Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | ![]() |
Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | Reference | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Platystrophia Brachiapod fossil | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | US27 road cut at 19 mile marker, just outside Richmond, IN, eastern side, about 75 feet short of the mile marker (coming from Cincinnati). | 2001 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1000 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Chalcopyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada | 1985 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1001 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1002 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnabar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Jordisite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1003 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnabar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Jordisite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1004 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnabar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Jordisite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1005 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnabar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Jordisite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1006 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnabar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Jordisite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. Given to Jacob Ohse. | 1007 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Red Crystal Calcite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico | acquired 1998 | Matrix unidentified | Several Unidentified Secondary Mineral) | From the collection of Fossils, Inc. | 1008 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Crocoite | Formula | /Images/0661a.jpg /Images/0661b.jpg /Images/0661c.jpg | Dundas, Tasmania, Australia | Acquired 2001 | Matrix Unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | Acquired in trade with Larry Rush; label is annotated "Red Lead Mine". | 1009 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Crocoite | Formula | /Images/0661a.jpg /Images/0661b.jpg /Images/0661c.jpg | Dundas, Tasmania, Australia | Acquired 2001 | Matrix Unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | Acquired in trade with Larry Rush; label is annotated "Red Lead Mine". | 1010 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Vanadinite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Acif Mine, Mibladen, Morocco | acquired 2002 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | purchased from The Arkenstone. | 1011 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1012 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Penfieldite (clear, white, yellowish, fluoresces yellow-orange under short-wave UV) | Pb2Cl3(OH) | /Images/picture.jpg | Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta, Chile | collected August 2001, acquired 2002 | Quartz | hemimorphite (brownish), boleite (blue), willemite (blue, fluoresces green under UV illumination), and cotunnite (clear). Several other unidentified minerals. | From the collection of John Betts, #15158. According to John, "Here is the whole story: Late last year Terry Szenics (discoverer of Szenicsite) made a new find of rare penfieldite crystals in Chile. He offered them for the first time in September 2001 at the Franklin, New Jersey mineral show. At that time I purchased a small lot, and shortly thereafter offered them for sale here on my web site. After realizing the importance of the find, I visited Mr. Szenics at his home, not far from New York City. I went through every flat of minerals from the find. I selected the best specimens, regardless of price. I was primarily after large crystals that could be seen without magnification. Mr. Szenics subsequently offered the remaining specimens at the 2002 Tucson show, where it was one of the really new mineral finds for the year. The penfieldite occurs as six-sided, tapering crystals that are usually colorless, though frequently have blue inclusion or coatings (boleite?). It should be noted the penfieldite fluoresces yellow-orange under short-wave UV illumination. Other minerals mixed in with the penfieldite include hemimorphite, boleite, willemite (fluoresces green under UV illumination) and most importantly cotunnite. The importance of this new find of penfieldite cannot be overstated. Penfieldite was only known from one other location - the ancient slags at Laurium, Greece where they formed when salt water interacted with the slag minerals. This new find from Chile is at the old location described by Sam Gordon, arguably the only place where penfieldite occurs naturally. At the 2002 Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, the esteemed rare-mineral collector Bill Pinch presented this new penfieldite find during his session on What's New in Minerals. During his presentation he stated, "This new find of Penfieldite is quite simply the best in the world." And I honestly believe that specimens I purchased in September of 2001 are the best of the best. Since September 2001 I have had these specimens stashed to see if more would be found. To date, no more penfieldite has been recovered. The specimens offered on my site are the best I have available. " |
1013 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1014 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Jordisite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kiggins Mine, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Cinnibar | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1015 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Selenite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1016 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Siderite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Memaloose, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix probably basalt | Calcite, at least two other unidentified minerals | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1017 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Siderite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Memaloose, Clackamas Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix probably basalt | Calcite, at least two other unidentified minerals | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1018 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1019 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1020 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1021 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1022 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Boulder Creek, Linn Co., Oregon | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1023 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Muscovite, Lepidolite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1024 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1025 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Clevelandite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartx with Schorl Inclusion | Rubellite, Elbaite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1026 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartz | Clevelandite, Lepidolite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1027 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1028 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz Phantom | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartz (phantom) | Elbaite, Lepidolite, Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1029 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Apatite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Lepidolite, Schorl, and