Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's Rock and Mineral Collection

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection
in Numerical Order
1250 - 1499

Selections from Kreigh Tomaszewski's
Rock and Mineral Collection

Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference # Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
"Crazy Calcite" Formula /Images/picture.jpg Western wall of the Fill quarry, Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, just below the footwall contact of the orebody, about 20 ft north of the surface pillar of ore. Mined autumn 2003 by John Kolic (former miner in the Sterling mine, and the man after whom kolicite was named). acquired 2004 Dolomite fluorescent Calcite and several unidentified Secondary Minerals This was a gift/trade with Earl Verbeek and Don Halterman of the Sterling Hill Mining Museum, and the Thomas S. Warren Museum of Fluorescence, for my donation of fluorescent sulfur specimens (see #1200) to their collection. 1250 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
(green) Muscovite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown (probably same as #1252) Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Quartz Garnets Comments 1251 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mica Crystal Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown (probably same as #1251) Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) This obviously natural hexagonal stacked crystal is muscovite on top and biotite on the bottom 1252 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Turquoise Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona (either Phoenix or Tucson, Mom didn't remember which, but they were the only two choices during a limited period of time when my Dad went to school in AZ before moving {back} to MI) My Mother told me this was one of the first (if not the first) I brought into the house, collected when I was around three (1955); I found it in our driveway. Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) I exhibited this specimen in the early 1960s at the Grand Rapids Public Museum (in a central lobby case shared with Doug Moore, for a month) as part of my first of many annual club shows with The Grand Rapids Mineral Society. It was also exhibited with my first show with the Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club (2004). My loving thanks to my parents for supporting me in my early collecting obsession even though they were not rockhounds. 1253 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mahogany Obsidian Formula /Images/picture.jpg Oregon Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) The 'label' wrapped around this specimen was an old 'The Grand Rapids Mineral Society Silent Auction' form showing the specimen was donated by Donald Bowers and M.Peltman acquired it for 35 cents. 1254 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sodalite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1255 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hematite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Champion Mine, Ishpeming, MI Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1256 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hematite Xls Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minnesota Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1257 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Biotite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Canada Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1258 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Siderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality probably Michigan's UP (or possibly Canada around Lake Superior) Acquired 2003 from Aleta's Rock Shop 'gone out of business basement sale' calcite/dolomite? pyrite, goethite?, limonite pseudomorph after stilbite Original label read Hematite Xls 1259 Hardness white/yellow/brown Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Turgite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Buckingham Co., VA acquired 2002 Matrix Unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Rudy Jauw (in the basement of Aleta's Rock Shop at the final 'going out of business' sale conducted by the landlord). 1260 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Feldspar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ontario acquired 2002 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rudy Jauw (in the basement of Aleta's Rock Shop at the final 'going out of business' sale conducted by the landlord). Original handwritten paper label stuck to specimen. 1261 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Northern Rhodesia acquired 2002 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rudy Jauw (in the basement of Aleta's Rock Shop at the final 'going out of business' sale conducted by the landlord). The original label is made from typewriter on cloth tape and is affixed to the specimen. 1262 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pitchblende Formula 1263a 1263b 1263c 1263d < 1263e /td> Locality Unknown acquired 2002 Matrix Unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Rudy Jauw (in the basement of Aleta's Rock Shop at the final 'going out of business' sale conducted by the landlord). Original label read "Pitchblende, Uranium" and was marked 50 cents. 1263 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cubanite CuFe2S3 /Images/picture.jpg Henderson #2 Mine, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada acquired 2001 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of KQ's Minerals. 1264 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Geode'. 1265 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kingston Lode, Kingston Mine, Copper City, Houghton Co., Michigan acquired 2004 Conglomerate Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified Estate sale. 1266 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amethyst Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jim Perkins. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Quartz Geode 3" Medium'. 1267 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Flint Formula /Images/picture.jpg Flint Ridge, OH collected 1971, acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Ohio Flint' 1268 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Flint Formula /Images/picture.jpg Flint Ridge, OH collected 1971, acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Ohio Flint' 1269 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Flint Formula /Images/picture.jpg Flint Ridge, OH collected 1971, acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Ohio Flint' 1270 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Ore Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quincy Mine, Hancock, MI 1997 Matrix Many unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1271 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Phantom Calcite Formula 1272a China acquired 2004 Calcite Secondary Mineral appears to be hematite From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1272 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcocite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Flambeau Mine, Ladysmith, WI acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1273 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcocite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Flambeau Mine, Ladysmith, WI acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1274 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Vivianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg near Canutillos Mine, Potosi, Savedra, Bolovia acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1275 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Phantom Muscovite Mica Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ouro Fino Mine, Coronel Murta, M. G. Brazil collected 2003, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1276 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tetrahedrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peru probably collected 2003, acquired 2004 Matrix Pyrite, Quartz From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1277 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Inesite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dayan Mine, Jin-Niu, Tongloshan, Hubei, China acquired 2004 Hubeite probably calcite, and at least one unidentified mineral Hubeite was named a mineral in 2001, and this is a type locality specimen. From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.) labeled 2003 (the original label included 'Dia Ye', and a Chinese character). 1278 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Holmquistite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Fu Yun Xin Jiang, China probably collected 2003, acquired 2004 probably Fairfieldite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.) labeled 2003. 1279 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown acquired 2002 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rudy Jauw. Partial Satin Spar pseudomorph after Selenite. A broken crystal blade became #1308. 1280 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2000 from Fossils, Inc. Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1281 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kona Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Michigan's UP acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Kona Dolomite'. 1282 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kona Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Michigan's UP acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Kona Dolomite'. 1283 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Biggs Canyon Jasper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Biggs, OR acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob and Ruth Beauvais. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Hickoryite'. 1284 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hickoryite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Bob and Ruth Beauvais. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Hickoryite'. 1285 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Adventurine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Alaska acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Adventurine'. 1286 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kona Dolomite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Michigan acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Various Slabs'. 1287 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Graphic Granite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grafton, NH acquired 2003 Feldspar Smoky Quartz From the collection of Gordon and Nancy Spalenka. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Various Slabs'. 1288 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Palygorskite Formula 1289a Pend Oreille Mine, Boundary Dam, Metaline District, Pend Oreille Co., Washington, USA acquired 2004 Palygorskite Calcite, Pyrite (micro cubes, filiform, cubes with filiform threads, 15x min needed), crocoite (very few, 1mm perfect single crystals, red, 15X min needed, 30x better), barite (clear brownish, terminated on both ends, very small needles, 10x needed to see crystal form), and probably jamesonite (but it might be millerite). There may be one (or more) dark minerals yet to be identified that are very small (possibly sphalerite). A (very) few of the (smaller) isolated calcite are atypical and may be anglesite. 'Hair' has also been found that appears to be an unknown, translucent, yellow/brown, mineral. From the collection of Blue Chip Minerals. From the collection of Pickens Minerals.
