Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection
in Numerical Order
1500 - 1749

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Yes, there are specimens hidden in this list, but you may have to scroll down to find them.
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference # Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Columbite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1500 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tincalconite Formula 1501a Open Pit, Boron, Kern Co., California acquired 2004 Matrix Borax From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1501 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Prehnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, N.J. collected 1/79, acquired 2004 Quartz Anhydrite, Laumontite, Citrine From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1502 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Jaspelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jasper Hill, Ishpeming, Michigan collected early 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1503 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stibnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, New Brunswick acquired 2004 Matrix probably quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. The back of the label notes "Durham, Largest in NA. Only 1 in Canada, antimony". 1504 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Black Hills, S.D. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1505 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sericite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality lost acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #5. 1506 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Acanthite var Argentite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Beaver Silver Mine (1880s), southwest of Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1507 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity pseudo cubic
Nepheline var. Nephelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Marathon, Ontario, Canada collected 2/79, acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; his label notes it was self collected and that it fluoresces orange LW. 1508 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ankerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Steeprock Mines, Atikoken, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Amethyst Secondary Minerals possible From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1509 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ghanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Noranda Mine (Geco Mine), Geco Division, Manitouwadge, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz K Feldspar, Amethyst From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1510 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Opal var. Hayalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Square Top, Mt. Daley, Queensland, Auatralia acquired 2004 Basalt Scoria Secondary Minerals possible From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. The label notes this is fluorescent. 1511 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Opal var. Hayalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Square Top, Mt. Daley, Queensland, Auatralia acquired 2004 Basalt Scoria Secondary Minerals possible From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. The label notes this is fluorescent. 1512 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrierite-Mg Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kamloops Lake, Kamloops Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified black Secondary Mineral unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of Ty Balacko. This is a Type Locality specimen. 1513 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Euclase Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gachala, Guavio-Guateque District, Colombia acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #28711. 1514 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wulfenite Formula 1515a Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #28815. From the collection of L. Russianoff. This is a Type Locality specimen. The "D 818" number on the bottom of the specimen is reported as consistent with the Amherst College Collection, and this is the probable origin of the specimen. 1515 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum var. Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan collected ca. 1880. The specimen was rescued in 2004 and returned to its locality city. Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #27514. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969). From the collection of Dr. Egee.
I live less than five miles from the Alabastine Mine and have no doubt that this was the origin of the specimen -- except the mine opened in 1907. I've collected from this mine many times over the past 45 years.
1516 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stibnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wuling antimony mine, Quingjiang, Jiangxi, China acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #23906. 1517 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrolusite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Steeprock Iron Mine, Otikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Ankerite Hematite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1518 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Siderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pine Bay Mine, probably Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1519 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1520 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1521 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
black Dolomite var. Teruelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Teruel, Aragon, Spain acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral (may be matrix) unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1522 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cordierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Geco Mine, Manitouwadge, Northern Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label reads, "Cordierite - Blue in colour - translucent to transparent. Rare in the mine and very rare throughout the world.". Location attribution is due to comparison with other specimens; Jack was known to have collected at this location. 1523 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cordierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Geco Mine, Manitouwadge, Northern Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label reads, "Cordierite - Blue in colour - translucent to transparent. Rare in the mine and very rare throughout the world.". Location attribution is due to comparison with other specimens; Jack was known to have collected at this location. 1524 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Badger Mine (silver mine in the 1800s), southwest of Thunder Bay acquired 2004 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1525 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Badger Mine (silver mine in the 1800s), southwest of Thunder Bay acquired 2004 Calcite Pyrite, yellow Barite probable (but it still might be something unusual) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1526 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Dolomite Marcasite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1527 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Glauberite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1528 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sullivan Mine, B.C., Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Dolomite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk.s 1529 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Albite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, New Brunswick, Canada When Collected Feldspar Secondary Minerals probable From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Original label gave locality as "Lake Geo."; Jack was known to have collected at catalog location. 1530 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Albite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, New Brunswick, Canada When Collected Feldspar Secondary Minerals probable From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk.Original label gave locality as "Lake Geo."; Jack was known to have collected at catalog location. 1531 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
green Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Azusa, Los Angeles Co., California acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Specimen purchased from "The Collector" for $10.00 per original label. 1532 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cobaltite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Cobalt, Ontario acquired 2004 Calcite Silver From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1533 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Orpiment Formula /Images/picture.jpg Humboldt Co., Nevada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1534 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
green Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. The label notes it is fluorescent. 1535 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1536 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1537 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1538 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1539 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1540 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1541 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Laumontite Formula /Images/picture.jpg New Jersey acqwuired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1542 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1543 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1544 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1545 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1546 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1547 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula 1548a , 1548b , 1548c , 1548d Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1548 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1549 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1550 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodicgedrite var. Sodium Gedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hawley, Mass acquired 2004 Matrix is some sort of schist Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of David S. Phillips. 1551 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz var. Milky Quartz crystals Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green Peter Dam Reservoir, Tuma, near Sweet Home, Linn Co, Oregon acquired 2004 Chalcedony Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; label identifies this as 'quartzite'. 1552 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willows Gemfields, Queensland, Australia acquired 2004 Limestone and Sandstone Fluorite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. Label notes this specimen is fluorescent. 1553 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willows Gemfields, Queensland, Australia acquired 2004 Sandstone Fluorite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. Label notes this specimen is fluorescent. 1554 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1555 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry, #"gg". Label notes this specimen is fluorescent. 1556 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia acquired 2004 black Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. Label notes this specimen is fluorescent. 1557 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willows Gemfields, Queensland, Australia acquired 2004 Limestone and Sandstone Fluorite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. Label notes this specimen is fluorescent. 1558 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willows Gemfields, Queensland, Australia acquired 2004 black Matrix unidentified Fluorite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Henry. Label notes this specimen is fluorescent; the fluorite coats the calcite. 1559 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Shuniah Silver Mine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label notes fluoresces pink SW. 1560 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var. Hourglass Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1561 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var. Hourglass Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1562 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var. Hourglass Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1563 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite var. Hourglass Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1564 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1565 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1566 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willow Creek, Black Diamond, near Nanton, Alberta, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1567 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rapid City, South Dakota acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1568 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Leduc Mine, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1569 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Leduc Mine, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1570 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Leduc Mine, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1571 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Siderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Marcasite Quartz From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1572 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pays Plat, east of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1573 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aragonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stbr.Burgberg, Letmathe, Germany (West) collected 12/79, acquired 2004 Dolomite/Limestone/Sandstone Secondary Mineral possible From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1574 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Shuniah Silver Mine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada collected 14/79, acquired 2004 Calcite crystal The matrix is covered with pyrite, which is covered with sphalerite, which has the principal mineral on its surface. From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1575 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Cobalt, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of A. Taylor. 1576 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity leaf, cubic, and one more complex one that may be a twinned dodecahedron.
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg White Pass, Yukon acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1577 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sudbury, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label notes "from Ian, my birthday, 30 Apr. 1993"; purchased from The Leonard Cowan Co. Ltd. 1578 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sudbury, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Purchased from Cowan Min'l., Scar. 1579 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chrysotile var. Asbestos Formula /Images/picture.jpg Asbestos, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label notes "from Ian, Father's Day, 1993". 1580 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Nepheline Formula /Images/picture.jpg West of Marathon, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #7. Label notes specimen fluoresces LW. 1581 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
possibly Electrum Formula 1582a , 1582b Locality lost. Private correspondence with a relative of Jack's indicates it was probably the Geco Mine, Manitouwadge, Ontario, Canada. acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified, possibly ilmenite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified; gold, pink, silver conductive stuff around the black crystals, and several other probable secondary minerals. I suspect copper, but given the collector, also gold and silver. From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. I think this one is going to the Excalibur lab before I get a positive identification. 1582 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pentlandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hanging Wall Rock, Melbourne, Australia acquired 2004 Biotite Schist 14% nickel (per label) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label notes "edge of ore zone". Private correspondence with Jack, a retired miner, provided the full location. 1583 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg East Shore of Lake Superior acquired 2004 Prehenite Calcite, other secondary minerals unidentified (we are talking about copper here), minor datolite possible From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Original label read "Datolite?, with native copper". 1584 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz crystals Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1585 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Analcime var. Red Analcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, N.J. collected 2/80, acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Prehnite coats the matrix and hosts the analcime From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1586 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Apophyllite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Laurel Hill, New Jersey collected 3/79, acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Stilbite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1587 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Dobson acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1588 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Atikokan, Ontario, Canada collected 21-79, acquired 2004 Hematite/Goethite Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1589 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrrhotite Formula /Images/picture.jpg T3 Mine, 1000 to 1200 ft. level acquired 2004 Pegmatite Plagioclase Feldspar From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1590 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Steeprock Mines (open pit), Atikoken, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1591 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore Co., Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1592 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore Co., Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1593 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Steeprock Iron Mine, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1594 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Shuniah Mine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Calcite Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1595 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Shuniah Mine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Calcite Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1596 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Barite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Enterprise Mine (1880s & 1990s), 45 miles east of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1597 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pays Plat, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Chalcedony Barite, Quartz druze From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1598 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Azurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bisbee, Arizona acquired 2004 Quartz Malachite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #A25. 1599 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1600 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Newfoundland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1601 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Newfoundland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1602 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Newfoundland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1603 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Actinolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada collected 9/79, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1604 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Actinolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada collected 9/79, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1605 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ronoakes, Virginia collected 23/79, acquired 2004 Calcite Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1606 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ronoakes, Virginia collected 23/79, acquired 2004 Calcite Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1607 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Between Wawa and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Datolite Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1608 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Montreal, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1609 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Thompson, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1610 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Porcupine Silver Mine (1880s), southwest of Thunder Bay acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1611 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity wire
Azurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Enterprise Mine, 45 miles east of Thunder Bay acquired 2004 Malachite Copper From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1612 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Azurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Old Enterprise Mine, 45 miles east of Thunder Bay acquired 2004 Malachite Copper From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1613 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz crystals Formula /Images/picture.jpg Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Chlorite inclusions From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1614 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serpentine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maxwell Quarry (ALCAN), Wakefield, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. From the collection of Jim Elliott 1615 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1616 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1617 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1618 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1619 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1620 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1621 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1622 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2004 Pyrite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #9. 1623 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Analcime Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, N.J. collected 9 Nov. '79, acquired 2004 Matrix Datolite, Calcite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1624 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anglo Rouyn Mine, LaRonge, Saskatchewen, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1625 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1626 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Calcite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1627 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1628 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1629 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1630 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caland Ore, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1631 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anglo Rouyn Mine, LaRonge, Saskatchewen, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #12. 1632 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Garnet Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Medicine Lake, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 white K Feldspar Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1633 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Garnet Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Medicine Lake, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 white K Feldspar Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1634 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wawa, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Dolomite Marcasite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1635 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Snowball Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Steeprock Mine, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1636 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1637 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1638 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1639 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1640 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1641 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1642 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1643 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Molybdenite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1644 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Covellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anglo Rouyn Mine, LaRonge, Saskatchewen, Canada acquired 2004 Chalcopyrite Nickeline From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1645 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1646 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1647 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Feldspar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #14. Strong FL. 1648 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rainbox Velvet Obsidean Formula /Images/picture.jpg Manta, Huichol, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1649 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anglo Rouyn Mine, LaRonge, Saskatchewen, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1650 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scheelite MoS2 /Images/picture.jpg (probably) Upper Canada Gold Mine, Dobie, (verified) Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Molybdenite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. See related specimens 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644 and 1651 from the same locality. 1651 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Au Mystic Mine, north of Sun City, Maricopa County, Arizona acquired 2004 quartz matrix partially acid dissolved, leaving a gold sponge surface Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #21126. John described it as
Mass of spongy native gold etched from quartz matrix weighing 2 ounces. The gold has crystallized between quartz grains. No damage. This is the largest specimen I EVER saw or had from this mine that has recently been converted to real estate development.
1652 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Andalusite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada, probably Ontario acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1653 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Microcline var. Amazonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #2. From the collection of "J.E.". 1654 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Microcline var. Amazonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #149. From the collection of "J.E.". 1655 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Microcline var. Amazonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #11. From the collection of "J.E.". 1656 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pegmatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Matachewan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #13. 1657 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pegmatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Matachewan, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1658 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Leduc Mine, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1659 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula 1660a <, 1661a /td> Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Fluoresces strongly in at least three colors SW, one LW. 1660 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula 1660a <, 1661a /td> Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Fluoresces strongly in at least three colors SW, one LW. 1661 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scheelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quebec., Dept. of Mines. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1662 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scheelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quebec., Dept. of Mines. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1663 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jack Claim, Whitehorse, United Keno Hill Mines, Yukon, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. 1664 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1665 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1666 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1667 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1668 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1669 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake George, Colorado acquired 2004 Quartz Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk; collected from an original pocket. 1670 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, B.C., Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #25. See 1672 and 1673 for shipping damage from this specimen. 1671 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula 1672b Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, B.C., Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #25. See 1671 for the parent of this shipping damage specimen. 1672 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, B.C., Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #25. See 1671 for the parent of this shipping damage specimen. 1673 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ettringite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wessels Mine, Karuman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #23968. 