Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection
in Numerical Order
3000 - 3249

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Yes, there are specimens hidden in this list, but you may have to scroll down to find them.
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference # Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Axinite-(Fe) [brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ghost Lake, Jenny Jump Mtn., Warren Co, New Jersey Acquired 2016 Matrix Actinolite [green] From the collection of Jim Daly (#3615). 3000 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bavenite [white, orthorhombic] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Foote Lithium Co. Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina Acquired 2016 Matrix Albite [white, triclinic] From the collection of Jim Daly (#523). 3001 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Katophorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tarquaral, Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#2490). 3002 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vonsenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tre Croci, Vetralla, Vico Lake, Viterbo Province, Latium, Italy Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3107). 3003 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Columbite-(Fe) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT Acquired 2016 Matrix Muscovite From the collection of Jim Daly (#3812). 3004 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mcguinnessite [blue] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rockville Quarry, Rockville, Montgomery Co., Maryland Acquired 2016 Matrix Hydromagnesite [colorless/white] From the collection of Jim Daly (#434). 3005 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Milarite Formula /Images/picture.jpg La Valenciana Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico Collected 1992 or before, acquired 2016 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dana Slaughter. He says, "The thumbnail is from the late David Reynolds collection (#1506) that I purchased, and he got it from Mineralogical Research Co. in 1992 for $15". 3006 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Anthophyllite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tungsten City Mine, bishop, Inyo Co, California Acquired 2016 Matrix Andradite From the collection of Jim Daly (#3059). 3007 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Huanzala Mine, Dos de Mayo, Peru Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Below. 3008 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Dodecahedral
Enstatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tyrol, Austria Acquired 2014 Epidote Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of Steven Pullman. 3009 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite var. Lodestone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Millard Co., Utah Acquired 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3010 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fulgerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Algeria Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3011 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite var. Lodestone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Utah Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3012 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bauxite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Little Rock, Arkansas Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3013 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sapphire Formula /Images/picture.jpg Madagascar Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3014 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hematite var. Specular Hematite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Champion Mine, Champion, Michigan Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3015 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Henbury meteorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Henbury, Northern Territory, Australia Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) The label notes "Fell about 4,700 years ago. The 13 craters were first spotted in 1931". 3016 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Annite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Buck Hill, Mt. Solon, Augusta Co, Virginia Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#2607). 3017 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Armstrongite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dorozhnyi pegmatite, Khan Bogdo Massif (Khan-Bogdinskii), Gobi Desert, Mongolia Acquired 2016 Armstrongite Aegirine, Quartz Type Locality specimen for Armstrongite, named after astronaut Neil Armstrong. From the collection of Jim Daly (#3150). 3018 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kentrolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Big Chief Mine, Percha Creek, Hillsboro, Hillsboro District, Sierra Co., New Mexico Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3325). 3019 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Heterogenite HCoO2 /Images/picture.jpg Blue Jay Mine, Goodsprings District, Spring Mts, Clark Co., Nevada Acquired 2016 Matrix is probably Dolomite Chrysocolla From the collection of Jim Daly (#1722). 3020 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Axinite-Mn var Magnesio-Manganaxinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Iron Cap Mine, Landsman Camp, Santa Teresa Mtns., Graham Co., Arizona Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#117). 3021 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganberzeliite [yellow-orange] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Långban Mines, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Jim Daly (#3241). 3022 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Labuntsovite [red/orange] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jones Mill Quarry (Martin Marietta Quarry; Highway 51 Quarry; Mid-State Quarry), Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is probably Labuntsovite-Fe. From the collection of Jim Daly (#3283). 3023 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fishtail Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chihuahua, Mexico Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Purchased from Enchanted Knights in Mackinaw City, MI. 3024 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tetrahednite Cu3(Sb,As)S3 /Images/picture.jpg Harja, Romania Acquired 2014 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum. From the collection of Norman and Holly Leppert. Tetrahednite is probably a Sb rich form of Enargite. 3025 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dahllite Concretion Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bighorn Basin, Sheep Mtn., near Shell Canyon, Big Horn Co., Wyoming Collected 1972, Gifted 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Sinke. Dahllite is a synonym for the discredited mineral Carbonate Hydroxylapatite. These are commonly called Desert Golf Balls. 3026 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Graphite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bessie Mine, Humbolt, Michigan Acquired 2013 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio 3027 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Danalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rockport, Essex Co., Massachusetts Acquired 2013 Granite Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3028 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Joplin District, Missouri Acquired 2013 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. From the collection of Benedict P. Bagrowski (#522). 3029 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sapphirine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) Acquired 2013 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts (#57016). 3030 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Aracuia, Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Below. 3031 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Botryoidal
Uvarovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ural, russia Labeled Collected 2002, Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3032 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Dollar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sparta, IL Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3033 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sulfur Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maybee, Michigan Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3034 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pineapple Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Iowa Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3035 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dahllite Concretion Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bighorn Basin, Sheep Mtn., near Shell Canyon, Big Horn Co., Wyoming Collected 1972, Gifted 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Sinke. Dahllite is a synonym for the discredited mineral Carbonate Hydroxylapatite. These are commonly called Desert Golf Balls. 3036 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Asbestos (Serpentine/Amphibole) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Italy Probably Collected around 1900, acquired 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of M.W. Foote. From the collection of William Niven (Minerals, 739 Broadway, N.Y.). 3037 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agra Red Sandstone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Near Delhi, India Collected and Gifted 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Monica Tomaszewski. 3038 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Schröckingerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg D-Day #2 Mine, Yellow Cat District, Grand Co., Utah Gifted 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. 3039 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vantasselite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bihain, Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Luxembourg Province, Belgium Acquired 2016 Slate Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Jim Daly (#553). 3040 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sapphire Formula /Images/picture.jpg York River, Bancroft, Quebec, Canada Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Sinke. 3041 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Clarksburg Furnace Slag Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clarksburg, Ely twp., Marquette Co., Michigan Gifted 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. The furnace was in operation from 1865 to 1875. 3042 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Heulandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Halls Harbour, Bay of Fundy, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada Gifted 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. 3043 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Druze Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gold Mine, Aurora, Nevada Collected 1977, Gifted 2015 Chert Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. 3044 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Epidote Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maxwell Quarry, St. Pierre de Wakefield, Quebec, Canada Gifted 2015 Feldspar Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. 3045 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganese Formula /Images/picture.jpg Cheverie, West Hants, Minas Basin, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada Gifted 2015 Manganite Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. The native element was described in 2001 without I.M.A. approval. 3046 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Scots Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada Gifted 2015 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by Bob Beauvais. 3047 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amethyst Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) S.C.R.I.B.E. article competition prize. 3048 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Prehnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg China Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the IMRMC Silent Auction. 3049 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Victoria Mine, Navajun, Spain Acquired 2014 Cambrian marl Chamosite [blue-green] From the IMRMC Silent Auction. 3050 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrolusite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jackson mine (South Jackson Pit), Negaunee, Marquette iron range, Marquette Co., Michigan Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the IMRMC Silent Auction. 3051 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vanadinite var. Arsenatian Vanadinite var. Endlichite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chihuahua, Mexico Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Based on Photo research on Mindat this is probably from the Erupción Mine (Ahumada Mine; Erupción-Ahumada Mine), Los Lamentos Mts (Sierra de Los Lamentos), Mun. de Ahumada, Chihuahua, Mexico 3052 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Charcas, Mun. de Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3053 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Poker Chips
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Charcas, Mun. de Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3054 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Poker Chips
Apophyllite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jaigaon, India Acquired 2014 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3055 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Murdochite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mex-Tex Mine, Bingham, Hansonburg District, Socorro Co., New Mexico Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#48). 3056 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Manganvesuvianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Asbestos, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2012 Matrix Diopside From the collection of Jim Daly (#98). 3057 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluor-buergerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mexquitic, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. Collected and labeled buergerite before it was renamed by the IMA in 2011. From the collection of Jim Daly (#334). 3058 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hollandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jhabua, India Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#273). 3059 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Colemanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bartow, California Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#16). 3060 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kraisslite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Zincite From the collection of Jim Daly (#152). Type Locality specimen for Zincite. 3061 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Connellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sterling Hill, New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Sarkinite From the collection of Jim Daly (#500). 3062 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrimolybdite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake Co., Utah Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#21). 3063 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sklodowskite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Monument Valley, Utah Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#396). 