With the exception of calcite, the secondary minerals require a lens and light to see them clearly, but the crystals are outstanding.
Palygorskite is also known as Mountian Leather. This is a very flexible specimen, but also quite fragile.
In turning this specimen over on a glass plate for scanning, several micros fell out and greatly aided me in my identifications.
1289 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona probably acquired 1953 or 1954 by my Mother, acquired 2002. Shale Turquoise, Calcite My Mother kept this specimen on her dresser for as long as I can remember, and I inherited it. There is a pewter prospector with a gold pan, next to a cactus, a cattle head, and mine cart, glued on the top; the three turquoise micros are glued to the top of the mine cart. The pyrite is included in the shale and provides the 'gold' for the prospector, who has a calcite micro in his lap. 1290 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum, var. Selenite Formula 1292a.jpg , 1292b.jpg Alabastine Mine, Wyoming, MI acquired 2003 Shale Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jack Cramer. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Selenite, G.R., MI'. This micro fishtail fell off #1292 during transport home. 1291 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum, var. Selenite Formula 1292a.jpg , 1292b.jpg , 1292c.jpg , 1292d.jpg Alabastine Mine, Wyoming, MI acquired 2003 Shale Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jack Cramer. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Selenite, G.R., MI'. I gave Kevin Ponzio this specimen I had specifically acquired for my collection; I was honored by his gift of #1293. I confirmed the location by asking Jack at an IMRMC meeting. See #1291 for a micro that broke off this specimen during transport home. 1292 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pipestone Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pipestone National Monument, MN acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). I had included this specimen in a tray of items I was selecting from Kevin's wares and discussed my own specimen (#0382); Kevin told me he had acquired it in trade from a Native American for some carving stone. We also discussed his interest in acquiring a specimen of Grand Rapids selenite like the ones Jack Cramer (and myself) had on display in the club exhibit. When it came time to total my selections he set this specimen aside and told me it was a gift. One of my (foster) daughters is married to a Native American; in gratitude for his honor I stopped back later and gave Kevin #1292. 1293 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Andalusite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Australia probably collected 2003, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1294 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dravite Tourmaline Formula /Images/picture.jpg Anage, Bahai, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kevin Ponzio (Earth Prospect & Mining Co.). 1295 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Plattnerite PbO2 1296a < 1296b 1296c /td> Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix Unidentified Hemimorphite, probably barite (micro), and maybe two other secondary minerals (unidentified micros) From the collection of John Betts, #25440. From the collection of L. Russianof. Label read Hemimorphite and Plattnerite, and it really did have a nice cluster of hemimorphite on the front, but I decided the back was actually better and reversed the order as a result. 1296 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Antimony Sb 1297b 1297a 1297c 1297d Port Quinn Mine, Port Quinn, Cornwall, UK. acquired 2004 Quartz Galena and Chalcopyrite and several unidentified minerals From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #110296. They described this specimen as "Native Elements: Antimony, Sb, occurs in hydrothermal veins with various sulfide ores. It is rare, and most Antimony is found as its sulfide, Stibnite. Small amounts of Antimony are alloyed with Lead or other soft metals to strengthen them for use, for example as battery plates and cable coverings.
This specimen consists of a quartz matrix in which Antimony is dispersed as small shiny crystalline masses. ThereÊare also two other sulfides, Galena, which is cubic as opposed to rhombohedral, and Chalcopyrite, which occurs as brassy crusts. The interest of the specimen comes from its rarity as a British specimen. From Port Quinn Mine, Port Quinn, Cornwall, UK.".
I would add that Port Quinn is near Tintagel, where King Arthur's legendary castle was, and Dozmary Pool, the last resting place of Merlin's magical sword Excalibur.