Muscovite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1030 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Schorl, Clevelandite, and Quartz | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1031 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Apatite Feldspar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1032 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Clevelandite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1033 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Apatite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Schorl, Clevelandite, and Muscovite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1034 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Apatite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Clevelandite, Schorl | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1035 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Clevelandite, Schorl | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1036 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Wulfunite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Maipimi, Durango, Mexico | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Dr. Walt Bowser, Mineral Search Safaris. Original label notes this is a rare location; this specimen is from shipping damage. | 1037 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Wulfunite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Maipimi, Durango, Mexico | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Dr. Walt Bowser, Mineral Search Safaris. Original label notes this is a rare location; this specimen is from shipping damage. | 1038 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1039 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pectolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Millington Quarry, Millington, New Jersey | Acquired 2002 | Matrix Unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Larry Rush | 1040 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cinnibar | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bear Creek Quarry, Douglas County, Drain, OR | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Chalcodeny | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1041 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Indicolite Tourmaline | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Minas Gerais, Brazil | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #7447. From the collection of R. Bates, #026. | 1042 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Spinel | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mogok, Burma | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #18117. | 1043 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Clinochrysotile | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Salt River Valley, northeast of Globe, Gila County, Arizona | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #18166. | 1044 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Rubellite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartz | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1045 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite on Rubellite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Apatite Feldspar | Lepidolite, Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1046 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Clevelandite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartz | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1047 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1048 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1049 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1050 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1051 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1052 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1053 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Rubellite | Clevelandite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo. The Elbaite is perfectly terminated. This actually came from a handful of 'mud' my daughter scooped out the gold panning pan we were washing the gravel in with running water. | 1054 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Secondary Mineral(s) possible | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1055 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1056 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1057 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1058 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1059 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Elbaite with phantom termination | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo. | 1060 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Coombah, New South Wales, Australia | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #18520 | 1061 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz, Var. Smoky | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Pikes Peak, El Paso County, Colorado | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #18519 | 1062 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Purpurite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Ross Mine, Custer County, South Dakota | acquired 2002 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of John Betts, #18500. | 1063 | Hardness | Streak Red | Specific Gravity 3.4 | Purpurite is known for never forming crystals; always found massive. | |
Schorl | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Feldspar | Elbaite, Rubellite | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo; these are believed to be related pieces. | 1064 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fluorapatite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Quartz | Clevelandite, Elbaite, Rubellite, Schorl, Muscovite Mica | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo | 1065 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Bismuth | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Saxony, Germany | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #18413. There is an old paper label attached to the specimen, #259. | 1066 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Thomsonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bear Creek Quarry, Douglas County, Drain, OR | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Mesolite, Calcite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1067 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Thomsonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bear Creek Quarry, Douglas County, Drain, OR | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Mesolite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1068 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Thomsonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bear Creek Quarry, Douglas County, Drain, OR | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Mesolite, Calcite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. | 1069 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Thomsonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bear Creek Quarry, Douglas County, Drain, OR | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Mesolite | From the collection of Bill Tompkins. Specimen given to Kitty and Bill Heacox. | 1070 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pectolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Millington Quarry, Millington, New Jersey | Acquired 2002 | Matrix Unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Larry Rush | 1071 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Variscite | AlPo4.2(H2O) | /Images/picture.jpg | Arkansas | Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'going out of business basement sale' | Limestone? | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1072 