannon; collected by Bonni Thoresen per label. This is almost certainly a Type Locality specimen. 2448 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ramsdellite Mn4+O2 /Images/picture.jpg Robert Mine, Cuyauna, Crow Wing Co., Minnesota acquired 2007 Goethite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton from December 1990 exchange with Lundgrens. 2449 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Klebelsbergite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Coufre Pereta Mine, Pereta, Scansano, Grosetto Province, Tuscany, Italy acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton. 2450 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Anapaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tschernomorsky mine, Kerch peninsula (Kertch peninsula), Crimea peninsula, Crimea Oblast', Ukraine acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton. Purchased at the Denver Show in Sep 1999. 2451 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bravoite (Fe,Ni)S2 /Images/picture.jpg Gey, Eifel, Germany acquired 2007 Chalcopyrite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #588M. From the collection of H. Allen Mitchell (ESCONI) in June 1994. From the collection of Scott Williams. 2452 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Polydymite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gray's Quarry, Hamilton, Hancock Co., Illinois acquired 2007 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #308M. From the collection of John Ade in May 1988. 2453 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcioancylite-(Ce) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry, Uni-Mix quarry, Desourdy quarry). Mont Saint-Hilaire, Rouville Co., Quebec, Canada acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #321M. From the collection of William Henderson by trade in September 1988. 2454 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Weeksite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anderson Mine, Date Creek Basin, Yavapai Co., Arizona acquired 2007 Matrix Carnotite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #070M. From the collection of Simkev Micromounts in Nov 1986. 2455 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Shortite Formula /Images/picture.jpg FMC Mine, Green River, Wyoming acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #654M. From the collection of David Shannon. This is almost certainly a Type Locality specimen from the Westvaco Mine, Green River formation, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming. 2456 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Zunyite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Big Bertha Extension Mine, Yuma Co., Arizona acquired 2007 Pyrophyllite Hematite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #342M. From the collection of David Shannon. Fluoresces bright orangish red under SW. 2457 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Positive and Negative Tetrahedrons
Levyne-Ca [clear, white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Beech Creek, Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Oregon acquired 2007 Basalt Erionite-Ca [white, wool-like], Chabazite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #099M. From the collection of H. Allen Mitchell (ESCONI) in August 1986. Labeled Erionite replacing Levyne. 2458 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hutchinsonite [deep red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Winzigrofe Mine, Quiruvilca, Peru acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Ed Clopton, #655M. From the collection of Girdauskas Minerals in July 1987. From the collection of Walter Kahn.
This is probably a Type Locality specimen from the Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine, ASARCO Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru.
2459 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cylindrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Santas Cruz Mine, Poopó town, Poopó' Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia acquired 2007 Matrix possible Incaite From the collection of Ed Clopton, #655M. From the collection of David Shannon in March 1997. This a Type Locality specimen. 2460 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mangan-neptunite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry, Uni-Mix quarry, Desourdy quarry). Mont Saint-Hilaire, Rouville Co., Quebec, Canada acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Ed Clopton, #331M. From the collection of William Henderson by trade in September 1988. If you look at the base of this cluster you can see it is a twin; Ed included a note (that I added to his catalog card) suggesting it should be turned over in a remounting. 2461 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Narsarsukite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry, Uni-Mix quarry, Desourdy quarry). Mont Saint-Hilaire, Rouville Co., Quebec, Canada acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #558M. From the collection of William Henderson by trade. 2462 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Nenadkevichite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry, Uni-Mix quarry, Desourdy quarry). Mont Saint-Hilaire, Rouville Co., Quebec, Canada acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton, #591M. From the collection of William Henderson by trade. 2463 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cesium Beryl Formula /Images/picture.jpg Emmons Quarry, Greenwood, Maine acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty. Bob told me that the specimen was part of a 4 foot in diameter crystal that the miners thought was a seam of rose quartz, and they blasted it before discovering their error. This fragment has a tiny portion of the crystal face. 2464 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Elbaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Mica Quarry, Paris, Maine acquired 2007 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) present From the collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty. 2465 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s) Terminated
Löllingite Formula /Images/picture.jpg P. Y. Estes & Son Quarry, Rt. 5, W. Baldwin, Maine acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty. 2466 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Graftonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grafton, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty. This is a Type Locality specimen. 2467 5 Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Artinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Staten Island, New York acquired 2007 Serpentine Secondary Mineral(s) From the personal collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty, #121. 2468 2 1/2 Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Uralite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Calumet Iron Mine, Salina, Turret District, Chaffee Co., Colorado acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob & Teresa Prouty. 2469 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vesuvianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg V.A.G. Quarries, Lowell, Vermont acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2470 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vesuvianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg V.A.G. Quarries, Lowell, Vermont acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2471 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Exit & Road Cut, Rt. 89, Montpelier, Vermont acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2472 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Smoky Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Folsom Brook, Ossipee, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2473 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Apatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg 153 Ft. Level, Palermo #1 Mine, North Groton, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Carbonate Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2474 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ellsworth Hill, Wentworth, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2475 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity hexagonal crystal
Beryl Formula /Images/picture.jpg McGinnis Mine, Wentworth, New Hampshire acquired 2007 Matrix Mica on one end. From the collection of the Village Jewelers (Cornish, Maine). 2476 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity This is an 18 sided crystal.