3064 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bixbyite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Maynard Pit, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah Collected 1997, Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Roger King. 3065 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Strontianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Eastern Products Quarry (Eli Winfield Quarry, Pugh Quarry), Winfield, Union Co., Pennsylvania Collected 2000, Gifted 2016 Limestone Calcite From the collection of Roger King. 3066 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Strontianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Eastern Products Quarry (Eli Winfield Quarry, Pugh Quarry), Winfield, Union Co., Pennsylvania Collected 2000, Gifted 2016 Limestone Calcite From the collection of Roger King. 3067 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Strontianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Eastern Products Quarry (Eli Winfield Quarry, Pugh Quarry), Winfield, Union Co., Pennsylvania Collected 2000, Gifted 2016 Limestone Calcite, Fluorite From the collection of Roger King. 3068 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Strontianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Eastern Products Quarry (Eli Winfield Quarry, Pugh Quarry), Winfield, Union Co., Pennsylvania Collected 2000, Gifted 2016 Limestone Calcite, Fluorite From the collection of Roger King. 3069 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Devilline Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Juan Mine, Cochise Co., Arizona Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#1452) 3070 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Allanite-(Y) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Åskagen Quarry, Persberg district, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3972) 3071 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Duttonite [brownish] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peanut Mine, Bull Canyon, Uravan District, Montrose Co., Colorado Acquired 2012 Matrix Montroseite [black], Pascoite [red-orange] Type Locality specimen for Duttonite. From the collection of Walter Kellogg. 3072 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bauranoite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Oktyabr'skoe Mo-U Deposit, Strel'tsovskoe Mo-U ore field, Krasnokamensk, Chitinskaya Oblast', Transbaikalia (Zabaykalye), Eastern-Siberian Region, Russia Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3073 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chromium [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Yangliuping, Danba Co., Garze Pref., Sichuan Prov., China Acquired 2012 Chromferide [grey] Chromite [black] From the collection of Gunnar Farber. Label claims Type Locality but Mindat disagrees. 3074 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg El Bonanza Mine, Port Radium District, Great Bear Lake, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories, Canada Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#114). 3075 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyroaurite [off-white hex plates] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey Acquired 2012 Calcite Franklinite [black], Zincite [orange] From the collection of Jim Daly (#499). Type Locality specimen for Zincite and Franklinite. 3076 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Phosphosiderite [red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clear Spring Mine, Homeland, Central Florida Phosphate District (Bone Valley), Polk Co., Florida Acquired 2012 Vivianite [black] Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#226). 3077 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stewartite Formula /Images/picture.jpg 85 meter level, Grube, Hasendorf, Bavaria Collected 1976, Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Collected by P. B. Moore. From the collection of Jim Daly (#324). 3078 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Delafossite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bisbee, Arizona Acquired 2012 Cuprite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#393). 3079 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rosickýite S /Images/picture.jpg Moss Bluff, Chambers Co., Texas Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#82). 3080 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stilpnomelane Formula /Images/picture.jpg Prospect Park, New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#446). 3081 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Desautelsite [orange/brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Artinite pit, Clear Creek area, Picacho Peak, New Idria District, Diablo Range, San Benito Co., California Acquired 2012 Matrix Artinite [white] From the collection of Jim Daly (#20). 3082 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brandtite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#489). 3083 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Clinoptilolite-Na Formula /Images/picture.jpg Madras, Jefferson Co., Oregon Acquired 2012 Matrix Mordenite From the collection of Jim Daly (#42). 3084 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spinel Formula /Images/picture.jpg Limecrest Quarry (Limecrest-Southdown Quarry), Sparta Township, Sussex Co., New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#533). 3085 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Olivine var. Websterite Formula /Images/picture.jpg North Carolina Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Websterite is ultramafic igneous rock that consists of roughly equal proportions of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. It is a type of pyroxenite. Websterite is named after the town Webster, North Carolina. From the collection of Jim Daly (#348). 3086 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chlorophoenicite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#115). 3087 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Piemontite [deep red/purple] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Prabornaz Mine (Praborna Mine), Saint-Marcel, Aosta Valley, Italy Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3088 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lotharmeyerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Mun. de Mapimí, Durango, Mexico Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3089 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rhodizite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Antandrokomby Mine, Sahatany Valley, Vakinankaratra, Antananarivo Prov., Madagascar Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3090 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Retgersite [green] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Richelsdorf District, Hesse, Germany Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3091 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Montebrasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Telirio Mine, Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3092 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ambrinoite [red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Signols Quarries (Cava di Signols), Signols, Oulx, Susa Valley (Val di Susa), Torino Province, Piedmont (Piemonte), Italy Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. IMA 2009-071. 3093 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Willard Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada Acquired 2012 Matrix Wavelite From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3094 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brochantite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bingham, Nedw Mexico Collected 1992, Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3095 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Jeremejevite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Erongo Mtns., Usakos, Namibia Collected 2000, Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3096 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Native Mercury Hg /Images/picture.jpg Almaden Mine, Almaden, Cuidad Real, Castile-La Mancha, Spain Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3097 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Daliranite [bright orange] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Zareh Shuran Mine (Zarshuran Mine; Zarshouran Mine; Zarehehuran), Takab (Takan Tepe), West Azarbaijan Province (West Azerbaijan Province), Iran Acquired 2012 Matrix Orpiment [yellow/orange], Quartz Type Locality specimen for Daliranite. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3098 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aspidolite [brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kasuga mine, Kasuga-mura, Ibigawa-cho, Gifu Prefecture, Chubu Region, Honshu Island, Japan Acquired 2012 Sadanagaite [black] Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen for both minerals. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. Label reads Magnesiosadanagaite and it was renamed by the IMA in 2012. 3099 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcioancylite-(Nd) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Seula mine (ex Montecatini quarry), Mount Camoscio, Oltrefiume, Baveno, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province, Piedmont, Italy Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3100 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Benyacarite [yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg El Criollo Mine, Cerro Blanco pegmatite district, Tanti, Punilla Department, Cordoba, Argentina Acquired 2012 Matrix Hentschelite [green] Type Locality specimen for Benyacarite. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3101 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Artsmithite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Funderburk prospect, Pike Co., Arkansas Acquired 2012 Calomel [clear] Cinnabar Type Locality specimen for Artsmithite. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3102 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wakabayashilite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Nishinomaki Mine, Gunma Prefecture, Kanto region, Honshu Island, Japan Acquired 2012 Realgar Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Gunnar Farber. 3103 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gaylussite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lake Amboseli, Rift Valley Province, Kenya Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3104 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Thalenite-(Y) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Askagen Quarry (Torskebacken), Persberg district, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3971). 3105 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sapphire Formula /Images/picture.jpg India Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3106 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lithiophylite-Triphylite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Black Hills, South Dakota Collected June 2016, Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Joan Stoker. Exact location unknown because the specimen came from the SDSMT "Share Pit". 3107 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite [yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tin Mountain Mine, Fourmile, Custer District, Custer Co., South Dakota Collected June 2016, Gifted 2016 Spodumene Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Joan Stoker. 3108 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tin Mountain Mine, Fourmile, Custer District, Custer Co., South Dakota Gifted 2016 Spodumene Columbite From the collection of Joan Stoker. 3109 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tourmaline (Uvite) Formula /Images/picture.jpg West Pierrepont, New York Collected and Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. 3110 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3111 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3112 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3113 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3114 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3115 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spodumene var. Hiddenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stony Point, Hiddenite, Alexander Co., North Carolina Gifted 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Sinke. This was the Type Locality for Hiddenite before it was found to be a variety of Spodumene. 3116 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Plumbotsumite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Blue bell Mine, San Bernardino co., California Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3117 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Petalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2012 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3118 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lawsonite [pink] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Reed Station, Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve, Tiburon Peninsula, Marin Co., California Acquired 2012 Mica Schist Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen for Lawsonite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3119 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyroxmangite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Conselheiro Lafaiete (Queluz de Minas), Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Probably from the Morro da Mina mine. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3120 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ludlockite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg (#L2683678). 3121 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mixite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Northern Spy Mine, Tintic District, Utah Co., Utah Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3122 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Roméite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Prabornaz Mine (Praborna Mine), Saint-Marcel, Aosta Valley, Italy Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen for Roméite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. The name has been made into a series by IMA nomenclature revision in 2010, changing the Type Locality designation to First Recorded Locality of unapproved mineral/variety/etc. This specimen is probably Fluorcalcioroméite in the new nomenclature. 3123 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lithiowodginite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ognevka Ta Deposit, Kalba Range, Eastern Kazakhstan Province (Shyghys Qazaqstan Oblysy; Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast'), Kazakhstan Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#45355). 3124 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Heyite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Betty Jo Claim, Nevada District, White Pine Co., Nevada Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#35951). 3125 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Duttonite [brownish] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peanut Mine, Bull Canyon, Uravan District, Montrose Co., Colorado Acquired 2010 Matrix Montroseite [black], Pascoite [red-orange] Type Locality specimen for Duttonite. From the collection of Walter Kellogg. 