1297 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ka'u, Hawaii, Hawaii acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Morgen M. E. Baburinsky, #H7-64 1298 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jabuku, Ouha, Hawaii acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Morgen M. E. Baburinsky 1299 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Petrified Wood Formula /Images/picture.jpg Arizona (either Phoenix or Tucson, Mom didn't remember which, but they were the only two choices during a limited period of time when my Dad went to school in AZ before moving {back} to MI) My Mother told me this was one of the first (if not the first) I brought into the house, collected when I was around three (1955); I found it in our driveway. Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This specimen has a few paint spots. 1300 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fulgurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Saraha Desert, Africa acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Morgen M. E. Baburinsky 1301 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pa hoe hoe Formula /Images/picture.jpg roadside near Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii 2003 Matrix many Secondary Mineral(s) visible under a lens Stacked ropes, see my field trip reports. 1302 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum, var. Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lily Mine, Pisco Province, Ica Department, Peru acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Atacamite From the collection of John Betts, #22294. 1303 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Diamond C 1304a Mbuji-Mayi (Miba), Democratic Republic of the Congo (Ziare) acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #25399; 9.57 carat. 1304 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity intergrown cubic crystals
Hematite, var. Iradescent Formula /Images/picture.jpg Isle of Elba, Italy acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1305 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hematite, var. Iradescent Formula /Images/picture.jpg Isle of Elba, Italy acquired 2003 Matrix quartz From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1306 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrolusite MnO2 /Images/picture.jpg Jackson mine, Michigan acquired 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1307 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown acquired 2002 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rudy Jauw. Partial Satin Spar pseudomorph after Selenite. A broken crystal blade from #1280. 1308 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Victorville, CA acquired 2003 Black Jade Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. The original label included a note that the magnetite could be plated gold. 1309 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Magnetite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Victorville, CA acquired 2003 Black Jade Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. The original label included a note that the magnetite could be plated gold. 1310 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Specular Hematite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Champion Mine, Ishpeming Area, MI acquired 2002 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rudy Jauw. Label includes "ONL". The base is signed in pencil with "Thank you Xxxxx Yyyyy"; might be WM, oWW, MM, or WH. 1311 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Harmotome (Ba0.5,Ca0.5,K,Na)5(Al5,Si11O32).12H2O< /Images/picture.jpg Bellsgrove Mine, Strontian, Morvern Peninsula, Argylshire, North West Highlands, Scotland, UK acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #27492. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #W264. Original typed label notes "4/6d or $ 3/4" and specifies "Bellsgrove Mine" (John Betts label specified "Bellgrove Mine"). 1312 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Petalite LiAlSi4O10 /Images/picture.jpg Utu, Sodermanland, Sweden acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Uto is the Type Locality for Petalite. From the collection of John Betts, #27479. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #D310,8gee. 1313 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Crandallite CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.H2O /Images/picture.jpg Clay Canyon, Fairfield, Utah County, Utah Acquired 2004 Matrix Unidentified Wardite [NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4.2H2O], other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified Clay Canyon is the Type Locality for Wardite. From the collection of John Betts, #27491. 1314 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Baddeleyite ZrO2 /Images/picture.jpg Jacupiranga, Sao Paolo, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #27478. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #D254.Md. 1315 6 1/2 Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galaxite (Mn,Fe,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 /Images/picture.jpg Bald Knob, Alleghany County, North Carolina acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Alleghanyite Bald Knob is the Type Locality for both Galaxite and Alleghanyite. From the collection of John Betts, #27469. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #N13W. 1316 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agua Nueva Seam Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Acanthite From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. Probably from Agua Nueva Mine, Guazapares, Mun. de Guazapares, Chihuahua, Mexico. 1317 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Agua Nueva Seam Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Acanthite From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. Probably from Agua Nueva Mine, Guazapares, Mun. de Guazapares, Chihuahua, Mexico. 1318 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dendritic Chrysoprase Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wooten, Australia acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1319 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Howlite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tick Canyon, California acquired 2004 Matrix probable Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Davidson Rock Shop. 1320 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Platinum Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kondor, Eastern Siberia, Russia acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of The Arkenstone, #RL-1321, Thumbnail, 7 x 6 x 5 mm, weight 1.5 grams; a rare cluster of platinum crystals, one being an elongated 7 mm rectangular form instead of the typical cubic habit from this locality. #1321 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ammonite Fossil Formula /Images/picture.jpg Madagascar acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Parts of the shell are opalized. From the collection of Davidson Rock Shop. 1322 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tellurium Te /Images/picture.jpg Cananea, Sonora, Mexico Acquired 2004 Matrix quartz, poughite From the collection of John Betts, #25998. From the collection of Stuart F. Wise, #172. The mineral was tagged '172'. 1323 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Idaho or Washington acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This was an IMRMC raffle item. The principal light blue, botroidal, quartz lining glows an intense light green under SW. The quartz crystals and the white botroidal linings do not fluoresce. 1324 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