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Scolecite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Nasik, Maharastra, India | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #19305 | 1073 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Michigan Greenstone | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Craig Lake, MI | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Fragment of #0566 when it was dropped accidently | 1074 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Malachite (included) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Lavender Pit, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona | acquired 2002 | Calcite | Copper (included) | From the collection of John Betts, #18665 | 1075 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cobaltian Calcite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mashamba, Shaba Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) | acquired 2002 | Limestone (Dolomite) | Dendritic manganese, probably Comblainite. | From the collection of John Betts, #18611; this is from an 'old' collection per John. | 1076 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Copper | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mission Mine, Pima County, Arizona | acquired 2002 | Selenite | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #186049- | 1077 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Schorl | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himalaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | Acquired 2002 | Matrix | Elbaite | Secondary Mineral(s) | From a bag of unprocessed 'pocket mud' obtained from Ed Quo. | 1078 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) |
Malachite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Quincy nMine, Hancock, MI | 1998 | Quartz | Copper, and other unidentified minerals | Comments | 1079 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1080 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1081 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1082 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1083 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1084 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1085 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fluorite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Cave-in-Rock, Cave-In-Rock Mining Sub-District, Hardin County, Illinois | acquired around 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Nine cleaved octahedrons in different shades of yellow, blue, purple, and clear. | 1086 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1087 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Carletonite | KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(OHF)H2O | /Images/picture.jpg | Mt. St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1088 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Jasmundite | Ca11(SiO4)4O2S | /Images/picture.jpg | Bellerberg Volcano, near Mayen, Eifel, Germany | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1089 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Amethyst Scepter | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Amudocha River, Ural, Russia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1090 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tugtupite | Na4AlBeSi4O12Cl | /Images/picture.jpg | Tugtup, Agtakorfia, Ilimaussaq, Greenland | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1091 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Callaghanite | Cu2Mg2(CO3)(OH)62O> | /Images/picture.jpg | Basic Refractories Mine, Gabbs, Ney Co., Nevada | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1092 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Saneroite | Na2(Mn+210si11VO34(OH)4 | /Images/picture.jpg | Gasmbatesa Mine, Val Graveglia, Genova, Liguria, Italy | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1093 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Snakeskin Agate | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | near Prineville, Oregon | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. | 1094 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Snakeskin Agate | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | near Prineville, Oregon | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. | 1095 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Aragonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Santa Rosa, New Mexico | Probably collected early 1960's, acquired 2002 | Acquired in the Aleta's Rock Shop Basement Sale (by the pound). Label is from Rozema's (Rockpile). | 1096 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |||
Aragonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Santa Rosa, New Mexico | Probably collected early 1960's, acquired 2002 | Acquired in the Aleta's Rock Shop Basement Sale (by the pound). Label is from Rozema's (Rockpile). | 1097 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |||
Aragonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Santa Rosa, New Mexico | Probably collected early 1960's, acquired 2002 | Acquired in the Aleta's Rock Shop Basement Sale (by the pound). Label is from Rozema's (Rockpile). | 1098 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |||
Celestite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Ontario, Canada | acquired 2002 | Limestone | Orange coating, possibly iron staining from hematite | Acquired in the Aleta's Rock Shop Basement Sale (by the pound). Label is from Southwest Scientific Company, Hamilton, Montana; laben notes read "CELESTITE, Orange blades in Limestone, Ontario, Canada". | 1099 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fluorapatite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Minas Gerais, Brazil | Acquired 2003 | From the collection of A. Stevenson, #682. From the collection of John Betts, #17128. | 1100 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |||
Spodumene var Kunzite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mawi, Laghman Province, Afghanistan | acquired 2003 | No Matrix | No Secondary Mineral(s) | from the collection of John Betts, #19531 | 1101 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, Peru | acquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | from the collection of John Betts, #19317 | 1102 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum var. Selenite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Adams Mine, Lyon County, Nevada | acquired 2003 | No Matrix | No Secondary Mineral(s) | fine large cabinet from the collection of John Betts, #19560 | 1103 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Calcite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Rattlesnake Butte, Shannon County, South Dakota | collected 1905 - 1970, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Sand inclusions | From the collection of John Betts, #20316. From the collection of Robert C. Linck. | 1104 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey | collected by Robert C. Linck (1905-1970), acquired 2003 | Matrix | Anhydrite, Quartz, unidentified black mineral | From the collection of John Betts (#20360). From the collection of Robert C. Linck. | 1105 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum, var. Selenite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Morocco | acquired 2003 | siltstone | Calcite | From the collection of John Betts (#19773) | 1106 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Arsenic | As | /Images/picture.jpg | Akatani, Echizen Province, Japan | collected April 15, 1942 by D.C. Gabriel, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Specimen is tagged with "DCG632". From the collection of The Arkenstone. From the collection of the A.E. Seaman Museum, Michigan Technological