3126 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gahnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Caicara Pegmatite, Paraiba, Northwest Region, Brazil Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3127 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Teallite [silvery grey/lead-gray] Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Jose Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia Acquired 2010 Matrix Franckeite [grey/black] From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3128 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Moschellandsbergite Ag2Hg3 /Images/picture.jpg Carolina Mine, Moschellandsberg Mt., Landsberg (Moschellandsberg), Alsenz-Obermoschel, Palatinate, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3129 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Connellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gold Hill Mine, 150 foot level, Tooele Co., Utah Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3130 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bahianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Serra da Mangabeira, Pico das Almas river, Paramirim das Crioulas, Erico Cardoso (Agua Quente), Bahia, Brazil Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#43895). From the collection of Joseph J. Urban. 3131 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Isokite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Nkumbwa Hill Carbonatite (Nkombwa Hill Carbonatite), Isoka, Isoka District, Muchinga Mts., Northern Province, Zambia Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#35948). 3132 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Heazlewoodite Ni3S2 /Images/picture.jpg Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg (#H2682723). Original label shows #997-1. 3133 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Zemannite [brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Moctezuma Mine (Bambolla Mine), Moctezuma, Mun. de Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg (#Z2682359). Original label shows #2700-1. 3134 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sulphohalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Searles Lake, San Bernardino Co., California Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality Specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#46474). 3135 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Albite var. Peristerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon Spalenka. 3136 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodalite var. Hackmanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Acquired 2016 Sodalite var. Hackmanite Hornblend, Biotite From the collection of Gordon Spalenka. 3137 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mockingbird Mine, Mariposa Co., California Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Below. 3138 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Heterogenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Collected 1960's, Acquired 2010 Matrix Malachite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3139 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Delvauxite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chateau de Berneau, Berneau, Dalhem, Liege, Liege Province, Belgium Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#35954). 3140 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite var. Ruby Jack Formula /Images/picture.jpg Joplin, Missouri Collected before 1975. Acquired 2010 Shale and Limestone Calcite From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of Don (Doc) Langham. 3141 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Native Iron Formula /Images/picture.jpg Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3142 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Elpidite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) probable From the collection of Larry Rush. 3143 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tantalite-(Mn) var. Manganotantalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alto do Giz II mine, Equador, Borborema mineral province, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Luiz Menezes. 3144 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Twinned
Gahnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Falu Gruva, Falun mine, Falun, Dalarna, Sweden Collected 1810, Acquired 2010 Talc Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen for Gahnite. From the collection of John Betts (#43933). 3145 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pickeringite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alun Mtn., Monogalia Co., West Virginia Acquired 2010 Alunogen Halotrichite From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3146 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Davreuxite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ottré, Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Luxembourg Province, Belgium Acquired 2010 Pyrophyllite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified Type Locality specimen for Davreuxite. From the collection of John Betts (#36065). 3147 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Weibullite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Falun mine, Falun, Kopparberg, Dalarna, Sweden Acquired 2010 Actinolite Chalcopyrite Type Locality specimen for Weibullite. From the collection of John Betts (#35950). 3148 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferronordite-(Ce) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Karnasurt Mt, Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia Acquired 2009 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#45350). 3149 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Nickelboussingaultite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Talnakh Cu-Ni Deposit, Noril'sk, Putoran Plateau, Taimyr Peninsula, Taymyrskiy Autonomous Okrug, Eastern-Siberian Region, Russia Acquired 2009 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#45352). 3150 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pseudomalachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Moshamba-West Mine, Congo Acquired 2010 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Pseudomorph after Covellite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3151 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rancieite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Evelyn Creek, South Canol Road, 1 1/2 miles south of Mt. Grant, Yukon Terr. Canada acquired 2017 Rhodonite Rhodochrosoite From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3152 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hisingerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carriere Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH), Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-1707. 3153 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hisingerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carriere Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH), Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-1707. 3154 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bafertisite [red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Fountain Quarry, Fountain Pit Company, Reba, Pitt Co., North Carolina Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Williams. From the collection of Mike Seeds. From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-1332. 3155 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Monteregianite-(Y) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carriere Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH), Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-1706. 3156 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hilairite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carriere Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH), Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-1116. 3157 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Yofortierite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry (Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carriere Mont Saint-Hilaire; MSH), Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Jim Daly, #M-466. 3158 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Clintonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Clintonite type locality, Amity, Town of Warwick, Warwick Township, Orange Co., New York Collected March 1995, Acquired 2016 titanium-rich Diopside Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen for Clintonite. From the collection of John Betts (#70646). From the collection of Dave Wellbrock (#M1146a). 