probably Limestone Formula 1325a 1325b 1325c Round Lead/Pewter (?) casting attached to stone reads "This stone came from the houses of Parlament"; London, England, UK. acquired from my Mother's estate 2003; she received it as a gift from her lifelong pen-pal in England, Mary, during World War II. When Parlament was bombed, they sold the rubble to raise funds to rebuild; Mary contributed and gave it to my Mom for Christmas that year. It always sat on the bookcase my Grandfather Randall made (that now sits in my basement) that was in the front hall with the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Matrix Black (and possibly another two) Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified Comments 1325 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kernite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club (extra) Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Kernite'. 1326 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gypsum, var. Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Unknown acquired 2004 Selenite Sand inclusions From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. This Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club (extra) Silent Auction item was originally labeled 'Hourglass Selenite'. 1327 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrrhotite Formula 1328a , 1328b , 1328c Hecla Rosebud Mine, Sulphur, Pershing Co., Nevada acquired 2004 Barite Barite, Pyrite, Marcasite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1328 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Linarite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sunshine #1, Blanchard Mine, Bingham, New Mexico acquired 2004 Quartz Bronchantite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1329 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Formula /Images/picture.jpg Kolyma, Magadan, Russia acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1330 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Golden Beryl Formula /Images/picture.jpg Slocum's Quarry, E. Hampton, Connecticut acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1331 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Elbaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Virgem da Lapa, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2994 Albite, Lepidolite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1332 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite, var. Ruby Jack Formula /Images/picture.jpg Min-Continent Mine, Treece, Kansas acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Dolomite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1333 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Acanthite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Level 470, San Juan de Rayas Mine, Guanajuato, Mun. de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico acquired 2004 Polybasite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1334 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Smithsonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg 8th level, Mina San Antonio, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Hemimorphite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1335 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg DeVale Mine, Basttle Mountain, Lander County, Nevada acquired 2004 Matrix Calcite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). From the collection of Sierra Contact Minerals, Inc. 1336 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Grossular Garnet (Chrome) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Asbest, Ekaterinburg, Urals, Russia acquiried 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) possible From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). From the collection of Lance T. Hampel (Precious Earth Co.). 1337 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Graftonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Palermo Mine, North Groton, Grafton County, New Hampshire acquired 2004 Matrix Triphylite From the collection of John Betts, #28053. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969). 1338 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Leucite KAlSi2O6 /Images/picture.jpg Mount Vesuvius, Campania, Italy acquired 2994 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts, #28053. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969). From the collection of Ward's Natural Science Establishm't. Original Ward's label notes "Dana 321", "Isometric", and "KAl(SiO3)2" 1339 6 Streak Specific Gravity Tetragonal
Hematite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Upper Michigan acquired 1959 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) not identified This is one of the oldest specimens in my collection. I now think it is Micacious Magnetite. 1340 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Goethite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Presque Isle, Marquette, MI collected 1999 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1341 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brachiopod Quartz Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Leelanau State Park, Leelanau Peninsula, Michigan collected 2004 Limestone Calcite, Quartz (Chalcedony) There are a number of brachiopid fossils in this specimen; the principal fossil is also a quartz geode. 1342 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Needles Blue Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chemhnevi Wash, Needles, CA acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1343 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pseudomorph of Calcite to Malachite to Chrysacola Formula 1344a 1344b 1344c 1344d Whim Creek, NT, Australia acquired 2004 Matrix Wulfenite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1344 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Azurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg El Cobra Mine, Concepcion del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico acquired 2004 Quartz Malachite, Calcite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1345 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Copper Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ray Mine, Mineral Creek District, Pinal County, Arizona acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1346 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Atacamite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Copiapo, Chile, South America acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1347 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Datolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Primorskiy Kray, Dal'negorsk, Russia Far East acquired 2004 Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1348 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rutile Formula /Images/picture.jpg Buritas (near Diamantina), Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1349 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Epidote Formula /Images/picture.jpg Northern Frontier District, Kenya, Africa acqwuired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1350 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Boleite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Margarita Mine, Sierra Gorda, Chile acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1351 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Boleite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poderosa Mine, Sierra Groda, Chile acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Seeligerite, Bellite, other minerals unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1352 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cyanotrichite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grand View Mine, Grand Canyon, Arizona acquired 2004 Barite Brochantite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). Specimen broken in transit, see #1354. 1353 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cyanotrichite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Grand View Mine, Grand Canyon, Arizona acquired 2004 Barite Brochantite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). Specimen broken in transit, see #1353. 1354 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sturmanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Kuruman, Republic of South Africa acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1355 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Strashimirite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Majuba Hill Mine, Imlay, Pershing County, Nevada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1356 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Brochantite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mex-Tex Mine, Bingham, NM acqyured 2004 Quartz Spangolite, Linarite, Fluorite, Galena, probably Caledonite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). Original label lists "Brochantite, Spangolite, &/or Caledonite". 1357 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Malachite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Phelps-Dodge Mine, Morenci, AZ acqired 2004 Matrix identified as 'gossan' Secondary Mineral(s) not identified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1358 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Globular Crystal Form
Andalusite Formula 1369a 1369b Lisens, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Quartz Mica From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl. Original label reads "Mineral: Andalusite, Fundort: Lisens, Tyrol, Austria, Volkmar Stingl, D'Albertweg 8/10, A5080 Igls".
I contacted Dr. Stingl about this specimen he collected and he responded, "the paragenesis of this specimen consists only of andalusite, quartz, and some micas. It originates from the rims of quartz mobilizations in micaschists from the Oetztal-Stubai Crystalline Complex (Tyrol, Austria). The yellow patches on the rear side of the specimen are not secondary minerals, but lichens".
