Phyllosilicates from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)

Mineral Reference
Agrellite 1812 [TL], 1998 {with Inosilicates}
Ajoite 2849 [with Inosilicates], 2479 [TL]
Allophane 2637 [TL], 4137
Anadite 4195 [w/ cyclosilicates]
Annite 3017
Antigorite 2325 var. Picrolite, 2324, 2323, 2025, 2792 var. Picrolite
Apophyllite 0395, 1122 (w/ sorosilicates), 2679 [with Cyclosilicates], 3055, 3375, 4163
Armstrongite 3018 [TL], 3617 [TL]
Aspidolite 3099 [TL]
Beidellite 2911
Bementite 3083 [w/ phosphates]
Berthierine 2885, 3501
Biotite 0373, 0372, 0024, 3137
Carletonite 1088 [TL], 3182 [TL]
Caryopilite 3083 [TL] [w/ phosphates]
Cavansite 0569, 1409, 2497, 2795
Celadonite 2541
Chamosite 3050, 3197, 3457 var. Thuringite (w/ Oxides)
Clinochlore 1112, 1932
Clinochlore var. Seraphinite, 3448 1939
Clinochrysotile 1044
Clintonite 3159 [TL]
Cookeite 1158, 3216, 3559 [TL]
Corrensite 3473
Cuprorivaite 3500
Delhayelite 3645
Dickite 1205
Fedorite 2373 [TL]
Ferrisurite 3245 [TL], 3446 [TL]
Fluorapophyllite 2117
Fluorapophyllite-(K) 3332, 3492
Fluorophlogopite 2905
Fraipontite 4070 var. Copper Bearing
Friedelite 1994, 3484, 3485
Fuchsite 2590, 0391, 2589
Népouite, Pimelite, Willemseite: var. Garnierite (aka Antigorite var. Genthite) 2025, 2776
Gillespite 1794, 4195 [w/ cyclosilicates]
Gyrolite 1748, 1981
Halloysite 2743
Hendricksite 2063, 3469 [TL]
Hisingerite 3153, 3154
Hisingerite-Neotocite 3869 var. Sturtite
Hydroxyapophyllite-(K) 3356 (w/ sorosilicates), 3490
Kaolinite 2521, 2895
Kampfite 2763
Latiumite 4192
Lepidolite 1403, 0021, 0396, 0199, 3108, 3031
Lepidomelane 3829
Lemoynite 3364 [TL]
Loughlinite 2894
Lourenwalsite 3385 [TL], 3435 [TL], 3581 [TL]
Macdonaldite 2763, 2871 [TL]
Makatite 2050
Margarite 1973, 3932, 393\3, 3934
Mavinite 2764 [TL]
Montmorillonite 2046, 2043 [with Phosphates], 2042, 2971 [with Phosphates], 3250, 4253
Monteregianite-(Y) 3156 [TL], 3389 [TL]
Muscovite 0442, 0023, 2736 [with Phosphates], 3004 [with Oxides], 3453, 3534, 3587 var. Illite, 2491
Muscovite var. Phengite var. Mariposite 1855
Naujakasite 1119 [TL]
Nekoite 4200 [TL]
Neotocite 1783
Nontronite 2997
Okenite 2262, 2387, 4185 (w/ Inosilicates)
Oyelite 2737
Palygorskite 1289
Parsettensite 2686, 2936
Penkvilksite 2876 [TL]
Pentagonite 3833 [TL]
Phengite 3799
Phlogopite 1152, 2642 (with Inosilicates), 3200 [with Nesosilicates]
Polylithionite 2028, 2734 [with Inosilicates], 3202, 3685
Pyrophyllite 0387, 3147 [with Sorosilicates], 3189 [with Phosphates], 3943
Pyrosmalite-(Fe) 3423 [TL]
Raite 2876 [TL], 3778
Rectorite 2635
Ripidolite 0609
Sanbornite 1794, 2763, 3819, 4195 [w/ cyclosilicates]
Saponite 2868
Searlesite 3685
Sepiolite 3826
Sericite 1506
Serpentine 0393, 0309, 2267 var Ricolite, 2924 [with Carbonates], 3626 [with Oxides]
Siderophyllite 3574
Smectite 2249
Stevensite 1493
Stilpnomelane 2999, 3081
Tainiolite 3220, 3444, 3513 var -1M
Talc 0593, 0001, 1468, 0352, 0353, 4018
Tetra-ferri-annite 1760
Tetraferriphlogopite 2850, 3622 [with Carbonates]
Tuperssuatsiaite 2050, 2766, 2910
Vermiculite var. Jefferisite 1142
Volkonskoite 2893
Wickenburgite 1126 [TL]
Yofortierite 2982, 3158 [TL]
Zakharovite 2910
Zussmanite 2728 [TL] [with Inosilicates]
Mineral Reference

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 06:19:40 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 11:19:40 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number 5725. This page was first published on 1 November 2004 and was last updated on Monday, 27-Jan-2025 12:58:29 EST.

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