1674 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferberite FeWO4 /Images/picture.jpg Siglo XX Mine, Llallagua, Bustillo Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia acquired 12/1/2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #28929. Label states "From my personal collection". 1675 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Zanazziite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Martin Prospect, Plumbago Mountain, Newry, Oxford County, Maine acquired 2004 Calcite pyrite, other Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #25925. 1676 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Volborthite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Monument Valley, Navajo County, Arizona acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #28633. 1677 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula 1678a , 1678b , 1678c , 1678d , 1678e , 1678f , 1678g , 1678h , 1678i , 1678j Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Strong FL SW. 1678 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula 1679a , 1679b Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1679 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1680 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Strong FL. 1681 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Strong FL matrix. 1682 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Feldspar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Strong FL secondary mineral. 1683 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serpentine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1684 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Mica From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1685 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Mica From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1686 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Mica From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1687 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1688 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schorl Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1689 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Biotite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Probably Leduc Mine, St. Pierre-de-Wakfield, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1690 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Muscovite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Probably Leduc Mine, St. Pierre-de-Wakfield, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Quartz From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1691 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Probably Leduc Mine, St. Pierre-de-Wakfield, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Muscovite Mica Quartz From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1692 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Probably Leduc Mine, St. Pierre-de-Wakfield, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Muscovite Mica Quartz From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1693 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Barite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1694 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jack Claim, Whitehorse, United Keno Hill Mines, Yukon, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. 1695 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1696 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Barite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #93. 1697 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL 1698 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1699 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1700 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1701 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1702 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1703 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1704 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1705 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1706 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1707 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Pyrite forms both cubes and balls. Dolomite is classic form.
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Galena Pyrite, Chalcopyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1708 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz druze Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1709 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Strong FL (in stripes). 1710 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wavelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg possibly Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk, #94. 1711 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1712 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1713 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1714 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1715 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. 1716 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1717 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. 1718 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1719 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Labradorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1720 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Datolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1721 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1722 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1723 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1724 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1725 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Opalized Wood Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1726 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrargyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1727 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cavansite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India acquired 2004 Stilbite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #24512. 1728 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goosecreekite Formula 1729a Alibag, Maharashtra, India acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #29054; label notes "From my personal collecion". 1729 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Barytocalcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alston Moor, Cumberland, England acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #27594. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969). This is a Type Locality specimen. 1730 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Carminite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Los Animas Mine, La Mur, Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #29003. 1731 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1732 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1733 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1734 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1735 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1736 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. FL. Shipping damage produced specimens 1715, 1732-1737. 1737 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Barite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1738 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Malachite, Copper From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1739 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1740 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral unidentified Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1741 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1742 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1743 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Francevillite [orange] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mounana Mine, Franceville, Haut-Ogooué, Gabon acquired 2005 Mounanaite [brownish red] Curienite [yellow], pyrite, and possibly pitchblende From the collection of the The Arkenstone (Rob Lavinsky), #T105. From the collection of Pequa Rare Minerals, #PB11. From the collection of Minéralogie Sorbonne.
Sorbonne label reads "NOM FRACEVILLITE (orange) curienite (yellow), LOCALITÉ Mounana Gaban". Pequa label reads "PB11/ex 3/98, VERY RARE; TYPE LOCALITY FOR BOTH MINERALS (1957 & 1968), FRANCEVILLITE XLS [Orange] with CURIENITE [Yellow], Locality MOUNANA MINE NEAR FRANCEVILLE, HAUT-OGOOUE, GABON"; back reads "4/25/1998 at NJESA SHOW, WESTFIELD, N.J.". Arkenstone label reads "FRANCEVILLITE, MOUNANAITE, CURIENITE, Mounana Mine, Franceville, Gabon, TYPE LOCAL. FOR ALL 3". The box it came in had stickers "9630" and "9937", with the '99' stuck over the '30'; I transferred the labels to the back of the Arkenstone label.
1744 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Poldervaartite Formula /Images/picture.jpg N'Chwanning II Mine, Kuruman District, North Cape Province, South Africa acquired 2005 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #23985. 1745 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganaxinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dalnegorsk, Primorskij, Kraj, Russia acquired 2005 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #29185. 1746 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg Cripple Creek Mining District, Teller County, Colorado acquired 2005 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #27346. 1747 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gyrolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poona District, Maharashtra, India acquired 2005 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #29189. 1748 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Boléite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Amelia Mine, Boléo, near Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico acquired 2005 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #29131. This is a type locality specimen. 1749 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 06:04:06 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 11:04:06 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 6971. This page was first published on 1 November 2004 and was last updated on Friday, 04-Oct-2024 12:40:57 EDT.

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