1359 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Realgar Formula 1360a Getchell Mine, Nevada acquired 2004 Stibnite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). This specimen was damaged in transit, see also #1388, 1389, 1390, and 1391. 1360 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sphalerite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Dolomite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). Specimen came with two labels; the newer read "Sphalerite on Dolomite, Haggs Mine, Nenthead, Cumbria, England", and the faded older label read "Zinc Blende Crystals on Dolomite, Hagg's Mine, near Nenthead, Alston, Cumberland". 1361 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stibnite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hecla Rosebud Mine, Pershing County, Nevada acquired 2004 Barite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1362 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Anglesite pseudomorph after Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Blanchard Mine, Bingham, NM acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1363 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrite pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dal Negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). From the collection of The Rocksmiths, #JOO. 1364 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Juan de Rayas Mine, 275' Level, Guanajuatco, Mexico acquired 2004 Quartz Amethyst, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1365 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aegirine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mount Malosa, near Zomba Village, Malawi acquired 2004 Potassium Feldspar Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1366 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hemimorphite Formula 1367a '79 Mine, Gila Co., Arizona acquired 2004 Smithsonite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). From the collection of The Rocksmiths 1367 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Rhodochrosite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Los Remedios Mine, Level 5, Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico acquired 2004 Ilvaite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1368 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ilvaite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Los Remedios Mine, Level 5, Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix Sphalerite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1369 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Smithsonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg El Refugio Mine, Choix, Sinoloa, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1370 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Cookes Peak area, Luna County, New Mexico acquired 2004 From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1371 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Celestine Formula /Images/picture.jpg Annabel Lee Mine, Cave in Rock, Hardin Co., Illinois acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1372 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lily Mine, Ica, Peru acquired 2004 Matrix Atacamite, Chrusacolla From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1373 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Azurite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bou Becker, Morocco acquired 2004 Matrix Malachite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1374 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Silver Formula /Images/picture.jpg La Norte Mine, Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix Bornite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). 1375 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hornblende Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality unknown acquired mid 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1376 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Adamite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mina Ojuela, Mapini, Durango, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walter Kellogg 1377 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tugtupite Na4AlBeSi4O12Cl /Images/picture.jpg Tugtup Agtakorfia, Ilmaussaq, Greenland acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walter Kellogg. 1378 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Enargite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Liberad Department, Peru acquired 2003 Matrix Orpiment From the collection of John Betts, #22440. From the collection of Dr. Eugene E. Sensel, #M304. From the collection of Vic Yount. The back of Dr. Sensel's label reads, "Vic Yount $200.00 4/30/83". 1379 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hilgardite Ca2B5O9Cl á (H2O) /Images/picture.jpg Boulby Potash Mine,ÊLoftus, Cleveland, England Acquired 2004 Boracite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Wild About Rocks, #110248. Their description read, in part, "Borates are a complex group of approximately 50 minerals, containing Boron and Oxygen in combination with metals. The fundamental building clock of borates is a Boron ion surrounded by three Oxygen ions in the same plane, (BO3) 3-. This Borate triangle, like the Silica tetrahedron can form an almost infinite variety of chains, rings and sheets, making the Borates similar to the many structural variations found in the Silicate Class of minerals.
Hilgardite is a rare Borate mineral. It is usually found withÊHalite (Common Salt) in salt domes or in Potash deposits. It displays eitherÊ fibrous or granular masses. Crystals are very uncommon.
The specimen isÊa matrix free specimen of Hilgardite and Boarcate, both borate minerals. About two thirds of the specimen is comprised pale green microcrystalline boracite with some small (1mm) crystals at one end. Richly covering the top of the specimen is a reddish brown coating of crystalline hilgardite. Under the magnifying lens, the hilgardite crystals are wonderful, although better crystals of boracite are to be had."
1380 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cubanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Henderson #2 Mine, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada acquired 2001 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes 1381 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bornite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada collected 1985 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified Comments 1382 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Peñoles Mine, Rampa SFO, Cueva Xochtl, Naica, Mexico acquired 2002 iron stained Alabaster Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walt Bouser. Walt claimed this was the third best formed crystal of selenite he had ever seen. 1383 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Thorianite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Betroka, Madagascar acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Rob Lavinski. From the collection of Jean Behier. 1384 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Scheelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tae Wha Mine, Chungju, Chungchongpukdo, Korea acquired 2004 Quartz Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #24925. 1385 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stephanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg probably Walkerville area, Montana collected late 1950s, acquired 2004 Pyrite Secondary Mineral(s) Howard Maring told me he collected this specimen during his trip to Yellowstone more than 45 years ago, and could only be sure it was somewhere along the way, relatively near the Park. It was a gift from Howard "for being a good neighbor", and he knew I would appreciate it as a 'rockhound'. 1386 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Petrified Wood Formula 1387a 1387b 1387c 1387d excavation for roadside cable, probably Lumar Valley, Yellowstone National Park collected late 1950s, received as gift 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Howard Maring told me that when he visited Yellowstone more than 45 years ago they went to see the Petrified Forest. A crew was excavating a roadside ditch for phone cable nearby, and he obtained their permission to collect a piece of what he thought was petrified root from among many pieces at the bottom of the trench, broken during its digging. He thanked me for my years of being a good neighbor, and said he knew that as a 'rockhound' I would treasure this rare specimen that could not be replaced (because the Park had since banned all collecting). It appears to be a piece of redwood. 1387 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Realgar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Nevada acquired 2004 Stibnite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). This specimen was damaged in transit, see also #1360, 1389, 1390, and 1391. 