University. From the collection of the University of Michigan, Denny. From the D.C. Gabriel collection. Origional label notes "Small globular mass composed of small rhombohedral Xls.". | 1107 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Vanadium Uvite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Magok, Burma | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of The Arkenstone. | 1108 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Stibnite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Xe He Xiang, Hunan Province, China | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of Blue Chip Minerals. This was a shipping damage fragment from specimen 1138 | 1109 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Glauberite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Casa Verde, Arizona | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | acquired in Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club drawing, collected by a member in 2000 | 1110 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Bixbyite | (Mn, Fe)2O3 | /Images/picture.jpg | Topaz Mt, Utah | collected 5/79 by D Belsher, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Topaz | From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1111 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Clinochlore, var chromium clinochlore | (Mg, Cr)6(alSi)4O10(OH)8 | /Images/picture.jpg | Rembegul Mine, Kop Dag Erzincan, Turkey | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of M&W Minerals. Several well formed small crystals in the middle of a druse. | 1112 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tektite, var. Moldavite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Moldau River, Czech Republic | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1113 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Ottrelite | (Mn, Fe, Mg)2Al4Si2O10(OH)4 | /Images/picture.jpg | Ottre, Luxemborg, Vielsalm, Belgium | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1114 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
pink Smithsonite | ZnCO3 | /Images/picture.jpg | Mina Santa Anita, Choix, Sinola, Mexico | collected 1997, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Probably Mg or Cr instead of the usual Fe impurity to give bathroom pink color to this normally green/blue mineral | From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1115 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Mazzite | K2Ca1.5Mg2.5Al10Si26O72*20H2O | /Images/picture.jpg | Mont Simiol, Loire, France | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1116 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Bixbyite | (Mn, Fe)2O3 | /Images/picture.jpg | Topaz Mt, Itah | collected by D. Belsher 5/79, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Topaz | From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1117 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Richelsdorfite | Ca2Cu5Sb(AsO4)4Cl(OH)6*6H2O | /Images/picture.jpg | Richelsdorf, Hessen, Germany | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1118 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Naujakaasite | Na6(Fe, Mn)Al4Si8O26 | /Images/picture.jpg | Kvanefjeld near Naujakaski, Ilimaussag, Greenland | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Type locality specimen. From the collection of M&W Minerals. | 1119 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
McGovernite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Franklin Mine, Sussex Co., NJ | Acquired 2003 | Calcite, Franklinite | Zincite | From the collection of the Arkenstone. From the George Elling collection. Slight shipping damage produced thumbnail #1147. Specimen given to Kitty and Bill Heacox. | 1120 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Copper | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Quincy Mine, Hancock, MI | 1998 | Calcite | Prehnite, Pumpellyite | Comments | 1121 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Ruizite, Gilaite, Apachite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Christmas Mine, Arizona | acquired 2003 | Matrix appears to be quartzite | Kinoite, Apophyllite | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. Type Locality for Ruizite, Gilaite, and Apachite. Ruizite is red-brown. Gilaite is green. Apachite is powder blue. Kinoite is deep blue and transparent. Apophyllite is clear to white. | 1122 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Haynesite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | RePete Mine, San Juan Co., Utah | collected 4/4/92, acquired 2003 | Matrix appears to be limestone/dolomite. | Secondary Minerals unidentified; possibly Guilleminite, and a blue and a brown mineral. | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. From the collection of Pat Haynes. Type Locality for Haynesite. This is my first type locality specimen collected by the discoverer. | 1123 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Chalcoalumite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Lavendar Pit, Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Azurite | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. Type Locality for Chalcoalumite. | 1124 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Pectolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey | acquired 2003 | Quartz | Apophyllite | From the collection of John Betts, #19924 | 1125 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Wickenburgite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Potter-Cramer Claim, Wickenberg, Marcoth Co., Arizona | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. Type Locality for Wickenburgite. | 1126 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Purple Adamite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. | 1127 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Halite pseudomorph after gypsum | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mullhouse, France | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. | 1128 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Callaghanite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Basic refractories Mine, Gabbs, Nye Co., Nevada | collected 1960s, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. Type Locality for Callaghanite. | 1129 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tacharanite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bramburg, near Gottingen, Germany | collected 1980-1984, acquired 2003 | Basalt | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. Collected by Joachin Muller. Type Locality for Tacharanite. | 1130 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum, var. Selenite Twin | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Catqcombs, below Paris, France | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. | 1131 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Smoky Quartz Phantom | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Smokey Bear Claims, Lincoln Co., New Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. | 1132 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Colusite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | East Colusite Mine, Butte, Montana | collected 1950's, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Enargite | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. From the collection of L. Dudas. Type Locality for Colusite. | 1133 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Dioptase | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Christmas Mine, Arizona | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Walter R Kellogg. | 1134 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Autunite | Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2*10-12H2O | /Images/picture.jpg | Lurisia, Provincia di Cuneo, Italy | collected 1905-1970, acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #20358. From the collection of Robert C. Linck. Original label has notation "New occurrance:Êvery fine specimen". | 1135 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum, var. Selenite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Egres Peninsula, S. Australia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | from the collection of "BJ's" | 1136 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Diamond | C | /Images/picture.jpg | Mbuji-Mayi (Miba), 300 km east of Tshikappa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | This 1.7 carat specimen came from the collection of John Betts, #21828. | 1137 | 10 | Streak | Specific Gravity | cubo-octahedral | |