3159 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kulanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rapid Creek, 70 km NorthWest of Aklavik, Dawson Mining District, Yukon, Canada Collected ca. 1996, Acquired 2016 Matrix Quartz Type Locality specimen for Kulanite. From the collection of John Betts (#70195). 3160 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hambergite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Little 3 Mine, Ramona District, San Diego County, California Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts (#63259). 3161 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Davidite-La Formula /Images/picture.jpg Radium Hill mine (Smith's Carnotite Mine; Radium Hill), Radium Hill area, Olary Province, South Australia, Australia Acquired 2016 Matrix Carnotite Type Locality specimen for Davidite-La. From the collection of John Betts (#70698). 3162 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stokesite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tim Mine, Corrego do Urucum, Galileia, Minas Gerais, Brazil Acquired 2016 Matrix Microlite var. Stannomicrolite From the collection of John Betts (#64076). 3163 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Whiteite-(CaFeMg) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Rapid Creek, 70 km NorthWest of Aklavik, Dawson Mining District, Yukon, Canada Acquired 2016 Matrix Quartz Type Locality specimen; this was from the co-type locality for Whiteite before it was split into a series. From the collection of John Betts (#62965). 3164 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alabastine Mine, Wyoming, Michigan Acquired 2016 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jack Cramer. 3165 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Ore Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) IMRMC Silent Auction item. 3166 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Apatite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Acquired 2016 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon Spalenka. 3167 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Suolunite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Al Khawd, Baushar, Muscat (Masqat) Province, Oman acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3168 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. 3169 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. 3170 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. 3171 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. 3172 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. 3173 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Seamanite [pinkish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chicagon mine, Mineral Zone 2013, Menominee iron range, Iron Co., Michigan Collected 2013, acquired 2017 Matrix Sussexite [white to lilac] Type Locality specimen for Seamanite. From the collection of Dr. David H Garske. Collected by Dr. Fred Pough. Used as door prize for September 2017 MWF West Michigan Mineral Study and was won by Lauren Chan. 3174 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Almeidaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Novo Horizonte, Bahai, Brazil acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. IMA 2013-020. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3175 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Krohnkite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chuquicamata Mine, Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3176 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Montebrasite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil Collected 1980s, acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3177 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chondrodite [reddish yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Skrabbole Quarry (Nordkalk Quarry), Pargas (Parainen), Southwestern Finland Region, Finland acquired 2017 Calcite [white] Graphite [silvery black] Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3178 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Boussingaultite Formula /Images/picture.jpg South Mountain, Santa Paula, Ventura Co., California Collected before 1938, acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of John Melhase. 3179 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Richellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Richelle, Vise, Liege Province, Belgium acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3180 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Zinkenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Julcani District, Angaraes Province, Huancavelica, Peru acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3181 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Carletonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of Steve Pullman. From the collection of Dave Yeomans. 3182 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lanarkite [greenish white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Meadowfoot Smelter slag locality, Wanlockhead, Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland Collected April 2000, acquired 2017 slag Caledonite [blue], Anglesite [clear] From the collection of Walt Kellogg. Walt claimed this as the Type Locality for Lanarkite but MinDat disagrees. 3183 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cobalt Formula Cobalt Mining District, Ontario, Canada Acquired 2017 Silver Calcite From the collection of Robert Hauck. From the collection of John Betts (#73490). 3184 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Neptunite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Benitoite Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California acquired 2017 Crossite, Natrolite Benitoite, Djurleite From the collection of John Veevaert. 3185 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Yuksporite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hackman Valley, Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#69840). 3186 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Weloganite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Francon quarry, St. Michel, Montreal Island, Quebec, Canada acquired 2017 Matrix Dresserite Type Locality specimen for Weloganite and Dresserite. From the collection of John Betts (#70441). 3187 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cafarsite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wanni glacier - Scherbadung area (Monte Cervandone), Kriegalp Valley (Chriegalp Valley), Binn Valley, Wallis (Valais), Switzerland Collected ca. 1980, acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts (#72194). Specimen is labeled SG1206. 3188 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hydroxylwagnerite Mg2PO4(OH) /Images/picture.jpg Dora Maira coesite-bearing unit (Dora Maira ultra‐high‐pressure unit; Brossasco-Isasca Unit; Dora Maira Massif), Cuneo Province, Piedmont, Italy Acquired 2017 Pyrophyllite Secondary Mineral(s) Type Locality specimen. IMA 2004-009. From the collection of John Betts (#42324). 3189 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrolusite Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Morocco acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3190 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Euxenite-Y/Tanteuxenite-Y (Y,Ca,Th,U)(Nb,Ti,Ta)2O6/(Y,Ca,U)(Ta,Ti,Nb)2O6 /Images/picture.jpg West-Central Nine Mile Granite, Marathon Co., Wisconsin acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. Collected by Thomas Buchholz.
Crystals range in color from yellow to a reddish hue, to almost a brown-black color, commonly with a pale yellow, granular appearing outer skin, and are embedded in quartz, K-feldspar, fluorite, or altered biotite. Examples are marked with red tape arrows.