1388 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Realgar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Nevada acquired 2004 Stibnite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). This specimen was damaged in transit, see also #1388, 1360, 1390, and 1391. 1389 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Realgar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Nevada acquired 2004 Stibnite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). This specimen was damaged in transit, see also #1388, 1389, 1360, and 1391. 1390 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Realgar Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Nevada acquired 2004 Stibnite From the collection of Keith Hayes (KQ's Minerals). This specimen was damaged in transit, see also #1388, 1389, 1390, and 1360. 1391 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lemanskiite NaCaCu5(AsO4)4Cl . 5H2O /Images/picture.jpg Abundancia Mine, Guanaco, Chile acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) See # 1140 for the meta-type specimen of Lemanskiite. Original label read "Lemanskite". From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1392 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Native Iron Fe /Images/picture.jpg Disko Island near Ovikak, Greenland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. From the collection of David Shannon. 1393 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Native Iron Fe /Images/picture.jpg Disko Island near Ovikak, Greenland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. From the collection of David Shannon. 1394 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Metavauxite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Siglo Veinte Mine, Llasllagua, Bustillos Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia acquired 2004 Matrix Vauxite From the collection of The Arkenstone, #D449. 1395 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Getchellite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Getchell Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Trinity Minerals Company, #GTCH3. This is a Type Locality specimen. 1396 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lazurite var Lapis Lazuli Formula /Images/picture.jpg Sar-e Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan acquired 2003 Quartz Pyrite, something that looks like chalcopyrite but conducts electricity, something silver that looks like arsenopyrite, Biotite, something white I can scratch with a fingernail This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of John Betts, #15179. 1397 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chalcedony Formula /Images/picture.jpg Montana acquired early 1960s Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1398 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Benitoite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California acquired 2002 Natrolite Neptunite From 'mine run' acquired from Trinity Mineral Company. 1399 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg La Junta, Otero Co., Colorado acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the Collection of The Arkenstone. From the Miller Collection, #1400 1400 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Uvite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Powers Farm, Pierrepont, NY acquired 2000 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 1401 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryl var. Emerald Formula /Images/picture.jpg Wenshan, China acquired 2003 Quartz Secondary Mineral probably Rutile From the collection of Walter Kellogg. 1402 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality unknown acquired 2000 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Natural Wonders. 1403 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Phantom Crystal
Andradite Garnet Formula /Images/picture.jpg Stanley Butte, Arizona Acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Walter Kellogg. 1404 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Epidote Formula /Images/picture.jpg Copper Mountain, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of John Betts, #16615. From the collection of Earle Sullivan (Ct.) 1405 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity twinned crystal
Datolite var. Porcelain Ca2B2(SiO4)2(OH) /Images/picture.jpg Keweenaw Peninsula acquired 1996 Matrix Copper inclusions Purchased in the Gift Shop at the Dakota Mine, Dakota, MI. Specimen was tagged "CC 37"; the display case was marked as coming from the Seaman Museum. Named after the Greek words datysthai meaning to devide, and lithos meaning stone, by Jens Esmark in 1805. 1406 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Babingtonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lane Quarry, Westfield, MA acquired 2001 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Larry Rush. 1407 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tsumebite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Blanchard Mine, Bingham County, New Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) possible From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1408 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cavansite Ca(VO)Si4O10.4H2O /Images/picture.jpg Owyhee Dam, Malheur County, Oregon acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1409 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hausmannite Formula /Images/picture.jpg N'Chwaning II Mine, South Africa acquired 2004 Matrix Datolite, other Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1410 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hydroxylherderite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Linopolis, Divino das Laranjerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral possible From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1411 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Montgomeryite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tip Top Mine, Custer, Custer County, South Dakota acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes, #2304 1412 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Spangolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mex-Tex Mine, Bingham, New Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) possible From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1413 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Boleite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Amelia Mine, Baja California, Mexico acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1414 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Metavariscite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Lucin District, Box Elder County, Utah acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1415 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Artinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Benito Co., California acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1416 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Euclase Formula /Images/picture.jpg Mwami Mine, Karoi, Zimbabwe acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1417 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Szenicsite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Jardinera #1 Mine, Inca de Oro, Chile acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1418 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Catapleiite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral possibly Siderite From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1419 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Richterite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 black semi-hexagonal crystal matrix unidentified Albite, one or two varieties of probable Mica From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1420 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eudialyte Formula /Images/picture.jpg MSH, Montreal, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Probably Natrolite secondary mineral probably Aeginine From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1421 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cornetite Cu3PO4(OH)3 /Images/picture.jpg Katanga Prov., Rep. Dem. Du Congo acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified green secondary mineral unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes 1422 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Allemontite (As,Sb) /Images/picture.jpg Pribam, Czechoslovakia acquired 2004, probably collected March 1992 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. From the collection of Mike M. Groben (M.M. Groben Collection per the original label, Mike Groben - Fine Minerals per the second label). The back of the stone is enameled and finely inked with "Allemontite, AsSb, #1799, Pribram, Czechoslovakia, Mar, 1992, M.M.Groben", and a paper label "1799" glued on and sealed with a clear plastic.
Allemontite I is Sb rich, Stilbartsen (Allemontite II) is even, and Allemontite III is As rich.