Stibnite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Xe He Xiang, Hunan Province, China | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of Blue Chip Minerals. There was a shipping damage fragment from specimen that I saved as #1109. Back of label is noted "E11WW". | 1138 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Ilvite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Da'negorsk, Primorsky Region, Russia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Quartz | From the collection of The Arkenstone (, #?0241. The label indicates "Repaired" (overwriting the specimen number), but I have not been able to identify the damage. | 1139 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lemanskiite Meta-Type Specimen | NaCaCu5(AsO4)4Cl . 5H2O | 1140a 1140b 1140c 1140d | El Guanaco Gold Mine, 93 km east of Taltal, Antofagasta, Chile (per label) | acquired 2003 | Gypsum | Olivenite | From the collection of The Arkenstone, #RL7563. Label indicates this is from the collection of Wm. W Pinch. This specimen was sold as "This specimen was in fact one that was studied by both Chet Lemanski and Bill Pinch, and comes with a label autographed by both eminent mineralogists as well as Pinch's own collection label" but the autographed label was not included in the original shipment; Rob promptly corrected the oversight. Also included with the specimen was a draft copy of the "General Information" sheet submitted to the IMA for publication of the new mineral. I find it interesting the original name was corrected (" This is a meta-type specimen. |
1140 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Tetragonal, Space Group 'P4,22', Point Group 'a=10.0156(1)A, c=36.691(3)A, V=3680.5(8)A | |
Henmilite | Ca2Cu(OH)44]2 | /Images/picture.jpg | Fuka Mine, Bicchu town, Kawakami County, Okayama prefecture, Japan (per label) | acquired 2003 | (white) Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | This is from the type locality (which currently is also the only locality); Fuka Mine, Bitchu-Cho, Okayama prefecture, Chugoku region, Honshu Island, Japan (per From the collection of The Arkenstone. | 1141 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | triclinic | |
Vermiculite var. Jefferisite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Brinton's Quarry, Chester County, Pennsylvania | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | from the collection of John Betts, #18239. | 1142 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | One face is a clear sheet, but the other shows clear hexagonal crystals | |
Vanadinite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Milbaden, Morocco | acquired 2003 | Barite | Secondary Mineral(s) | This is a beautiful butterfly shape, orange druse on one side, and white on the other | 1143 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sphalerite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Trepca, Serbia, Yugoslavia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Pyrite | From the collection of John Betts, #21382. From the collection of Robert C. Linck. From the collection of Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. The Ward's label indicates this is "Dana 58". | 1144 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Spinel-law Twin | |
Rutile | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Alexander County, North Carolina | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #20638. From the collection of Robert C. Linck. | 1145 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cassiterite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Ping Wu, Sichwan Prov., China | Acquired 2003 | Matrix | Calcite | From the collection of The Arkenstone. | 1146 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
McGovernite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Franklin Mine, Sussex Co., NJ | Acquired 2003 | Calcite, Franklinite | Zincite | From the collection of the Arkenstone. From the George Elling collection. This specimen is the result of slight shipping damage from #1120; labels are photocopies | 1147 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Diamond | C | /Images/picture.jpg | South Africa | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | 1.2 carat. From the collection of John Betts, #21700. Specimen given to Kitty and Bill Heacox. | 1148 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | octahedral (good) | |
Diamond | C | /Images/picture.jpg | South Africa | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | 0.9 carat. From the collection of John Betts, #21701. This specimen was loaned to a local High School teacher and was stolen from the classroom. | 1149 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | octahedral (distorted) | |
Topaz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Himilaya Tourmaline Mine, CA | acquired 2002 | Clevelandite | Rubellite | Specimen given to Kitty and Bill Heacox. | 1150 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Neptunite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Benetoite Gem Mine, California | Acquired 2002 | Natrolite | Benetoite | Specimen given to Kitty and Bill Heacox. | 1151 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Phlogopite mica | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Kohistan, Pakistan | ascquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #23159 | 1152 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Phenakite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mt. Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #14224. | 1153 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Hemimorphite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Santa Eulalia District, Aquiles Sedan, Chihuahua, Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix inidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #23137 | 1154 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Colemanite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Death Valley, Inyo Countyt, California | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Robert C Linck (1905-1970). From the collection of John Betts, #20763. | 1155 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1156 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Calcite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | quarry in Po`ipu, near the Hilton Hotel, Kaua`i, Hawai`i | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1157 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Huaron Mines, Pasco Department, Peru | acquired 2003 | Cookeite | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #21959 | 1158 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz, var. Rose Quartz Crystals | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Taraqual, Minas Gerais, Brazil | acquired 2003 | Quartz | Mica, Clevelandite?, Apatite?, Feldspar? | From the collection of John Betts, #22488 | 1159 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Bismuthinite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Llallagua, Bustillos Province, Porosi