Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Mineral |
Reference |
Acanthite |
1334, 1318, 1507 var. Argentite, 3314,
3577, 4160 |
Aikinite |
2358 |
Alabandite |
4174 |
Algodonite |
3640 |
Altaite [tin white to bronze yellow] |
1840, 2623 |
Ambrinoite |
3093 [TL] |
Andorite |
1780 |
Arsenopyrite |
0155, 2672 |
Aschamalmite |
1817 [TL] |
Aurostibite |
2708 |
Baiamareite |
4201 [TL] |
Berthierite |
2274 |
Bismuthinite |
1160 |
Bornite |
1382, 0169, 0223, 0175,
05, 0446, 0316, 3535,
4020 |
Boulangerite |
1853, 2418 |
Bournonite |
1830 |
Bravoite |
2452 |
Breithauptite |
0777 |
Calaverite |
1206, 2538 |
Cannizzarite |
2694 |
Carrollite |
1833, 3793 |
Cervelleite |
2193 [TL] |
Cetineite |
3232 [TL] |
Chalcoalumite |
1124 [TL] |
Chalcocite |
1273, 1274, 0163, 1947,
4186 |
Chalcopyrite |
1202, 0012, 0083, 0163,
0169, 0223, 0175, 0288,
0200, 0450, 3148 |
Chalcostibite |
2355 |
Cinnabar |
1832, 1041, 3102 [with Phosphates], 3871,
4253 |
Sphalerite var. Cleiophane |
2011 |
Cobaltite |
1533, 2296, 4010, 4010 |
Coloradoite |
2291, 2389 |
Colusite |
1133 [TL] |
Corderoite |
4253 [TL] |
Cosalite |
2908 |
Covellite |
0105, 2942 |
Cubanite |
1264 |
Cylindrite |
2460 [TL] |
Dadsonite |
2720 |
Daliranite |
3098 [TL] |
Digenite |
2981 |
Djurleite |
3185 |
Dufrenoysite |
3813 [TL] |
Duranusite |
2222 [TL] |
Eclarite [metallic, whitish-grey] |
2218 [TL] |
Emplectite |
2248 [TL] |
Emmonsite |
3344 |
Empressite |
2553 |
Enargite |
1379, 0163, 0448, 0449,
0477, 0478, 0479, 3535 |
Franckeite |
1781, 3128 |
Freieslebenite |
3472 |
Friedrichite |
2862, 2863 |
Galena |
0445, 1424 [w/ Carbonates], 0011,
0079, 1488, 0446, 0293,
0294, 2972, 3029,
3329 (w/ Nesosilicates), 3455, 3913,
3997, 3998, 3986 |
Geocronite |
3451 |
Germanite |
2799 [TL] [with Oxides], 2972 [TL] |
Gersdorffite |
2666 |
Getchellite |
1396 [TL] |
Gustavite |
1820 |
Hammarite |
2862, 2863 |
Hauerite |
2119 |
Heazlewoodite |
3133 |
Hessite |
2193, 4220 w/ Oxides |
Heyrovskýite |
2908 [TL] |
Hutchinsonite |
2459 [TL], 3346 |
Jamesonite |
1959, 3276, 3371 |
Jordanite |
3584 [TL] |
Jordisite |
1015 |
Kermesite |
1806 [w/ Oxides], 2639 |
Lengenbachite |
2870 [TL], 3420 [TL] |
Linarite |
1329 |
Lindstromite |
2862, 2863 |
Löellingite |
2466, 2009, 3678 w/ Oxides |
Lollingite |
2979 |
Marcasite |
0376 |
Mascagnite |
0110, 2984 [with Carbonates] |
Mattagamite [violet] |
1840 [TL] |
Maucherite |
3670 [TL] |
Metacinnabar |
3234 [with Sulfates] |
Metastibnite [red] |
1979 [TL] |
Millerite |
0110, 2984 [with Carbonates] |
Molybdenite |
0517, 1644, 1643, 1642,
1641, 1640, 1639, 1638,
1637, 3668 |
Nickeline |
0777, 2012 var. Niccolite [with Sulfates], 2527 var. Niccolite |
Retgersite |
2012 |
Orpiment |
0354, 0093, 0197, 3098 |
Owyheeite |
3823 |
Parapierrotite |
2650 |
Pararammelsbergite |
2814 [TL] |
Pekoite |
3357 |
Pentlandite |
1583, 0175, 0494,
3405 |
Perroudite |
3619 |
Polybasite |
1334, 2888 |
Polydymite |
2453 |
Potosiite |
1781 |
Proustite |
1444 |
Pyrargyrite |
1443, 1727, 0430, 2958 |
Pyrite |
1102, 0022, 0099, 0216,
0430, 0427, 0316, 0466,
0467, 0340, 0341, 0545,
2908, 3008 var. Dodecahedral, 3033 var. Dollar,
3050 [with Phyllosilicates], 3222 var Pyritohedrons, 3505,
3618, 4022, 4053, 4064,
4065, 4095, 1769, 1625,
0688, 0886, 1588, 0595,
4088, 4186 |
Pyrostilpnite |
2777 |
Pyrrhotite |
0480, 3405, 3701, 3700,
3699 |
Realgar |
1360, 1388, 1389, 1390,
1391, 0354, 0426, 3507 (with Halides) |
Safflorite |
2717 |
Sarabauite |
2002 [TL] |
Sartorite |
3572 [TL] |
Semseyite |
3900 |
Siegenite |
1787, 1788, 1786 |
Skutterudite |
1212, >3646 |
Spangolite |
1357 |
Sperrylite |
2363 |
Sphalerite |
1144, 0038, 0096, 0216,
0415, 0446, 0445, , 2908
2011 var. Cleiophane, 3141 var. Ruby Jack,
3507 var. Blende (with Halides), 4155, 4187 var. lamellar twinned |
Stannite |
2864 |
Stephanite |
1386, 2888 |
Stibnite |
1109, 1138, 1188, 1362,
1188, 1517, 2921, 3234 [with Sulfates],
4189 |
Stromeyerite |
2232 |
Sulvanite |
3526 |
Suredaite |
2216 [TL] |
Sylvanite |
2539 |
Teallite |
3128 |
Tellurantimony [pink, cream] |
1840 [TL] |
Tellurides in Quartz with Gold |
0619 |
Tennantite |
2239, 2972, 3865 (w/ Phosphates) |
Tetrahednite |
3025 |
Tetrahedrite |
1277 |
Tungstenite |
3725 |
Tyrolite |
1440 [TL] |
Umangite |
2830 |
Valleriite |
1795 |
Violarite |
2819 |
Vrbaite |
2677 |
Wakabayashilite |
3103 [TL] |
Weibullite |
2891, 3148 [TL] |
Wurtzite |
2900, 3440 |
Zinkenite |
1780, 3181 |
Mineral |
Reference |