Identity was confirmed by x-ray diffraction, electron microprove, and energy dispersive spectrometry. Central cores of crystals are niobium dominant, and hence are euxenite-y, while outer zones are tantalum dominant and hence are tanteuxenite-y. They are yttrium dominant, but contain 3-4 weight % dysprosium and ytterbium oxide, hence are enriched in heavy rare earth elements. Other minerals that may be present include fluorite [purple], zircon [darker red-brown, may have radiating cracks in surrounding quartz], thorite [brighter reddish color, may show alteration to a crumbly reddish material], and bastnaesite-Ce [grungy appearing pinkish to reddish material, usually in fluorite].
3191 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kidwellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Indian Mountain, Cherokee Co., Alabama acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3192 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brookite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Magnet Cove, Arkansas acquired 2017 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3193 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Crocoite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dundas, Tasmania acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3194 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcedony var. Pietersite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Namibia acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3195 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Shungite C /Images/picture.jpg Russia gift 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bill Burt. 3196 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chamosite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Shasta, Michigan acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3197 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Glauberite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bertram Mine, Salton Sea, CA acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 3198 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcedony var. Myrickite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Manhattan Mine, Knoxville, California acquired 2017 Chalcedony Cinnabar From the collection of Kevin Ponzio. 3199 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Forsterite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Parker Mine, Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Antoine-Labelle RCM, Laurentides, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Calcite Phlogopite From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain (#SCC-9183). 3200 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Narsarsukite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3201 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Polylithionite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Serandite Analcime From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3202 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Analcime Sanidine, Aegirine From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3203 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Serandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Sanidine Aegirine From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3204 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amphibole var. Uralite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Autoroute 5 extension, Chelsea, Québec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3205 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amphibole var. Uralite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Autoroute 5 extension, Chelsea, Québec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3206 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amphibole var. Uralite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Autoroute 5 extension, Chelsea, Québec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3207 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amphibole var. Uralite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Autoroute 5 extension, Chelsea, Québec, Canada Acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3208 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Septarie Calcite (Septarian nodule) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tarnow, Polska (Poland) traded 2017 Mudstone Calcite From the collection of Bartosz Rapacki. From the collection of Minerwa Style ( 3209 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bursztyn (Amber) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gdansk, Baltic Polska (Poland) traded 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bartosz Rapacki. From the collection of Minerwa Style ( 3210 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bursztyn (Amber) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gdansk, Baltic Polska (Poland) traded 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bartosz Rapacki. From the collection of Minerwa Style ( 3211 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bursztyn (Amber) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gdansk, Baltic Polska (Poland) traded 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bartosz Rapacki. From the collection of Minerwa Style ( 3212 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
K2 Granite Formula /Images/picture.jpg K2 (Mount Godwin Austen), Karakoram Range, Skardu area, Northern Pakistan acquired 2017 Feldspar, Biotite, Quartz Azurite From the collection of Jan Minerals. 3213 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
K2 Granite Formula /Images/picture.jpg K2 (Mount Godwin Austen), Karakoram Range, Skardu area, Northern Pakistan acquired 2017 Feldspar, Biotite, Quartz Azurite From the collection of Jan Minerals. 3214 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ceruleite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Emma Luisa Mine, Guanaco (Huanaco), Santa Catalina, Antofagasta Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Bob Sinke. From the collection of Walter Kellogg (who purchased it in Feb 1993). From the collection of David Garske. From the collection of Steve Pullman. 3215 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cookeite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mt. Mica, Greenwood, Oxford Co., Maine acquired 2018 Quartz Elbaite, Mica, and other Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3721). Small crystals on the thin elbaite. b 3216 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Leucophoenicite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey acquired 2018 Franklinite Zincite From the collection of Jim Daly (#1381); shipping damage from #3219. Type Locality Specimen for all three minerals. 3217 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Leucophoenicite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey acquired 2018 Franklinite Zincite From the collection of Jim Daly (#1381); shipping damage from #3219. Type Locality Specimen for all three minerals. 3218 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Leucophoenicite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey acquired 2018 Franklinite Zincite From the collection of Jim Daly (#1381). Type Locality Specimen for all three minerals. 3219 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tainiolite-1M [brownish clear] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#478). 3220 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Melanotekite [black melted looking balls] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Langban Mines, Filipstad, Sweden acquired 2018 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Jim Daly (#3242). 3221 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Homestake Mine, Lead, SD acquired 2018 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#4270). From the collection of Willard Roberts. 3222 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Pyritohedrons