Department, Bolovia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the Collection of John Betts, #20899. From the collection of Robert C. Linck (1905-1970). From the collection of Robert B. Gage (1875, 1946). | 1160 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Blue Chalcedony | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Silver Crown Mine, Arizona-Mexico border area | acquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Psilomelane | Acquired from mine owner Dave Salyer with AZInterco in Tucson, AZ. The chalcedony over the psilomelane is fluorescent. | 1161 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Psilomelane | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Silver Crown Mine, Arizona-Mexico border area | acquired 2003 | Matrix | blue chalcedony | Acquired from mine owner Dave Salyer with AZInterco in Tucson, AZ. | 1162 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Enargite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru | Acquired 2003 | Matrix | Orpiment | From the collection of Vic Yount (4/30/83, $200). From the collection of Dr. Eugene E. Sensel, #M304. From the collection of John Betts, #22440. See #1164 for a micromount from shipping damage to this specimen. | 1163 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Enargite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru | Acquired 2003 | Matrix | Orpiment | From the collection of Vic Yount (4/30/83, $200). From the collection of Dr. Eugene E. Sensel, #M304. From the collection of John Betts, #22440. This is a micromount from shipping damage to #1163. | 1164 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fluorescent Sulfur | S | /Images/picture.jpg | roadside fumarole near Sulfur Banks, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii | 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Donated to the Warren Museum at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum. Theories of the cause of the fluorescense are most welcome as this is still unexplained (see #1200 for any updates). | 1165 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fluorescent Sulfur | S | /Images/picture.jpg | roadside fumarole near Sulfur Banks, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii | 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Donated to the Warren Museum at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum. Theories of the cause of the fluorescense are most welcome as this is still unexplained (see #1200 for any updates). | 1166 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Romanechite | (Ba, H2O)2Mn5O10 | /Images/picture.jpg | Owl Group, Grant County, New Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Calcite | From the collection of John Betts, #20842. From the collection of Robert C. Linck (1905-1970). | 1167 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Basalt var. Pele's Tears | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | 1974 flow, Kileaua Volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1168 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Basalt var. Pele's Tears | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | 1974 flow, Kileaua Volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1169 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Basalt var. Pele's Tears | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | 1974 flow, Kileaua Volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1170 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Basalt var. Pele's Tears | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | 1974 flow, Kileaua Volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1171 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gypsum var. Fishtail Twin (Selenite) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | China | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Berger, who is understood to have acquired/collected the specimen in 1906. Berger supplied the specimen to the Bally Museum-Stiftung (founded 1858 in Schonenwerd, Switzerland) in 1929; cataloged as specimen # 14615. From the collection of John Betts, #23045. | 1172 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Danburite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #23295. Specimen was damaged in my handling and has one minor repaired crystal. Specimen was damaged in shipping and produced micromount #1174. | 1173 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Danburite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #23295. Specimen #1173 was damaged in shipping to produce this micromount. | 1174 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Anorthite, var. Bytownite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Plush, Oregon | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #13741. This is a specimen of rough that goes with the cut stone, #1176. | 1175 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Anorthite, var. Bytownite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Plush, Oregon | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #13741. This is a cut stone that goes with the companion rough, #1175 | 1176 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Vivianite nodule | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, NH | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #9636. | 1177 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Vivianite nodule | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, NH | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #9636. | 1178 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sodalite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bancroft, Ontario, Canada | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Robert C. Linck ((1905-1970). From the collection of John Betts, #20694. | 1179 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Azurite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otawi-Bergland District, Nambia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Malachite, Malachite pseudomorph after Azurite. | From the collection of John Betts, #12559. | 1180 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Anatase | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Dyrforni, Hyrdangenvdda, Norway | acquired 2003 | Quartz | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of The Arkenstone, #ANA5. | 1181 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Beryl var. Aquamarine | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Minas Gerais, Brazil | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Acquired from John Betts, #22781. | 1182 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sulfur | S | /Images/picture.jpg | Sicily, Italy | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #22782. | 1183 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Hematite, var. Iradescent | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Isle of Elba, Italy | acquired 2003 | Matrix | quartz | From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. | 1184 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Lepidocrocite inclusions in quartz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Brandberg Mountians, 160 km west of Omaruru, Nambia | acquired 2004 | Quartz | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #23362. | 1185 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Nigerite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | nr. Vis, south of Brandberg, Namibia | acquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Minerals unidentified | From the collection of the Arkenstone. | 1186 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Spinel | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mogok, Sagaing Province, Burma (Myanmar) | received 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Christmas gift from