1423 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galina Formula /Images/picture.jpg Hickory Cane Mine, Crittenden CXo., Kentucky acquiired 2001 Cerrusite brown secondary mineral unidentified From the collection of Alan Goldstein 1424 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1425 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments 1426 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Plume Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Carlos, Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'., 1427 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Lepidolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Diego County, California acquired 2003 Lepidolite Rubellite, an unidentified white mineral From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1428 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Laguna Agate Formula /Images/picture.jpg Chihuahua, Mexico acquired 2003 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Carol Bova (or Hans Durstling), from her 'yard sale'. 1429 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Henmilite Ca2Cu(OH)44]2 /Images/picture.jpg Fuka Mine, Bitchu-Cho, Okayama prefecture, Chugoku region, Honshu Island, Japan acquired 2003 (white) Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral(s) This is a Type Locality specimen. From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1430 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Beryllonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Pomarolli Farm, Divino das Laranjeiras, Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1431 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Huréaulite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Joca Mine, Galileia, Minas Gerias, Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1432 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ushkovite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Galileia, Minas Gerais, Brazil acquired 2004 Roscherite Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1433 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Bastnäsite-(Ce) Formula /Images/picture.jpg Tribal Area near Kyber Pass, Border of Pakistan and Afghanistan acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. Location probably Zagi Mountain, Pakistan. 1434 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sérandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Aegerine, one unidentified mineral From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1435 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Sérandite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Aegerine, one unidentified mineral From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1436 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Paratacamite var. Zn-Paratacamite Formula /Images/picture.jpg San Francisco Mine, Sierra Gorde, Chile acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1437 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Latrappite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Oka, Quebec, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Keith Hayes. This is probably from the St. Lawrence Columbium Mine, which would make it a Type Locality Specimen. 1438 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Leucophanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilire, Quebec, Candada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified both secondary minerals unidentified (black one may be rutile) From the collection of Keith Hayes. 1439 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tyrolite var. Tirolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Gratlspitze, Brixlugg, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Tenorite From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. His label indicates this is a Type Locality specimen. 1440 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Chromite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Preg Quarry, Kraubath, Steiermark, Austria acquired 2004 serpentinized dunite Secondary Mineral(s) possible From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. 1441 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wavelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Lost acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Gift from Ed Krzeminski for helping with some specimen identifications. This was probably collected in the 1950s. 1442 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrargyrite Ag3SbS3 1443a Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico acquired 2001 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Caleb Simkoff. Original label read "Pyrargirite". Pyrargyrite is light sensitive and darkens over time on exposure to light; this specimen is usually in a box. 1443 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Proustite Ag3AsS3 1444a Saxon Frieberg, Germany acquired 2001 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Caleb Simkoff. Proustite is light sensitive and darkens over time on exposure to light so this specimen is usually in a box. 1444 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Amber with insect Formula 1445a , 1445b , 1445c , 1445d Columbia-Margarita River acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Scott Visser. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1445 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Tridymite Formula 1446a , 1446b , 1446c Mount San Pietro, Italy acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals probable From the collection of John Betts, #28681. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #D21 (0/6 gee). From the collection of A.E. Foote (1846-1895), #2II. The original label reads "2II, TRIDYMITE, SiO2, Mt. San Piedro, Italy, FOOTE, PHILAD'A". The specimen is also numbered 717 (and that label appears older than the Foote label), and has a "$2.00" pricetag from the same paperstock as the Foote label. The pictures do not do justice to these crystals. 1446 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Perovskite Formula /Images/picture.jpg King City Asbestos Mine, New Idria District, San Benito County, California acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals possible From the collection of John Betts, #28634. 1447 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Cryptomelane Formula /Images/picture.jpg Reaphook Hill, Flinders Range, South Australia, Australia acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #22672. 1448 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Volborthite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Monument Valley, Navajo County, Arizona acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #28631. 1449 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mottramite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Total Wreck Mine, Empire Mountains, Pima County, Arizona acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of John Betts, 28656. 1450 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Haüyne Formula /Images/picture.jpg Albano, near Rome, Italy acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Leucite, other secondary minerals unidentified From the collection of John Betts, #28665. From the collection of A. Lincoln Sherk, MD (1890s-1969), #D363. From the collection of A.E. Foote (1846-1895), #363. The original label reads "363, Hauynite, Sil. of Na, Ca, Al, Albano, Near Rome, Italy, FOOTE, PHILAD'A"; Dr. Sherk's label notes 1927. 1451 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Gold Au /Images/picture.jpg Locality unknown acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Peg Saunier. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1452 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Mohawkite (Cu, As) /Images/picture.jpg Locality unknown acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Secondary Mineral probably dolomite From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1453 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Nickel (refined) Ni /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1454 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Ruby Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality unknown acquired 2004 Zoisite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1455 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1456 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1457 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1458 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1459 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1460 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Palygorskite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Railway Tunnel, Vomp, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. The label notes this is from "the only occurrance in Austria!". 1461 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wulfenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Haiming, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Dolomite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. 1462 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Aragonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Prissian, South Tyrol, Italy acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified at least two Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. This was shipping damage from #1464. 1463 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Acicular
Aragonite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Prissian, South Tyrol, Italy acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified at least two Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. See #1463 for a micromount from shipping damage of this specimen. 1464 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Acicular