Zippeite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grants, NM acquired 2018 Sandstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#275). 3223 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Shannonite [white, waxy] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tonopah-Belmont Mine, Belmont Mountain, Tonopah, Osborn District, Big Horn Mts, Maricopa Co., Arizona acquired 2018 Matrix Cerussite From the collection of Jim Daly (#2488). 3224 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hancockite [brick red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#700). This is a Type Locality Specimen. 3225 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Picropharmacolite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Potosi District, Osgood Mts, Humboldt Co., Nevada acquired 2018 Matrix [black] unidentified Realgar [orange] From the collection of Jim Daly (#4240). 3226 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hetaerolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mohawk Mine, Clark Mtn, San Bernardino Co., CA acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#M-584). 3227 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pseudobrookite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Thomas Range, Juab Co., UT acquired 2018 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#T-249). 3228 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dixie Mine, Clear Creek Co., CO acquired 2018 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#T-238). 3229 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrophanite [reddish brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Granite Mtn. #1 Quarry, Little Rock, AR acquired 2018 Granite pegmatite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Jim Daly (#3384). Jim reports there is a possibility the Pyrophanite is really Barwoodite 3230 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Catapleiite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada Acquired 2017 Aegirine Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of C. H. Falstad. From the collection of Steve Chamberlain. 3231 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cetineite [red/orange] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Le Cetine di Cotorniano Mine, Chiusdino, Siena Province, Tuscany, Italy acquired 2018 Matrix Mopungite [clear] This is a Type Locality specimen for Cetineite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of Steve Pullman. 3232 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Krohnkite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chuquicamata Mine, Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen for Krohnkite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3233 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Coquandite [white] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pereta Mine, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy acquired 2018 Stibnite [silver] Metacinnabar [red] This is a Type Locality specimen for Coquandite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3234 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tacharanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Noaki, Yaizu shi, Shizuoka Pref., Japan acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of David Garski. From the collection of Steve Pullman. 3235 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Perovskite var. Dysanalyte Formula /Images/picture.jpg Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas Collected before 1938, acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is the Niobian rich form of Perovskite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. From the collection of John Melhase. 3236 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Holtedahlite [colorless] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tingelstadtjern Quarry, Modum, Buskerud, Norway acquired 2018 Apatite Althausite [pale grey] This is a Type Locality specimen for Holtedahlite and Althausite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3237 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sklodowskite [yellow] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Animas Mine, Francisco Portillo, West Camp, Santa Eulalia District, Mun de Aquiles Serdan, Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2018 Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3238 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Monazite-Ce Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sao Joao da Chapada, Diamantina, Jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Kellogg. 3239 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorellestadite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Crestmore Quarries, Crestmore, Riverside Co., California acquired 2018 Blue Calcite Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen for Fluorellestadite. From the collection of Walt Kellogg. Collected by J. Seibel. 3240 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia acquired 2017 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts (#73975). From the collection of Mort Metersky, the director of the International Calcite Collectors Association. 3241 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity prismatic hexagonal
Metaswitzerite [brown] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Foote Lithium Co. Mine (Foote Mine), Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina acquired 2017 Matrix metamorphic Albite From the collection of John Betts (#73975). From the collection of Joe Cilen (#5040f). This is a Type Locality specimen. 3242 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kukisvumite [clear] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kirovskii apatite mine (Kirovsky Mine; Kirovskii Mine; Kirov Mine), Kukisvumchorr Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmanskaya Oblast', Northern Region, Russia acquired 2017 Arfvedsonite [black] Nenadkevichite [reddish] From the collection of John Betts (#74008). From the collection of the Excalibur-Cureton Company. This is a Type Locality specimen for Kukisvumite. 3243 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Robertsite [deep red] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Custer District, Custer Co., South Dakota acquired 2017 Matrix Whitlockite [clear] From the collection of John Betts (#73913). From the collection of Willard "Bill" L Roberts, who the mineral is named after. This is a Type Locality specimen for Robertsite. 3244 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ferrisurite [Yellow-green] Formula /Images/picture.jpg Shirley Ann claim, Big Dodd Spring, Ubehebe District, Cottonwood Mts, Panamint Mts, Inyo Co., California, acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#3300). This is a type locality specimen. 3245 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Austinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill, Gold Hill District, Deep Creek Mts, Tooele Co., Utah acquired 2018 Limonite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#622). This is a type locality specimen. 3246 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Normandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallee-du-Richelieu RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Daly (#566). This is a type locality specimen. 3247 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Senarmontite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Algeria acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Beauvais. From the collection of Djebel Hammimat. 3248 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tremolite var. Hexagonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Balmat, New York acquired 2018 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob Beauvais. 3249 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 06:13:26 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 11:13:26 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 3194. This page was first published on 1 April 2004 and was last updated on Friday, 02-Sep-2022 18:42:16 EDT.

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