John Betts. | 1187 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Moldavite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality probably Germany | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1188 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tektite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Guang Dong Province, China | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1189 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fulgurite | Formula | /Images/1190a.jpg | Collected on the continental divide in Colorado | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1190 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Coprolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Utah | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1191 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Coprolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Utah | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1192 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Alaska | acquired 2003 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1193 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Alaska | acquired 2003 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1194 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Petrified Wood | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1195 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | SW Montana | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1196 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | SW Montana | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1197 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | SW Montana | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1198 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Basalt var. Pele's Tears | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | 1974 flow, Kileaua Volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Jess Tan as part of a discussion list Christmas gift trade. | 1199 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sulfur (fluorescent) | S | /Images/picture.jpg | roadside sulfur vent, Kileau Volcano, Hawai`i Island, Hawaii | August, 2003 | Sulphur | Quartz, Rutile, and Corundum | Lab analysis at Excalibur Minerals (SEM, X-Ray) demonstrates Sulfur (95.95%), Quartz (1.99%), Rutile (1.56%), and Corundum (.50%), to account for the fluorescence (usually described as magenta and/or orange under SW) of this specimen. Note that use of mineral names in the identification is a working hypothesis based upon analysis results (that were presented as elements and chemical compounds, graphs, tables, and various images) and may be a stretch of reality. An example specimen is on display at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum in Ogdensburg, NJ (see #1165, 1166 {and 1250}); they have independently confirmed much of my analysis. Theories on the cause of the fluorescense are most welcome as this is still unexplained (see #1200 for any updates); micro samples are still available for serious researchers willing to share and/or publish results (please contact me). I was with Kitty Heacox (our host on the 'Big Island' -- see my trip reports) and my wife when this specimen was collected from a roadside/roadway vent; only specimens broken off by traffic were collected.
Update December 2004:
Sulfur with cristobalite, anatase, opal, pyrite, and millosevichite I don't think either label gives a clear explanation of why this stuff glows. A few more grams donated to science. Any ideas? Any suggestions on what I should look for? I've still got some grams to sacrifice for my encounter with Madam Pele. |
1200 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sulfur | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | roadside sulfur vent, Kileau Volcano, Hawai`i Island, Hawaii | August, 2003 | Matrix | Quartz, Rutile, and Corundum | Lab analysis at Excalibur Minerals demonstrates Sulfur (95.95%), Quartz (1.99%), Rutile (1.56%), and Corundum (.50%), to account for the fluorescence (described as magenta and/or orange) of this specimen. | 1201 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Chalcopyrite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada | 1984 | Quartz | Many Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1202 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Gold | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Cripple Creek, Teller County, Colorado | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #22082. This specimen was loaned to a local High School teacher and was stolen from the classroom. I regret the loss because of the historic location. | 1203 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Octahedral | |
Gypsum, var. Selenite | Formula | 1204a | Mexico | acquired 2002 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of Rudy Jauw | 1204 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Dickite (inclusions in quartz) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Magnet Cove, Hot Spring County, Arkansas | acquired 2004 | Quartz | Dickite | From the collection of John Betts, #22803. | 1205 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Calaverite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Cripple Creek District, Teller County, Colorado | acquired 2004 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral unidentified | From the collection of John Betts, #22820. | 1206 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tantalite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Neu Schwaben Farm, south of Karibib, Namibia | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1207 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Arfvedsonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Hurricane Mountain, Intervale, Carroll County, New Hampshire | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral unidentified | From the collection of John Betts, #21824. From the collection of J. Cilen, #5045. J. Cilen's label notes this is Hey No. 14.25.4. | 1208 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Azurite | Formula | 1209a | Bou Bekker Mine, Oujda, Morocco | Acquired 2004 | Matrix unidentified | Malachite pseudomorph after Azurite | From the collection of John Betts, #23890. From the collection of Dr. Eugene E. Sensel, #M672. From the collection of Dick Hauck, 10/11/90 ($250). From the Areson collection. | 1209 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Legrandite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico | acquired 2004 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral probable | From the collection of John Betts, #22385. | 1210 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Sphalerite, var. Ruby Jack | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Tri-State Lead Mining District, Picher, Oklahoma | acquired 2004 | Dolomite | Quartz druze, Chalcopyrite | From the collection of John Betts, #23218. | 1211 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Skutterudite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bou Azzet, Irhtem, Morocco, | When Collected | Matrix unidentified (calcite?) | Secondary Mineral(s) | From the collection of John Betts, #12901. | 1212 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Kimberlite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Red Flag #2 Mine, Mengyin, Shandong Province, China | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Diamond | From the collection of John Betts, #24098. | 1213 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tiger Eye | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | South Africa | acquired around 1984 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1214 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tiger Eye, var. Hawkeye | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | South Africa | acquired around 1984 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | 1215 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mammoth Cave, KY | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1216 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mammoth Cave, KY | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1217 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Quartz | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Mammoth Cave, KY | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1218 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Datolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1219 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Silicon (manufactured) | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | DOW Chemical | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1220 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bolivia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item donated by Roger King. | 1221 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Bolivia | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item donated by Roger King. | 1222 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Stilbite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Jaigaon, India | acquired 2003 | Matrix unidentified | Secondary Mineral(s) inidentified | Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item donated by Jim Elliott. | 1223 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Native Sulphur | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Maybee, MI | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item. | 1224 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Geothite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1225 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Adamite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2004 | Matrix Unidentified | Several Unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1226 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Double Geode | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Lignt shined in the smaller cavity can be seen from the larger cavity. Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item donated by Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. | 1227 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Double Geode | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2003 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Lignt shined in the smaller cavity can be seen from the larger cavity. Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Auction item donated by Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. | 1228 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Cerussite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Sante Fe, New Mexico | When Collected | Limonite | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1229 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Chrome Diopside | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Brazil | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1230 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Tremolite, var. Hexagonite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality Unknown | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label only said 'Hexagonite'. | 1231 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Septaria | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | MI | collected 2003, acquired 2004 | Limonite | Calcite | I won this at a IMRMC Club Raffle; it was collected on a Club Field Trip and I'm still trying to find the note with the exact location in MI | 1232 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Specular Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | I won this at a IMRMC Club Raffle. | 1233 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Specular Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Michigan's UP | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1234 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Hausmannite | Manganese Oxide | ![]() ![]() ![]() | Cannon Mine, Stambough, Iron County, Michigan | acquired 2001 | Matrix | Barite, Rhodochrosite | From the collection of Mike Basal (aka, MPBÊMinerals), from the collection of Gary and Terri Richards (aka, Keeper of the Earth) | #1235 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Staurolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot, but most of it was 'Garnets in Ripidolite with Magnetite' (see #1241). With a known Staurolite collecting location near the Michigamme Mine for the intermixed specimens I think the attributed location is probable. | 1236 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Staurolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot, but most of it was 'Garnets in Ripidolite with Magnetite' (see #1241). With a known Staurolite collecting location near the Michigamme Mine for the intermixed specimens I think the attributed location is probable. | 1237 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Staurolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot, but most of it was 'Garnets in Ripidolite with Magnetite' (see #1241). With a known Staurolite collecting location near the Michigamme Mine for the intermixed specimens I think the attributed location is probable. | 1238 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Staurolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot, but most of it was 'Garnets in Ripidolite with Magnetite' (see #1241). With a known Staurolite collecting location near the Michigamme Mine for the intermixed specimens I think the attributed location is probable. | 1239 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Staurolite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Marquette County, MI | acquired 2004 | Schist | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot, but most of it was 'Garnets in Ripidolite with Magnetite' (see #1241). With a known Staurolite collecting location near the Michigamme Mine for the intermixed specimens I think the attributed location is probable. | 1240 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot (see #1240); comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1241 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1242 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1243 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1244 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1245 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1246 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Garnet | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | probably Michigamme Mine, Marquette County, Michigan | acquired 2004 | Ripidolite | Magnetite | Estate sale label read 'Staurolite' and there was some staurolite in the lot; comparison with known specimen (i.e., #0609) confirms identification and provides probable locality. | 1247 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Fossil (tenatively) Holectypus | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Locality | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | I won this at a IMRMC Club Raffle. | 1248 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Specular Magnetite | Formula | /Images/picture.jpg | Michigan's UP | acquired 2004 | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Estate sale. | 1249 | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) | |
Principal Mineral(s) | Formula | /Images/Cab4.jpg | Locality | When Collected | Matrix | Secondary Mineral(s) | Comments | Reference | Hardness | Streak | Specific Gravity | Crystal Form(s) |
Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.
Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
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