Melanterite FeSO4.7H2O /Images/picture.jpg 'The location for this sample was somewhere on Pinery Canyon Road, near the New Mexico/Arizona border.
It runs south of Chiricahua, NM, and into New Mexico via the National Forest. We came into the Chiricahue National Monument (near Portal, AZ) from New Mexico on that road.
My best recollection is that the sample came from the south side of the road probably within a mile or two of where it turns north into the park.
Maybe around 31' 59' 14' and 109' 22' 00 W. It's hard for me to spot it from above on Google Earth.
No more than a hundred yards or so from the road.'
collected around 2002, acquired in trade 2007 Matrix brown secondary mineral unidentified Collected by J. Bryan Kramer. XRD analysis and identification by Dr. James Murowchick at UMKC. Crystals around 1 cm. This is an outstanding specimen. 2477 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Melanterite FeSO4.7H2O /Images/picture.jpg On the AZ/NM border, near the Chiricahue National Monument, near Portal, AZ collected around 2002, acquired in trade 2007 Matrix brown secondary mineral unidentified Collected by J. Bryan Kramer. XRD analysis by Dr. James Murowchick at UMKC. Crystals around 1 cm. 2478 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Plates, many at 60 or 90 degrees, intergrown.
Cumengite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Azelia Mine, Santa Rosalia (El Boleo), Boleo Dostrict, Mun. de Mulege, Baha California Sur, Mexico collected 1993, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Clopton. From the collection of David Shannon; collected by Bonni Thoresen per label. This is almost certainly a Type Locality specimen. 2479 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz var. Brazilian River Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil collected 1950s, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Exceptionally clear material. From the collection of Ray Smith. From the collection of Clyde Phillips. 2480 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz var. Brazilian River Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil collected 1950s, acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Exceptionally clear material. From the collection of Ray Smith. From the collection of Clyde Phillips. 2481 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) I purchased an auction lot at the IMRMC Summer Swapfest that included a tissue box full of quartz specimens from Arkansas. In the bottom of the box were three carefully wrapped micros; this is one of them. 2482 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) I purchased an auction lot at the IMRMC Summer Swapfest that included a tissue box full of quartz specimens from Arkansas. In the bottom of the box were three carefully wrapped micros; this is one of them. 2483 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arkansas acquired 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) I purchased an auction lot at the IMRMC Summer Swapfest that included a tissue box full of quartz specimens from Arkansas. In the bottom of the box were three carefully wrapped micros; this is one of them. 2484 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sweet Surrender Mine, Mt. Ida, Arkansas collected Spring Break 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2485 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cordierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Millard Chandler (North Star) Mine, Chatham, Carroll Co., New Hampshire collected July 17, 2007 Muscovite Fluorapatite, Mucsovite Comments 2486 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Muscovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bumpus Mine, Albany, Oxford Co., Maine collected July 14, 2007 Microcline Almandine, Quartz Comments 2487 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganese Dendrites Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bumpus Mine, Albany, Oxford Co., Maine collected July 14, 2007 Microcline Muscovite See #2489 for a specimen broken off during the drive home. 2488 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganese Dendrites Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bumpus Mine, Albany, Oxford Co., Maine collected July 14, 2007 Microcline Secondary Mineral(s) See #2488 for a specimen broken off during the drive home. 2489 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Muscovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bumpus Mine, Albany, Oxford Co., Maine collected July 14, 2007 Quartz unidentified Secondary Mineral Comments 2490 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Muscovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Millard Chandler (North Star) Mine, Chatham, Carroll Co., New Hampshire collected July 17, 2007 Microcline Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2491 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorapatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Millard Chandler (North Star) Mine, Chatham, Carroll Co., New Hampshire collected July 17, 2007 White Microcline Almandine, Mica Comments 2492 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wolframite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Yao Gan Xian, Hunan, China When Collected Quartz Arsenopyrite, unidentified Secondary Mineral From the collection of Walter R. Kellogg. 2493 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Smoky Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi acquired 2007 Aegirine Microcline, an unidentified Secondary Mineral From the collection of Walter R. Kellogg. 2494 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sulphur Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maybee, Monroe Co., MI acquired 2007 Limestone Calcite, Celestine From the collection of Ender Stewart. 2495 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Biotite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Millard Chandler (North Star) Mine, Chatham, Carroll Co., New Hampshire collected July 17, 2007 Microcline Cordierite Comments 2496 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cavansite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wagholi Quarry, Poona, India acquired 2007 Unidentified Basaltic Matrix Stilbite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Larry Rush. 2497 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lamproite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Crater of Diamonds State Park, Murfreesburo, Arkansas Collected April 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2498 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lamproite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Crater of Diamonds State Park, Murfreesburo, Arkansas Collected April 2007 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 2499 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Current date and time is Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 09:41:56 EDT and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 13:41:56 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 9168. This page was first published on 1 April 2004 and was last updated on Tuesday, 19-Dec-2023 15:30:24 EST.

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