Calcite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ortler, South Tyrol, Italy acquired 2004 Matrix probably shale Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. 1465 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Marcasite Formula 1466a , 1466b 1466c 1466d 1466e Kogel-Unterbau, Brixlegg Mine, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. The label notes this location was a "new find" in 2004. 1466 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Kyanite var. Cyanite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Weisseespitzee, Kaunertal, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. 1467 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Quartz Formula /Images/picture.jpg Ried im Inntal, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Calcite Secondary Minerals present; probably Talc, and something dark that might be hematite From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. The location given is per label, but the correct location appears to be Ried im Oberinntal, Lamdeck, Inn Valley, North Tyrol, Austria. 1468 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite var. Muriacite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Bad Aussee, Austria acquired 2004 Halite Secondary Mineral(s) probable From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. 1469 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
pseudotachylyte var. Frictionite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Koefels Landslide, Oetztal, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. His label suggests this may be a Type Locality specimen; "molten rock from the base of a giant landslide, only 2 occurrances worldwide!!" per the label. BTW, a Google search found 19 hits for "frictionite landslide" with several more locations, but it is still pretty rare. 1470 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
pseudotachylyte var. Frictionite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Koefels Landslide, Oetztal, Tyrol, Austria acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) unidentified From the collection of Dr. Volkmar Stingl via a trade. His label suggests this may be a Type Locality specimen; "molten rock from the base of a giant landslide, only 2 occurrances worldwide!!" per the label. BTW, a Google search found 19 hits for "frictionite landslide" with several more locations, but it is still pretty rare. 1471 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dolomite Formula 1472a, 1472b Locality lost acquired 2004 Limestone/Dolomite Siderite From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. IMRMC Monthly Silent Auction item. There are some of the most perfect, clear, dolomite crystals scattered across the face of this specimen that I have ever seen. 1472 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Black Hills, S.D. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1473 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Selenite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Black Hills, S.D. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1474 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Pyrolusite Formula 1475a, 1475b Locality lost, probably MI's U.P. acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1475 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Oco Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Roger King. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1476 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Oco Geode Formula /Images/picture.jpg Brazil acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Roger King. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1477 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Variscite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality lost acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1478 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Variscite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality lost acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1479 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Unikite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality lost acquired 2004 Matrix Feldspar, Epidote, Quartz From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1480 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Dugway Nodule Formula /Images/picture.jpg Dugway, Utah acquired 2004 Matrix Fluorescent Chalcedony From the collection of Ed Krzeminski. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1481 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Apache Tear Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality acquired 2004 Pearlite Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Jerry Ellis. IMRMC Annual Silent Auction item. 1482 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Wavelite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Locality Lost acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Gift from Ed Krzeminski for helping with some specimen identifications. This was probably collected in the 1950s. 1483 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Hematite 'Blueberries' Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). These are minature Moqui Marbles, hematite concretions, like the 'blueberries' the Mars Rovers found on the 'Red Planet'. 1484 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1485 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1486 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Eocene Gastropod Formula /Images/picture.jpg Green River, Wyoming acquired 2004 Matrix of sandstone/siltstone Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Kathy Bryan (aka, KAB). 1487 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Galena Formula /Images/picture.jpg Keno Hill, Yukon acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. Label notes "High in Lead - Zinc, Minor Silver content". 1488 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Green Fluorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Badger Mine (an old silver mine), SW of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Calcite, several other Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk; Label notes the Fluourite fluoresces under LW. 1489 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Datolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, N.J. probably collected 1979, acquired 2004 Quartz Prehnite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1490 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Datolite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, N.J. collected 9 Nov.'79, acquired 2004 Matrix Prehnite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1491 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Diabantite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Heulandite, Quartz, Laumontite (which may be Anhydrite) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1492 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Stevensite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Paterson, New Jersey collected "32-79", acquired 2004 Matrix unidentified Datolite From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. 1493 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Labradorite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Nairn Island, Labrador, Newfoundland acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of Jack Luschyk. This may be a type locality specimen even though the mineral is not recognized. Label may read 'Naivn' instead of 'Nairn' for the location. 1494 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Franklinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk (19 cents per marking on box). This may be a type locality specimen. 1495 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Franklinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk (19 cents per marking on box). This may be a type locality specimen. 1496 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Franklinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk (19 cents per marking on box). This may be a type locality specimen. 1497 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Franklinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk (19 cents per marking on box). This may be a type locality specimen. 1498 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Franklinite Formula /Images/picture.jpg Franklin, N.J. probably collected 1980, acquired 2004 Matrix Secondary Minerals unidentified From the collection of Gerry Koshman. From the collection of J. Luschyk (19 cents per marking on box). This may be a type locality specimen. 1499 Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)
Principal Mineral(s) Formula Locality When Collected Matrix Secondary Mineral(s) Comments Reference Hardness Streak Specific Gravity Crystal Form(s)

Someday I hope to have my entire collection posted here. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have posted so far. Come back again as I plan to update my catalog pages monthly.

Page A: Magnificent Obsessions Collection
Page B: Magnificent Obsessions Collection

Index by Mineral Name

Index by Mineral Type

Native Elements
Sulfides, Arsenides, Tellurides
Nitrates and Borates
Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates, Chromates, and Uranates
Tungstates, Wolframates, and Molybdates
Silica Group (open network)
Tectosilicates (framework structures)
Phyllosilicates (sheet structures from sharing three oxygen)
Inosilicates (chain silicates)
Cyclosilicates (a ring structure)
Sorosilicates (two tetrahedra share one oxygen)
Nesosilicates (no direct sharing between tetrahedra)
Complex Silicates (share two or more of the other forms)
Organic and Odd/Exception Minerals

Numerical Index; 0000-0249
Numerical Index; 0250-0449
Numerical Index; 0500-0749
Numerical Index; 0750-0999
Numerical Index; 1000-1249
Numerical Index; 1250-1499
Numerical Index; 1500-1749
Numerical Index; 1750-1999
Numerical Index; 2000-2249
Numerical Index; 2250-2499
Numerical Index; 2500-2749
Numerical Index; 2750-2999
Numerical Index; 3000-3249
Numerical Index; 3250-3499
Numerical Index; 3500-3749
Numerical Index; 3750-3999
Numerical Index; 4000-4249
Numerical Index; 4250-4499
Numerical Index; 4500-4749
Numerical Index; 5000-5249
Numerical Index; 5250-5499
Numerical Index; 6250-6499
Numerical Index; 8750-8999
Numerical Index; 9750-9999
Numerical Index; 12250-12499
Numerical Index; 12500-12749
Numerical Index; 13000-13249
Numerical Index; 80750-80999

Current date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 06:33:29 EST and the Greenwich date and time is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 11:33:29 GMT. You are viewing this page from and are visitor number14978. This page was first published on 1 September 1998 and was last updated on Friday, 02-Sep-2022 18:42:16 EDT.

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